Report: UTSC Campus Council - September 25, 2019

UTSC Council Chamber, Arts and Administration Building, Room AA160


To the Governing Council,
University of Toronto

Your Campus Council reports that it met on September 25, 2019 at 4:10 p.m. in the University of
Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) Council Chambers (AA160), with the following members present:

Preet Banerjee (Chair), Wisdom Tettey (Vice-President and Principal), Shadi Dalili, Tarun Dewan, Arda Erturk, Liben Gebremikael, Jason Glover, Elaine Khoo, Gillian Mason, Mari Motrich, Sonja Nikkila, Tayyab Rashid, Silma Roddau*, Annie Sahagian, Dorinda So, Lynn Tucker

Maydianne Andrade (Acting Vice-Principal Academic and Dean), Fareed Amin, George Fadel, Paul Kingston (Vice-Chair), Brenda Librecz

Non-Voting Assessors: Andrew Arifuzzaman (Chief Administrative Officer)

Secretariat: Sheree Drummond, Anwar Kazimi, Emma Thacker (Secretary), Rena Prashad

In Attendance: Jennifer Curry - Director Office of the Vice-President & Principal, Chemi Lhamo - President Scarborough Campus Students’ Union (SCSU), Sarah Mohamed - Vice-President Campus Life SCSU, Tebat Kadhem - Vice-President Equity SCSU, Nadia Rosemond - Senior Manager Student Life and International Experience, Carly Sahagian - Vice-President Academics and University Affairs SCSU, Joshua Mitchell - Director, Real Estate, Desmond Pouyat - Dean of Student Affairs

*Telephone Participants


1. Chair’s Remarks
The Chair welcomed new and returning members and guests to the first Council meeting of the 2019-20 governance year. He introduced himself and offered a special welcome to the Sheree Drummond, Secretary of Governing Council and Anwar Kazimi, Deputy Secretary of Governing Council. He then invited members to introduce themselves.

2. Orientation of Members
The Secretary of Governing Council, Chair and Secretary of the UTSC Campus Council, provided an Orientation presentation to the Council. The presentation included the following topics:

  • The distinction and role of university administration and governance;
  • An overview of the Governing Council and its Boards and Committees including the UTSC Campus Council and its Committees;
  • Council area of responsibilities;
  • Expectations of Council members;
  • The role of Assessors;
  • Types of decisions made by the Committee; and
  • Role of the Secretariat and cover sheets.

3. Report of the Vice-President and Principal
The Chair invited Professor Tettey to deliver his report.

  1. Student Presentation- Scarborough Campus Students’ Union (SCSU)

Professor Wisdom Tettey, Vice-President & Principal, UTSC, introduced and invited members of the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union (SCSU) executive team to present an overview of their plans, priorities, and goals for the 2019-20 academic year. The Team shared the core initiatives of democratic engagement, mental health, environmental justice, accessibility and global citizenship. In addition, the SCSU had several academic plans related to course-retake policy, self-declared sick notes, and advocating for lower registrar related fees. The SCSU team highlighted the successful Student Orientation week and the student-run food centre to Council members.

A member asked about how the food bank was supported. The SCSU President, Chemi Lhamo responded that there were partnerships, for example with the Toronto Daily Food Bank.

A member asked how the Student Choice Initiative (SCI) affected the SCSU services. Ms Lhamo responded that the services would continue as vital resources for students, however some paid student positions would be dropped or combined with other roles.

In response to a question regarding community engagement and involvement with the SCSU, Ms Lhamo responded that there was a desire to pursue more community partnerships in the current academic year.

  1. Principal’s Report

Professor Tettey thanked and acknowledged the student leaders for their work. Turning to his report, Professor Tettey reported that, this summer, the campus celebrated the 15th anniversary of the successful Green Path Program, which is a partnership with over 40 high schools in China. He reported that commencement of the new academic year had been incident free and positive across the campus, with a record number of international students on campus. He noted that 78 countries were represented, reflecting that the world comes together at UTSC. Professor Tettey shared that the University of Toronto made strides with global rankings (Times Higher Education, World University Rankings, 2020), moving to 18th place from 21st place last year. He added that the University of Toronto remains the highest ranked public Canadian university. Professor Tettey reported on the opening of the UTSC Valley Land Trail, which connects the campus to the Highland Creek Valley. He encouraged members to take a walk on the trail and extended his thanks to his predecessor, Principal Bruce Kidd, for his vision. Professor Tettey shared that Bernie Kraatz, Vice-Principal Research, had been recognized for his research and named a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He congratulated Professor Kraatz on the achievement. Professor Tettey reported several updates regarding the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Office (EDIO), including mention of new hires to build capacity within the office. Karima Hashmani, Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, had accepted a new role to serve as the University’s first Executive Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Office of Human Resources & Equity. In addition, he introduced Kelly Crawford who had joined the EDIO as the Assistant Director, Indigenous Initiatives. Professor Tettey also advised that to reflect the diversity of indigenous communities, UTSC had plans to establish a circle of elders. Lastly, Professor Tettey remarked that the UTSC Strategic Plan was in draft form, following broad consultative development last academic year. Opportunities for feedback were forthcoming and there would be consultation with tri-campus partners. The Strategic Plan would be brought forward to Campus Council later in the academic year for consideration.

