Candidate Statements for the 2024 Elections - Governing Council



All Full-Time Undergraduate Students registered in the Faculty of Arts and Science on the St. George campus, at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM), or at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). Both members elected in Constituency I may not be registered in the same college on the St. George campus or both registered at UTM or both registered at UTSC. In the event that a member elected while registered in one college or campus later registers in the college in which the other elected member is registered, the transferring member shall resign from the Governing Council.


Balikci, Kayra

I am running for this position because of my desire for change and accountability. With my experience at Student Senate of Turkey and Idea Association I have amplified my peer advocacy skills on a national level. I am planning to use my background in student leadership and community engagement in order to amplify the voices of all students of U of T. If elected, my primary focuses would be amplifying the messages of Free Palestine, international student grievances, no barriers for disabled and LGBT students. If elected, I will keep you up to date with council business through social media.

Bhalerao, Prarabdha

I'm Prarabdha but call me Riu, and I'm not here with flashy promises. I'm here because I believe in the power of shared experiences at UofT. From late-night study sessions to those 'aha' moments in class, these are the real stories that make us who we are.

As a candidate for the governing council, I won't just be a voice; I'll be YOUR advocate. Let's create a university where every story matters, where diversity isn't just a buzzword, but a living, breathing reality. I promise, your vote won't just be a mark; it will be a catalyst for positive change!

Chakkour, John

As a math major and CS minor, I am committed to championing the interests of STEM students who often find themselves underrepresented in councils such as these. Drawing from my experience as a president of a student club, as well as my position on similar decision-making bodies in high school, I have honed my leadership skills and a deep understanding of the issues facing STEM students. I pledge to bring their perspectives to the forefront on the Governing Council, advocating for more resources and opportunities (such as more funding for research projects, and more research and job opportunities).

Dravid, Liam

As undergraduate student governor my commitment is to ensure that YOUR DIVERSE VOICES are heard and represented in decision-making. Our collective success requires that undergraduate needs and perspectives are addressed. Leadership and teamwork are core skills that I bring. I have served as Squadron Commander in the Royal Canadian Cadet Program and led various community activities. On campus I lead department initiatives and serve on student associations. Most recently as a UofT Deans Circle Program leader I explored solutions that enrich student experience and campus life. My goal is to ensure that OUR STUDENT EXPERIENCE mirrors our global top-tier reputation.

El-Rayes, Mariam

My name is Mariam El-Rayes and I am a second-generation Palestinian student in my third-year majoring in political science and sociology at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Writing this statement is difficult. As a member of this academic community, I've witnessed hypocrisy and an escalating vitriol embedded within our culture. I believe I share in the responsibility to uphold our core values as laid out in our Statement of Institutional Purpose. If elected, I pledge to address systemic racism and attacks on academic freedom at their core and, to that end, create a safe and equitable campus for all.

Fallahpour, Adibvafa (Adib)

As you read this statement, you might be thinking none of these candidates will do anything, and even if they do, it won't benefit you. I understand you. That's how I also felt whenever there was an election. Let's say you want to see some changes on-campus but you don't have the time to join the council to make it happen yourself. That's where I come in; Instead, I'll be your voice. Doesn't matter what you envision, no name required, tell me about it at and I will make sure your ideas transform into action.

Gardapkhadze, Leli

I am excited to express my candidacy for a position on the Governing Council, and I have a strong commitment to enhancing community participation because I believe it will help our institution and the larger community develop closer ties. It is imperative that the university and the outside community establish closer relations. I intend to proactively establish connections with local businesses, government agencies, and alumni in order to establish collaborations that further the university's expansion and social influence.

Granger-Sandov, Chris

Hi! I'm Chris, a Biology undergrad at UTM. I was originally a med school student overseas but due to a governing member's gross mistreatment, in addition to a family member's declining health, I had to leave that school and return here to study. I've unfortunately had to restart with an undergraduate. I may have been mistreated by a governing member, but I will do everything I can to ensure no other student is. This university should always be upheld as a beacon of learning that never infringes on its students' rights, and I will help ensure it stays that way.

