Ad Hoc Committee for Capital Projects


Pursuant to Sections 3(e) and 3(f)(i) of the Policy on Capital Planning and Capital Projects:  

"In the case of a Cardinal Deviation, a meeting will be held of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the applicable governance bodies (Committees, Campus Councils, Boards) that recommended the Capital Project for approval. This ad hoc body has authority to determine whether a revised Project Planning Report (PPR) should be brought back through the full governance path for approval or to approve the change in scope. The decision of this ad hoc body will be reported for information to the next meeting of the Executive Committee of the Governing Council."

“For cumulative budget increases over 10% of the original Total Project Cost or over $30 million, to a maximum of $50 million, a meeting will be held of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the applicable governance bodies (Committees, Campus Councils, Boards) that recommended the Capital Project for approval.  This ad hoc body has authority to determine whether the revised Total Project Cost should be brought back through the full governance path for approval or to approve the project budget increase.  The decision of this ad hoc body will be reported for information to the next meeting of the Executive Committee of the Governing Council.”

Should the ad hoc body determine that the revised Total Project Cost should be brought back through the full governance path, Section 3(f)(ii) of the Policy states that for Level 3 Capital Projects, “...[s]should the cumulative budget increases exceed 10% of the original Total Project Cost the Capital Project will require a revised Level 3 Capital Project Approval."

Secretary to the Ad Hoc Committee For Capital Projects:



Meeting Agenda Packages for the Current Academic Year