2025 Call for Applications - Community/Alumni Members of the University of Toronto Mississauga Campus Council


UTM is looking for well-qualified individuals who would be interested in applying to serve as appointed community and alumni members on the University of Toronto Mississauga Campus Council (CC). Alumni and other individuals from the broader community with a close relationship with the UTM are invited to apply. Successful applicants will serve three-year terms starting July 1, 2025 and may be eligible for re-appointment.  Please note that the expectation for attendance is in-person; remote participation is provided on an ad-hoc basis. Please also note that members of the UTM Campus Council and its Committees serve as volunteers, as do all members of University governance.

Positions Available for Community/Alumni Members 

  • UTM Campus Council – 3 Community/Alumni Members (individuals who are not members of the Governing Council)


There are additional community/alumni positions available on the Standing Committees of the UTM Campus Council. Individuals who are appointed to the UTM Campus Council will likely be appointed to serve on one of the Standing Committees of Council in addition to their Council membership.  Community/Alumni members applying to serve on Council will also be surveyed about these opportunities in the application form.

Background Information 

On behalf of the Governing Council, the UTM Campus Council and its Committees exercise governance oversight of campus-specific matters, as well as any matters assigned to it by the Governing Council from time-to-time. In general, the Campus Council is concerned with matters affecting UTM’s objectives and priorities, the development of long-term and short-term plans and the effective use of resources in the course of these pursuits. 

How does the UTM Campus Council fit within the Governing Council of the University of Toronto?

An organization chart of the Governing Council and its bodies is available from the following website: Governing Council Org Chart 

What are members’ responsibilities?

Prospective applicants are encouraged to read the Terms of Reference for the UTM Campus Council and its Standing Committees to gain an understanding of the scope, responsibilities, and composition of the governance bodies.  In addition, a review of past meeting agendas and reports may also clarify the role of the Council.

The Terms of Reference and an overview video are available below:

UTM CC TErms of Reference 

Applicants are encouraged to also review past agendas and reports on the UTM Campus Council website:



The UTM Campus Council and its Standing Committees meet approximately five times between October and May. Members are expected to attend all or almost all meetings of the body on which they will serve.  The expectation is to attend meetings in person, but remote access is offered on an ad-hoc basis.  Meetings are approximately 1.5 to 2 hours in length are normally in the late afternoon (3:10 p.m. for Committees and 4:10 for Campus Council).

Additional Requirement:

Some members of Council will also be asked to serve on one other Standing Committee of the Campus Council (Campus Affairs Committee, Academic Affairs Committee or Agenda Committee), which would require attending an additional five meetings per academic year. 


The UTM Agenda Committee will serve as a Nominating Committee for Community/Alumni members of the Council and its Standing Committees. The Nominating Committee will meet in April and May to review and develop nominations for appointments to the Council and its Standing Committees. The Committee’s recommendations for appointments will then be forwarded to the UTM CC for approval.   

As part of the selection process, the Nominating Committee will consider the knowledge, skills, and experience of each applicant.  Efforts are made to achieve an appropriate balance of continuity and renewal on the Campus Council and its Standing Committees.  Diverse representation from UTM’s community, as well as from key stakeholders, so that the governance bodies may benefit from the varied views of Community/Alumni Members is highly encouraged.  The Nominating Committee will be guided by Section 1.1 of the Election Guidelines.  Applications are encouraged from a wide variety of individuals so that the diversity of the University may be reflected in the membership of governance bodies. We strongly encourage nominations from Indigenous Peoples, Black and racialized persons, women, persons with disabilities, and people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. We value candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion and recognize that diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise are essential to strengthening our academic mission. We are committed to fostering a community of belonging and creating inclusive conditions in which everyone can thrive.

What are the candidate criteria?

  • Demonstrated involvement in and contribution to the University community and to UTM in particular.
  • Experience in governance of organizations and groups, especially in not-for-profit or public-sector organizations.
  • Demonstrated commitment to participate actively, to prepare thoroughly, and to attend most scheduled meetings.
  • Demonstrated ability to exercise informed judgment.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate logically and persuasively at meetings.

Online Application Form 

The 2025 online application form for Community/Alumni Members is available on the website listed below.

Completed application forms had to be submitted online by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2025.

Campus Resource 

If you have any questions about serving on the UTM Campus Council and its Standing Committees, please feel free contact Cindy Ferencz Hammond, Assistant Secretary of the Governing Council at cindy.ferencz@utoronto.ca.