Halbedel, Laeticia

With an inclination towards leadership, commitment to governance, and a passion for leading change, I am delighted to present myself as a candidate for the governing council. With my extensive experience in leadership roles, such as President of the Science Students Club here at UTSG, I've honed exceptional advocacy, communication, and sociability skills. If elected, I intend to facilitate communication between the administration and the student body and to enhance campus facilities and resources. I am committed to ensuring that all voices are heard and am eager to represent the undergraduate community. Laeticia's the one to get things done!

Hathi, Behram

My name is Behram, and I am a third-year student majoring in Public Policy with minors in Statistics and European Affairs, and am excited to run for Governing Council. I have been involved with student governance ever since middle school. Since joining UofT, I have been the speaker of the University College Residence Council for two years, following which I have been an elected representative at the UC Literary and Athletic Society and the UC Council. My vision for this role centres around three areas: identifying student challenges, advocating for student representation, and fostering a supportive and inclusive campus environment.

Hung, Glen Xian Quan

I don't like cliches, so I'll get straight into it; I'm here to build a community. Governing Council is made for YOU and represents YOUR interest, a place that can be called home on campus. I worked with the provincial and federal members of parliaments and part of Arts Sci Governance. I also love socializing and events, attending whatever opportunities are offered on campus. Thus I distinctly understand the hardship of building Student Life and surviving the academic year. I'm here to help. Together, we will be building community, uniting students, so vote for Glen.

Jagdev, Avreet

Hi everyone! My name is Avreet (she/her), and I'm a third-year Political Science and Equity Studies student. I care deeply about the issues impacting the UofT community, and am ready to be a strong advocate for students. I'm passionate about demanding better from an institution that we're all a part of— one that has a tremendous impact on the lives of its students and staff, as well as nationally and globally. Students deserve to be centred and represented in all of the university's decisions, and this is something I hope to work towards. You can connect with me here:

James, Willow

Through an effective understanding of student barriers at UofT, I will investigate established and budding programs and services. To enrich the student experience, I will promote community equity and diversity.  As an undergraduate, I am sensitive to student needs, and I will focus on where there is a dispute. I am committed to transparently discussing matters with fellow Board members. I care about doing UofT justice where it is most needed. My priority is to curate aspects of neglected UofT issues through attentive governance. With your support, I am eager to collaborate and contribute to our academic community.

Kakish, Salem

Hello everyone! My name is Salem Kakish, and I am a third-year philosophy student at UofT. Having already had prior experience with the Undergraduate Humanities Curriculum Committee, I am highly familiar with the structure of UofT's Governing Council and can more efficiently work to faithfully represent student needs. My goal in this regard is twofold: to represent the diverse views of the student body and to ensure that students are heard. I will do this by ensuring I am available for any student to talk to. Vote Salem for a reliable, experienced, and efficient Governing Council member!

Kurdi, Alexander

Greetings UTM! My name is Alexander Kurdi and I'm a second-year undergraduate student pursuing biology for health sciences. Ever since I was 10 years old, competing in chess tournaments that took place here at UTM, I've always aspired to eventually becoming a student here. Now that I'm here, I'm delighted to have the opportunity to become a governing member of the university and to share my passion for our campus and community. As a governing member, my main priority is to uphold student values and maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.

Lenkov, Sophia

A rational thinker, I foster open communication, demonstrated through positions I hold on campus. As Vice President of External Affairs at Kappa Kappa Gamma and Educational Outreach Specialist at UofT’s chapter of the Canadian Courage Project, I have bridged gaps between UofT communities and our neighbors through philanthropy events to support mental health and organizing volunteer opportunities at shelters. I feel passionately about increasing degree-specific student opportunities and will address all subjects brought forward with integrity. My commitment is to act as a voice on your behalf in ensuring that the university promotes student welfare. 

