Name, Policy on the Use of the University of Toronto [October 17, 1991]

University of Toronto Governing Council

Policy on the Use of the University of Toronto Name

October 17, 1991

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:
The Office of the Governing Council

Room 106, Simcoe Hall 27 King’s College Circle University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182

Policy on the Use of the University of Toronto Name                                                                    

October 17, 1991

  1. THAT the principle that use of the name of the University of Toronto be restricted to organizations in good standing within the University be endorsed.
  2. THAT it is recognized that the University may take legal recourse against the abuse or unauthorized use of its name.
  3. THAT responsibility for monitoring the use of the name and initiating any legal action will continue to reside with the administration.
  4. All bank accounts opened in the name of a group or body that includes the University's name must be authorized by the Assistant Vice-President, Finance.
  5. The administration may implement a licensing procedure for the use of the University of Toronto name and registered marks provided that recognized student groups and on-campus organizations will not be subject to the royalties.

Section 4 approved by the University Affairs Board, February 13th, 1990
Section 5 approved by the Governing Council, October 17th, 1991