University of Toronto Governing Council
Statement of Institutional Objectives for the School of Continuing Studies
November 15, 1998
To request an official copy of this policy, contact:
The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall 27 King’s College Circle University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1
Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182
Statement of Institutional Objectives for the School of Continuing Studies
- The School of Continuing Studies should, in addition to offering continuing studies courses and programs, serve as a facilitator and coordinator, and develop and maintain services and programs on behalf of other academic divisions of the University when appropriate and desirable.
- The School of Continuing Studies should undertake to refer to the appropriate academic division(s) for approval of their academic content any programs which clearly have a specific disciplinary relationship to a University division and should undertake to assure for all its programs academic content of University level and quality.
- The School of Continuing Studies should undertake to consult with the appropriate academic division(s) in regard to instructional appointments for those programs which clearly have a specific disciplinary relationship to University departments or divisions. The School should also undertake to develop appropriate guidelines for recruitment and appointment of instructional staff, in consultation with the Office of the Vice-President and Provost and appropriate academic divisions.
- The School of Continuing Studies should undertake to assist any academic division with continuing education programming where financially feasible, and should continue to advise divisions generally of the kinds of services it can provide, together with advice that its fees for services will be established on the basis of the requirements of the individual project.
- The School should consider how it may encourage divisional participation in courses and programs provided through the School by means of consultations on costs and revenues-sharing arrangements, and should endeavour to provide services to the divisions which are efficient, effective, and attractive.
- The School of Continuing Studies should undertake to develop and maintain consultative relationships with other academic divisions regarding services and opportunities that the School can provide for continuing education courses and programs.
- The School of Continuing Education should function as a central source of program information on continuing education activity within the University.
- The School of Continuing Education should coordinate a meeting of divisional continuing education coordinators together with program coordinators from the School at least annually, for consultation on shared responsibilities and problems and on the other mutual concerns.
- The School of Continuing Studies should take advantage of the particular opportunity presented by its central position to play a major role in the planning, development and coordination of interdivisional and multi-disciplinary programs and courses.
- The School of Continuing Studies should consider applying the concept of tuition averaging within multi-course program areas.
October 1988