Miranda-Radbord, Cameron

Our tuition is rising and UofT administration is spending millions on vanity projects that do nothing for students. We deserve representation on governing council that will fight back.  When I fought Victoria College admin for free menstrual products, an end to fossil fuel investment, and Vic's first food rescue program, students won.
Now, I want to take the fight to Simcoe Hall: 1. To end tuition hikes 2. To curb wasteful spending on administrator salaries and campus police. 3. For transparency, especially on mental health and sexual violence response. No more resume padding. No more broken promises. Yes we Cam. 

Nguyen, Elly-Linh

I am hoping to draw more attention to building communities for students, especially those of underrepresented groups and raising awareness about mental wellness. With your support, I would like to bring these matters to the attention of the Governing Council and assist in making decisions that benefit you, fellow students across the campuses and our community. Together, we can build a meaningful university experience and make it a great catalyst to start your future path to success academically and professionally.

Saleh-Singh, Amareena

Hi, I'm Amareena, a public policy major running for a position on the governing council. Understanding student challenges, especially in academic stress, I want to focus on improving mental health support to create a more a more supportive institutional atmosphere. I aim to foster a university environment that views each student with humanity. If elected, I'll advocate for policies that ensure students are treated with respect and empathy, creating a campus culture that values their well-being and individual experiences.

Saqqur, Maria

Since my first year at UofT, I have been an active member of this campus community. I started university as the Outreach Director under the Muslim Students’ Association. I was then elected as VP External, where I quickly recognized how our large campus poses challenges when supporting student clubs. If elected, I wish to provide more efficient resources for student clubs to advance student life and support on campus. I have immersed myself in campus life, and continue to connect and engage with many external groups on campus and beyond. I look forward to a productive year!

Shah, Maria

I came to the UTM only knowing about the education here. I knew nothing about the what, where, and how I meant to navigate my future. A lot of students feel like this first year and probably still do. I uncertain the amount of influence/changes the Governing Council can make. But it important that students get the support and know about the opportunities available. Studying and Post is already demanding and stressful as it is. We, students, do not need more than that, so I want to make changes to make navigating school life easier as part of the Council.

Stellato, Cassandra

Through an ability to conduct strategic policy analysis using professional communication, I embody the critical skills to explore and be a part of collective decision-making on university issues and processes. As Trinity’s Finance Member-at-Large, I have exercised collaborative problem-solving to advocate for students. Advocacy is my honour and responsibility, as I aim to better the educational environment for students by focusing on access to educational resources, affordability, and commuter accommodations. Along with other student concerns, I strive to improve our academic community by working alongside the governing body to guarantee a positive experience at the University of Toronto.  

Tan, Yue

I am honoured to stand as a candidate for the Governing Council. As a first-year undergraduate with fluency in three languages, dedication to mental health, and experience in pharmacy, mentoring, and customer service, I bring open-mindedness, responsibility, and effective communication to the table. My commitment to excellence and student representation is unwavering. If elected, I pledge to be an advocate for our diverse community, ensuring voices resonates in all decisions. Choose me for a leader who listens, acts, and propels our university towards a brighter future.

Usman, Haadiya

During my academic journey, I've had the privilege of serving as Equity Commissioner at WCSA and interning at the International Labor Organization (ILO) where I worked on promoting decent work and advocating for social justice. These experiences taught me that anyone can be a catalyst for positive change. I also volunteered as an engineering TA at an ed-tech robotics startup in Pakistan, where I had the opportunity to serve as a role model, particularly for girls. I am committed to advocating for equity, diversity, and inclusivity not only within UofT but also within all communities I am a part of.

Voitenko, Olga

As an international transfer student, I understand how overwhelming and confusing managing university life can be, especially coming from a different educational background. Unfortunately, campaigns often lack transparency about the decision-making process and the same candidates are re-hired for multiple positions, simply because they are a familiar face. As a new student at the University of Toronto, I am willing to bring a change and advocate for more women and immigrant representation and visibility. Being let down by the institution that collects substantial fees from myself and thousands of others, I am committed to stand up for accountability.

