
The following policies, statements and agreements create the framework in which the University operates. Policies set out expectations and guidelines for behaviour and action in specific areas. For additional information about any policy, or to request an accessible format of these documents please contact us at governing.council@utoronto.ca or call 416-978-6576.

University of Toronto Act, 1971

The University of Toronto is governed by the University of Toronto Act, 1971. The Act defines the composition of the Governing Council and its Executive Committee, and describes the powers of the Council. The Act also vests Governing Council certain powers and duties from the University of Toronto Act, 1947.

By-Law Number 2

By-Law Number 2 was created by the Governing Council and describes the duties of the Officers of the Governing Council, the structure of the Council and the procedures under which the Governing Council conducts its business, in accordance with the Act.

Statement of Institutional Purpose

The Statement of Institutional Purpose provides the over-arching policy framework within which the University operates. It includes the University’s mission, purpose, and objectives in the areas of research and teaching, undergraduate and graduate education, and life-long learning.

Governance Principles

The Report of the Task Force on Governance, approved by the Governing Council on October 28, 2010, included three fundamental recommendations that form the basis for the Governing Council's governance practices and for examining how continuous improvements can be made. They are the Principles of Good Governance, the Mandate of Governance, and Expectations and Attributes of Governors and Key Principles of Ethical Conduct.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Academic Administrators, Policy on Appointment of [October 30, 2003] - [View PDF Version]

Academic Appeals within Divisions, Policy on [December 12, 2005] - [View PDF Version]

Academic Appointments, Policy and Procedures on [January 1, 2021] - [View PDF Version]

Academic Continuity, University of Toronto Policy on [January 26, 2012] - [View PDF Version]

Academic Offices, Policy on Assignment and Usage of [February 14, 2002] - [View PDF Version]

Academic Programs and Units, Policy for Approval and Review of [June 24, 2010] - [View PDF Version]

Academic Records, Guidelines Concerning Access to Official Student Academic Records [March 1, 2022] - [View PDF Version]

Academic Records, Statement Concerning Changes of Student Personal Information in Official [May 23, 2024] - [View PDF Version]

Academic Restructuring, Policy and Procedures for Faculty and Librarians on [February 26, 2015] - [View PDF Version]

Academic Sanctions for Students who have Outstanding University Obligations, Policy on [January 7, 1993] - [View PDF Version]

Access to Information and Protection of Privacy at the University of Toronto, Statement Regarding [November 2, 2006] - [View PDF Version]

Admission to the U of T, Policies and Principles for [June 27, 1991] - [View PDF Version]

Admissions – Definition of Ontario Resident [May 17, 1979] - [View PDF Version]

Alcohol Policy [June 26, 2003] - [View PDF Version]

Appointment of Non-Governing Council Members (Co-opted Members) of Boards and Committees [May 31, 2004] - [View PDF Version]

Appointments and Remuneration, Policy on [May 30, 2007] - [View PDF Version]

Art Centre Board, University of Toronto, Terms of Reference [June 21, 2007] - [View PDF Version]

Art Collection Policy, University of Toronto [February 8, 2010] - [View PDF Version]

Asbestos Management Policy [June 23, 2011] - [View PDF Version]

Assets, Policy on the Disposal of Fixed, And Allocations of Proceeds of Disposition (including Regulations) [June 25, 1991] - [View PDF Version]

Assets, Policy on the Use of Fixed, Away from University Premises (including Regulations) [June 25, 1991] - [View PDF Version]

Association, Admission and Registration [June 7, 1979] - [View PDF Version]

Athletic Facilities, Policy for Safety in [December 21, 1989] - [View PDF Version]

Auditing of Courses, Policy on [October 20, 1994] - [View PDF Version]


Capital Planning and Capital Projects Policy [Oct 28, 2021] - [View PDF Version]

Capital Renewal Fund Policy [February 1, 1996] - [View PDF Version]

Career Centre Policy [March 24, 1987] - [View PDF Version]

Ceremonials, Policy on Non-Degree [April 21, 1983] - [View PDF Version]

Certificates (For Credit and Not-For-Credit), Policy on [February 25, 2016] - [View PDF Version]

Child Care Programs, Policy on [June 26, 2003] - [View PDF Version]

Clinical Faculty, Policy for [December 16, 2004] - [View PDF Version]

Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters [July 1, 2019] - [View PDF Version]

Code of Student Conduct [December 13, 2019] - [View PDF Version]

Collections Policy [April 10, 2008] - [View PDF Version]

Confidentials, Policies for [September 27, 2023] - [View PDF Version]

Conflict of Interest - Academic Staff, Policy on [June 22, 1994] - [View PDF Version]

Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment, Statement on [February 1, 2007] - [View PDF Version]

Conflict of Interest, Policy on - Librarians [March. 9, 1995] - [View PDF Version]

Conflicts of Interest – Administrative Staff, Policy on [June 20, 2023] - [View PDF Version]

Continuing Education, Statement of Policy on [November 15, 1988] - [View PDF Version]

Continuing Studies, School of, Statement of Institutional Objectives for the [November 15, 1998] - [View PDF Version]

Contracts and Documents, Policy on Approval and Execution of [April 24, 2004] - [View PDF Version]

Convocation, Policy on Presiding Officers for [May 23, 2013] - [View PDF Version]

Copyright Policy [February 15, 2018] - [View PDF Version]

Correspondence with Students, Policy on Official [September 1, 2006] - [View PDF Version]

Counselling and Learning Skills Service Policy [December 9, 1987] - [View PDF Version]

Crisis and Routine Emergency Preparedness and Response, Policy on [June 27, 2018] - [View PDF Version]