Divisional Submissions, Guidelines for [February 10, 2005]

University of Toronto Governing Council

Committee on Academic Policy and Programs

October 10, 2002
Revised February 10, 2005, effective September 1, 2005

Guidelines for Divisional Submissions

The Committee on Academic Policy and Programs approves or recommends to the Academic Board of the Governing Council for consideration the following:

  • amendments to divisional academic policies or practices, or amendments to University-wide policy in academic matters;
  • the academic content and requirements of all new degree programs;
  • all major changes within existing academic programs or in academic regulations;
  • diploma and post-secondary certificate programs;
  • the establishment, amendment or rescission of University-wide policy with respect to grading practices and examinations;
  • policy on academic services (such as the Library, information and computing services);
  • policy on research;
  • policy on earned degrees, diplomas and certificates;
  • policy on admissions and awards;
  • joint programs with external institutions.

In order to carry out its mandate, the Committee receives for its approval proposals from the academic divisions of the University which have been approved by the relevant divisional councils. Proposals may be received for information, approved by the Committee, or recommended to the Academic Board for approval, depending on the nature of the proposal. If the Committee does not wish to approve or recommend for approval, it may reject a proposal or refer it back to the originating body. The determination as to the level of approval required is made by the Chair on the advice of the agenda planning group, based on documentation provided by the division.

I. Academic Program Proposals

  1. Major academic program proposals require consideration by the Academic Board, and include but are not limited to those which:
  • establish a new degree program, or change an existing degree, diploma or post­ secondary ce11ificate programs with resulting resource implications; or
  • establish a significant new academic directions for a Faculty; or
  • are anticipated to have significant impact on relationships amongst divisions or with the public.
  1. Minor academic program proposals which may be considered by the Committee include but are not limited to the following:
  • changes to the curriculum within an established degree program that can be accomplished with existing resources and are not major as defined above. Examples include:
    • specialist, major and minor programs in arts and science
    • changes in professional degree requirements
    • the addition or deletion of a program stream within an established degree program;
  • establishment of diploma and post-secondary certificate programs
  1. Other minor academic program changes are delegated to the appropriate divisional councils. Such changes might include:
  • minor calendar changes, such as the addition or deletion of a course, approved by the divisional council, without significant implications for the nature of the program or the needs of students; changes in the semester in which a course is offered; minor adjustments in the course hours, without significant implications for the objectives of the program; changes in titles and in course descriptions that reflect normal updating; purely stylistic changes in calendar material; etc.]
  • collaborative graduate programs and direct-entry PhD programs, which require approval by the Council of the School of Graduate Studies and are forwarded to the Committee for information


1 Here "programs" includes the curriculum within a particular degree. Examples are: specialist, major and minor programs in Arts and Science, and changes in curriculum within a professional degree, such as revisions to degree requirements

II. Other Proposals

  1. Divisional Grading Practices

Requests for major changes in divisional grading practices will be considered by the Committee. Minor changes may be approved by divisional councils as long as they are in accord with University policy. They will then be reported to the Vice-President and Provost for information. (In order to ensure that changes under the University Grading Practices Policy can be accommodated, the divisions should consult, in advance to presenting their recommendations, with the Office of the Vice-President and Provost and with the University Registrar.)

  1. Graduate Programs

Changes related to graduate programs and regulations (including all degree offerings in the Faculties of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, Forestry, Information Studies, Management and Social Work) are normally reported through the School of Graduate Studies.

  1. Admissions

Divisions should ensure that in bringing forward changes to admission policies or practices that consideration be given to the impact on other divisions.

III. Procedures

Administrative procedures for the application and process of the internal assessment of proposed new academic programs and units are set by the Office of the Provost, within the document Guidelines for Assessment of Divisional Submissions

For further information, please consult the Terms of Reference of the Committee on Academic Policy and Programs at https://governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/system/files/2021-06/APP_TOR%202021.pdf

October 10, 2002

Revised February 10, 2005, effective September 1, 2005
20069 v6