Zehra, Sukena

Our peer's struggles define the character of our society. From high school to my 3rd-year undergrad, I continually took the initiative to represent student voices, led student unions as president, volunteered with local/international communities, and gathered experience identifying and addressing community needs. As a Pakistani-Canadian, I faced financial and learning obstacles but formulated my university experiences to facilitate personalized educational experiences. I want to extend opportunities that have helped me maintain outstanding academic performance and participate in international experiences with my peers. When elected, I will address internal frameworks and financial, educational, and structural support for commuters and residents.


All Full-Time Undergraduate Students registered in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine (including post-graduate medical trainees), Faculty of Music, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, and Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. Both members elected in Constituency II must not be registered in the same faculty or school. In the event that a member elected while registered in one faculty of school later registers in the faculty or school in which the other elected member is registered, the transferring member shall resign from the Governing Council.


Bhaiya, Kalash

Have you ever felt out of place even in a class of 200 students? Felt that you aren't doing enough? Or felt burnt out? Lack of bonding in the communities and opportunities for only a few students (selectiveness) is the issue. Not being able to set proper expectations for ourselves is an issue. I want to address these by creating more close-knit communities, accommodating, and self-satisfied student body. An ideal student body is made of people who stand for each other no matter what. Driving students towards a healthy competition with collaboration can make this place truly the dream.

Calabretta, Luke

I know you’re busy, that’s why I’ll be brief! As a UofT student, you work hard. Shouldn’t UofT work hard for you?  

You deserve a chance to succeed! You need access to good academic supports, student housing and reliable transportation. That’s why I’m running. For you. For all of us. With a proven leadership track record as a Chair, Vice President, and Director in numerous student groups, I know how to get things done. I’m ready to bring your concerns to the forefront, to hear you, and fight for you from day one!  Join me, and let's build a better UofT together.  

Dhillon, Kabir

Are you tired of settling for less on our campus? So am I. That's precisely why I'm stepping into the race. Our campus life is at a crossroads, and it's time for action, not just words. We need more affordable campus food. 

We need more spots to study without having to wander aimlessly to find them. We need someone fighting for the student's needs. This isn't just a vision; it's a commitment from me to you. Vote for realistic progress; vote for a university where your voice matters. Let's not just dream about a better campus; let's build it together.

Goyat, Ankita

My name is Ankita Goyat and I’m highly committed to representing the student body. My goal is to enhance university governance by ensuring decisions prioritize student welfare. As a new UofT student, I've observed a lack of awareness from other fellow students regarding the governing council and what they do for us. I aim to resolve this by creating a platform that raises awareness about the council itself and current events, and encourages students to voice their opinions on desired changes. Through active engagement, I envision fostering a more informed, responsive, and inclusive UofT community.

Jayamohan, Shoban

As a dedicated Emergency Medicine Resident Doctor, my unique perspective brings to the Governing Council frontline experience cultivating decisive and strategic leadership, crucial for effective governance. Being a visible minority from an underprivileged background amplifies my commitment to governance that values equity, diversity, and inclusion. Navigating challenges emphasizes the importance of social responsibility, equitable policies, and inclusive representation. I aim to be a vocal advocate representing all voices in shaping progressive policies that align with the University's values and collaboratively contributing to help champion positive change for all students and faculty, embodying the University's commitment to excellence.

Jha, Aarya

As undergraduate students, we constitute a significant portion of the university community. However, we possess limited knowledge about the decision-making processes that impact us greatly. I aim to unite all students and have our thoughts, and opinions accurately reflected in the Governing Council (GC) decision-making processes. I aim to increase transparency of the GC’s decisions to students. I further hope to advocate for 1) improvements to career resources provided to all students 2) improvements in mental and physical health resources 2) improvements to policies regarding sexual violence 4) enhanced equity measures and 5) responsible investment by UofT.