Professor Tettey invited Desmond Pouyat, Dean, Student Affairs, to share preliminary information related to the results of the SCI. Overall, Mr. Pouyat was pleased to see that the opt out range (11 – 36%) was positive, indicating that many students saw value in the fees and services.

A member asked if a student who has opted out would have access to services. Mr. Pouyat responded that the University would continue to provide services for all students.

A member asked about the most opted out service. Mr. Pouyat responded he was not aware, however the Family Care Office had the lowest number of opt-outs. Another member remarked that it would be helpful to look at the results of the SCI, in relation to mental health resources, in particular loneliness and isolation.

4. UTSC Current Year Campus Operating Budget, Presentation by the Chief Administrative Officer, Andrew Arifuzzaman
The Chair invited Andrew Arifuzzaman, Chief Administrative Officer, to present the UTSC Current Year Campus Operating Budget to the Committee. Mr. Arifuzzaman’s presentation included the following key points:

  • For 2019-20, the institutional balanced budget was $2.77B. Revenues were generated primarily by student fees and the largest expenses were costs related to compensation;
  • Since 2006-07, the changes in the sources of revenue were related to a smaller portion of provincial government support and increases in international tuition. Domestic tuition revenues remained relatively consistent up to the 2019-20 academic year owing to the Provincial government’s 10 percent reduction in tuition for Ontario students attending college or university;
  • At UTSC, the budget process began in the spring/summer with Planning and Priorities, which established specific operational and strategic priorities for the upcoming year. The developed plans and priorities would then be submitted to the Office of the Vice-President and Provost for the Academic Budget Review (ABR) in the Fall. The University Budget was approved and finalized in the Spring. UTSC’s priorities for the 2019-20 ABR included support for: Strategic Planning exercise, senior and equity hires, Indigeneity initiatives, renewable scholarships, centres of distinction (e.g., EaRTH District and GTA Rise), research, and capital plans;
  • There were key space pressures at UTSC such as the need for upgraded labs, office space, parking and classrooms. Several capital projects were included in the plans, such as the Indigenous House and Instructional Centre 2.
  • The campus had developed financial risk mitigating mechanisms, which included strategic enrolment management system, deferral of expenses, targeted support for startup and faculty hires, expanded revenue sources, partnerships, and managing existing aging facilities and infrastructure.

A member asked if the new building plans included space for experiential learning. Mr. Arifuzzaman confirmed that yes, experiential learning and other types of learning needs and spaces were being incorporated in the design of new academic infrastructure.

A member asked if the UTSC administration was included in the consideration of the UTSC budget development and approvals. Mr. Arifuzzaman confirmed that yes, the process was consultative and included administrative UTSC staff members.

5. Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 36 - May 28, 2019
The report of the previous meeting was approved.

6. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.

7. Reports for Information
Members received the following reports for information.

  1. Report Number 37 of the UTSC Agenda Committee (September 16, 2019)
  2. Report Number 39 of the UTSC Academic Affairs Committee (September 12, 2019)
  3. Report Number 34 of the UTSC Campus Affairs Committee (September 11, 2019)

8. Date of the Next Meeting - Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 4:10 p.m.
The Chair advised members that the Council would meet again on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 4:10 p.m.

9. Question Period
A member asked members of the senior administration about the student and faculty petition to close the University for the Global Climate Strike (Friday, September 27, 2019). Professor Tettey responded that President Meric Gertler was supportive of the day, and had been clear about the support and flexibility to be offered to students.

10. Other Business
No other business was raised.

The Council moved In Camera.

11. Appointments: UTSC Campus Council Nominating Committee

On motion duly made, seconded, and carried,


THAT Sonja Nikkila (teaching staff member of the UTSC Campus Council) and Arda Erturk (student member of the UTSC Campus Council) be appointed to serve on the UTSC Agenda Committee when the Committee serves as a nominating committee of the UTSC Campus Council for the 2019-20 governance year.

12. Capital Project: New Student Residence at the University of Toronto Scarborough - Further Revised Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding

On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,


THAT the Campus Council approved a motion to recommend that the Chief
Administrative Officer’s recommendation regarding the New Student Residence
at the University of Toronto Scarborough - Further Revised Total Project Cost
and Sources of Funding, as outlined in the documentation dated September 25,
2019, be approved in principle.

The Committee returned to Open Session.

The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.