Report: College of Electors - May 17, 2021

Via Virtual Meeting

Minutes of the College of Electors virtual meeting held on Monday, May 17, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. 

Corwin Cambray, (UTAA) (Chair), Jennifer Dolman (University College) (Vice-Chair), Jehane Adam (New College), Neville Austin (Faculty of Music), Judy Beamish (Medicine), Leslie A. Boehm (DLSPH), Manny Bettencourt (UTM), Arun Channan (Engineering), Daniel J. Correia (KPE), Vidia Dhanraj (New College), Ernesto Diaz Lozano Patiño (FASE), Demetra Dimokopoulos (UTM), Cynthia Elson (Victoria College), Imre Gams (UTM), Chris Girard (University College), Shauna Gundy (Trinity College), Doris Kalamut (Pharmacy), Sean Kiefte (Woodsworth), Eve Leung (Information), John Paul (JP) Lotesto (UTM), Victoria McNally (St. Michael's), Dr. Sofya Malik (OISE), Judy Newman (Social Work), David Plant (Trinity College), Dr. Sheila Ritcey (PT/OT), Larissa Rodo (Engineering), Dr. Cindy Sinclair (OISE), Dorinda So (UTSC), Matthew Stodolak (OISE), Mark Surchin (Law), Harlan E. Tufford (Woodsworth College), Dr. Gina Valle (OISE), Emily VanBerkum (St. Michael's)

Dr. Leonard Grbac (Medicine), Paul Haynes (Victoria College), Julia Prato (UTSC), Lesley Pollard (Dentistry), Dr. Joy Richards (Nursing), Sitharsana Srithas (UTSC), Michael Stargiannis (Engineering), Lisa Taillefer (Victoria College), Stephen Tardif (St. Michael’s College), Theresa Wright (Innis College)

Patrick McNeill, Secretary, College of Electors

  1. Chair’s Remarks

    The Chair welcomed members to the final meeting of the 2020-2021 governance year. 

    The Committee moved In Camera.
  2. Report of the 2020-2021 Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee (NC-EC) of the College of Electors

    The Chair informed the College of the process by which the Executive Committee was elected each year. He said that the 2020-2021 Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee (NC-EC) was composed of three members: Neville Austin (Faculty of Music), Vickie McNally (St. Michael's) and Emily VanBerkum (St. Michael's College).

    Ms McNally then presented the Committee’s report.
    1. Vice-Chair

      On motion duly moved, seconded and carried

      It Was Resolved

      THAT Jennifer Dolman (University College) be appointed Vice-Chair of the College of Electors for 2021-2022.
    2.  Executive Committee

      On motion duly moved, seconded and carried

      It Was Resolved

      THAT Demetra Dimokopoulos (UTM), Dr. Cindy Sinclair (OISE) and Mark Surchin (Law) be appointed to the Executive Committee of the College of Electors for 2021-22.

      The Chair congratulated the members of the 2021-2022 Executive Committee and thanked the 2020-2021 NC-EC for their work.
  3. Selection of the 2021-2022 Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee (NC-EC)

    The Chair reminded members of the role of the NC-EC.  Dr. Judy Beamish (Medicine), Daniel Correia (KPE) and Judy Newman (Social Work) volunteered to sit on the 2021-2022 NC-EC. 

    The Chair thanked them for their willingness to serve in that capacity.

    The Committee Returned to Open Session
  4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting – February 22, 2021

    On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried

    It Was Resolved

    THAT the minutes of the meeting of February 22, 2021 be approved.
  5. Business Arising from the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

    There was no business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting
  6. Date of Next Meeting 

    The Chair drew members’ attention to the 2021-2022 Key Dates document that had been included with the meeting material.

    The Chair reminded members that the next meeting would be held on Monday, October 4, 2021 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
  7. Other Business

    The Chair thanked members of the 2020-2021 Executive Committee – Vice-Chair Jennifer Dolman (University College), Demetra Dimokopoulos (UTM), Sean Kiefte (Woodsworth College) and Dorinda So (UTSC) – for having supported him as Chair of the College. They had given generously of their time and assistance. 

    The Chair also thanked all members of the College for their dedication, and he acknowledged the other members who would end their service on the College this year.

    The Chair presented a virtual certificate of appreciation to the following out-going members:

    Neville Austin (Music) 
    Leonard Grbac (Medicine)
    Paul Haynes (Victoria) 
    Doris Kalamut (Pharmacy) 
    Sean Kiefte (Woodsworth)
    Victoria McNally (St. Michael's) 
    Lesley Pollard (Dentistry) 
    Dorinda So (UTSC)                                             
    Mike Starogiannis (Engineering) 
    Emily VanBerkum (St. Michael's) 

    Members of the College expressed their appreciation to the Chair and Secretary.


The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

May 21, 2021