Ma, Carl

Carl Ma is a third-year undergraduate at the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, pursuing a major in Computer Engineering and a minor in Engineering Business. Coming from an international background, Carl recognizes systemic barriers that underrepresented students may face, and is committed to promoting a simple, fair learning environment for all. As Vice-President Communications at the University of Toronto Robotics Association and a dedicated Upper-Year Mentor, Carl is a leader at identifying, engaging, and addressing student concerns, while fostering a better collaboration between peers and university administration.

Sharma, Krrish

Guys I wouldn’t make fake promises about what I’m going to do if you vote for me but there is one thing that I can promise that’s gonna be a good time. I want to make changes that make your college life more memorable and interesting. Being an international student myself I want to make uoft a place that people feel like is a home away from home. If you vote for me I’ll try the best I can in my powers to stand up to these claims that I have made.


All Students registered in Division I (Humanities) and Division II (Social Sciences) of the School of Graduate Studies.


Bursac, Jovan

As a Student Senator at The New School, I played a pivotal role in empowering underrepresented music conservatory students to perform at esteemed venues, culminating in a concert at the storied Carnegie Hall. Now, as an MBA student at Rotman, immersed in a transformative journey, my passion for student advocacy burns brighter than ever. My aim is to advance the interests of the School of Graduate Studies within the Governing Council, ensuring our collective voices are represented. I am eager to serve, and your vote represents a step towards inclusive and impactful representation for our vibrant SGS community.

Chan, Evan

I am here for you. I will listen to your experiences and advocate for your needs. With a strong track record as a founding member of multiple community initiatives and conferences, I bring skills in leadership, finance, and negotiation. As a doctoral student and your Graduate Constituency 1 Representative, I vow to serve you with the utmost care, advocating for increased funding opportunities, support for international students, research support, TA support, and mental health resources. I will act as your liaison and guide for any concerns, issues, and inquiries. I am here for you, and I will listen. 

Douglas II, Paul

Paul Douglas II is a graduate of The University of Texas at Dallas with a Bachelor of Science double majoring in Psychology & Child Development; he is currently an Inclusive Excellence Scholar, Power in Youth Lab Research Assistant, and graduate student at The University of Toronto in the Master of Education program, specializing in Developmental Psychology and Education. As a member of the governing council he will insure that your voice is heard, and that your best interests are represented.

Dravid, Annabelle

I am a Masters student at the Munk School and currently your Graduate Student Governor. Since my election, I have met with various Student Associations and the Graduate Student Union, to create an open dialogue to gain a well-rounded understanding of graduate student needs. I am committed to enhancing our student experience and wellbeing. Prior to this, I was the undergraduate Student Governor which allowed me to develop the working relationships and experience to quickly engage and contribute as Graduate Student Governor. I am seeking re-election to continue ensuring that your needs are at the forefront of all decision making.

Formuli, Fatima

In my 5 years at UofT so far, my extensive leadership experience on campus including my involvement in undergraduate student societies and my current role as Treasurer with the social work Graduate Student Association has taught me how to be a communicator, listener, and advocate. My passion for advocacy led me to participate in multiple UTSC Governance Council committees, and then pursue a degree in social work. The invaluable experience of previously participating in Governance has taught me what to expect at these meetings and how to come prepared to provide insight into campus developments from a student perspective.

Nartey, Aaron

I am honored to submit my candidacy for the Governing Council position. As an individual from racialized minority background, my experience in student politics and leadership in equity-seeking communities uniquely positions me to contribute meaningfully to fostering an inclusive campus. My motivation stems from a deep belief in creating a university environment that embraces diversity and intersectionality from the start. When elected, I will champion policies that prioritize inclusivity and address systemic challenges. Together, let's shape a governance structure that reflects the richness of our collective stories.

