University of Toronto
Governing Council
Definition of Ontario Resident
May 17, 1979
To request an official copy of this policy, contact:
The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King’s College Circle University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1
Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182
Definition of Ontario Resident
At the May 17, 1979 meeting of the Governing Council the following motion was approved: That for purposes of admissions to the University of Toronto, an Ontario Resident be defined as follows:
The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who has resided in the Province of Ontario for a period of twelve consecutive months immediately prior to September 1 in the year in which the programme begins, or* to the last date (to be specified) of application. A Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who wishes to submit a request for consideration for exemption from this definition should present the reason for the request in writing to the Faculty.
* The choice would be at the discretion of the division involved, which would then state one or the other in its literature.
(Academic Affairs Committee, April 26, 1979)