Prost, Mitchell

Hello! I’m Mitchell, a graduate student at OISE. On Governing Council, I am hoping to push for a better student experience by centering student affordability, mental health care and resources, and academic and physical accessibility. I am currently an elected representative on UBC’s Senate, its highest academic governance body, and have served in leadership positions on many different committees and boards at UBC and UofT. Outside of academia, I have advocated on the City of Vancouver’s 2SLGBTQIA+ and Renters’ Advisory Committees. I will bring my experience in governance to intentionally improve our institution and community! Learn more at:

Rose, Eli

Let's take back UofT and Push Progress Forward! I've spent the last 5 years here as a Cog in the Machine overcoming barriers and figuring out how the System Works. But I want to Do Things Differently! I want to join the Governing Council and Lead with Empathy, and be the Representative at the table for those who have experienced trauma, discrimination, and forms of oppression. Governance Matters and you can Depend of Me to Deliver for You using my specialization in politics, policy, race, equity, diversity, and inclusion, and my deep network of UofT administrators across all 3 campuses.


All Students registered in Division III (Physical Sciences) and Division IV (Life Sciences) of the School of Graduate Studies.


Nyandwi, Samuel

Hi fellow graduate students! I am thrilled to run for Governing Council and to contribute to overseeing the University processes on your behalf. Having always sought to get involved in my community, I sat on the Faculty of Arts and Science Council and Graduate Curriculum Committee in my first year of graduate school. I am also currently sitting on the Board of Directors of The Varsity Newspaper. If elected, I hope to initiate and participate in insightful discussions about matters brought before the Council, and exercise my vote with an informed opinion. Thank you for your consideration!

Verreault, William

I am currently a Vanier Scholar in the Department of Mathematics. I always worked hard to help my peers by promoting education and creating more opportunities for students in STEM, with the overarching goal of helping the students form a tight-knit community. I started doing this at my level by sitting on different academic and outreach committees, notably as a member of the Board of the Canadian Mathematical Society and as Chair of its Student Committee, and by organizing varied student activities such as conferences and seminars. I hope to be a voice for students on the Governing Council!

Wu, Liliana

As a psychology graduate student, my candidacy for the governing council shines through my leadership roles and diverse background. As a former Psi Chi UTSC executive, I organized workshops supporting research, securing travel awards, and building valuable networks. My role as OHBM Sustainability and Environment Action Special Interest Group treasurer highlights financial acumen in reducing OHBM's Annual Meetings' environmental impact and advancing a sustainable conference model. My unique third-generation Chinese-Brazilian heritage fosters connections with international students, promoting inclusivity. My diverse experiences prepared me to contribute effectively to the governing council, advocating diverse perspectives, enhancing education, and promoting inclusivity at UofT.


teaching staff for constituency IA

“Teaching Staff” means employees of the University who hold the academic rank of Professor; Associate Professor; Assistant Professor; Professor, Teaching Stream; Associate Professor, Teaching Stream; Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream; Lecturer and Senior Lecturer; Tutor and Senior Tutor; Assistant Professor (Conditional); Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream (Conditional); Sessional Lecturer I, Sessional Lecturer II, Sessional Lecturer III, Athletics Instructor and Senior Athletics Instructor but does not include any part-time lecturer who is registered as a student. For this purpose, “Lecturer” also includes Associates in the Faculty of Dentistry.


Ainslie, Donald

I have served as Chair of Philosophy (A&S and Graduate Department, 2003-11) and as Principal of University College (2011-2019). As Chair, I oversaw significant faculty renewal, and charted a course for the Department to reach its current top-10 international status. As Principal, I spearheaded the revitalization of the main UC building; raised over $50M for UC during the Boundless campaign; and oversaw the creation of the UofT Art Museum. I am the co-lead of the Landmark Project, which has pedestrianized front campus, and of the related Indigenous landscape, Ziibiing. My teaching and research focus on early modern philosophy.

Downes, Paul

I am an elected member of Academic Board and a faculty member with over twenty-five years of experience teaching, researching and taking on administrative roles in the department of English (UTSG). As a member of the executive committee of the Faculty Association between 2012 and 2016, I helped to negotiate aspects of academic policy and faculty compensation with the university administration. I currently serve on UTFA’s Pension Committee. I am deeply invested in protecting the University’s core mission, and I believe that responsible oversight of university policy and administration contributes to that mission.

teaching staff for constituency III


Ashok, Aarthi

Aarthi Ashok, Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Biological Sciences, UTSC, is a passionate educator and member of the President’s Teaching Academy. As Special Advisor to the Dean on Teaching Stream faculty success, she advocates for supports that help faculty make important curricular and scholarly contributions. Her service roles include Associate Chair, Undergraduate Affairs (2019-2022), Academic Board (2017-current), Vice-Chair of Academic Programs & Policies (2019-2022) and Agenda Committee (2022-2023). She is excited to make important contributions to the work of Governing Council, especially as the landscape of higher education is evolving in Canada and contributing to the diversity of its membership.

Damouras, Sotirios

I am an Associate Professor Teaching Stream at UTSC, teaching Statistics and Finance since 2011. I have taught in all three UofT campuses and the School of Continuing Studies, and I have served my department and campus in many administrative roles. I have also served on the Governing Council and UTSC's Campus Council and Academic Affairs Committee since fall 2023. I am a big proponent of open data and its role in improving transparency and accountability in governance.

teaching staff for constituency V


Brown, Deron

As an Alumnis of the University of Toronto and practicing physician, I feel I have accumulated the requisite experience and wisdom to help direct the future direction of this institution. My experience in hospital leadership and teaching will allow me to apply my skillset to an area that I hold very important to the future of our country--the education of our youth and ongoing education and advancement of our country.

Hamel, Paul

My name is Paul Hamel, have a continuously-funded lab in the Faculty of Medicine since 1992, and participated as member or chair of committees for Faculty Council. My academic pursuits include teaching in the Human Biology program and in the Health Studies Program at University College where I was previously the Director. I continue to collaborate in projects with professors in both the research and teaching stream in FAS. I bring to Governing Council perspectives from the Faculty of Medicine but also direct understanding of the opportunities for collaboration and addressing issues across divisions at the University of Toronto.

Houry, Walid

I am a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry. My group is internationally recognized in the protein homeostasis field. In addition to my research interests, I am also interested in governance and science promotion. I have played leadership roles in several capacities. I was Acting Chair of the Department of Biochemistry (2018), and I cofounded the Proteostasis Researchers in Canada (PRinCE) group. I was elected to the Academic Board of the University of Toronto (2020 – current). I am interested in contributing to the advancement of the academic priorities and strategies of the University, especially through enhancing its international partnerships.

Karlinsky, Audrey

I'd be honoured to serve my Alma Mater on GC. I've had a long and cherished career as teaching faculty since 1986. My experience in governance is diverse. It includes long service on the OMA Board of Directors and their Insurance Board as: Vice Chair of the Board, VC-Finance and Audit Committee, Governance Committee, and bilateral committee work with the MOH. I successfully completed the international ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) designation course with Competent Boards last year. I'm eager to use these skills to further the work of GC in supporting excellence in teaching for all our learners and faculty 

Rolnitsky, Asaph

My name is Asaph, chief of newborn services in Sunnybrook and faculty in the Department of Paediatrics. I am dedicated throughout my career to promoting quality improvement in healthcare, excellent education in paediatrics, and health services research. I am grateful for the opportunities our community and our university gave me and I am committed to supporting excellent education, equitable services to our learners and better services to our academic partners and our society. As a dedicated teacher, I believe I can support the university to achieve its future of excellence and would ask for your confidence in me.

Wadey, Veronica

My first term with the Governance Council has been everything I’d hoped it would be and feels like something my whole life has been aimed toward. My education story includes two degrees prior to working with an Olympic Sporting Organization. I returned to academia as Associate Professor in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine. I have championed surgeon training. And, over the past three years, I have represented Constituency V with leadership and innovation. I believe my contributions and accountability have positively influenced the student experience. I am an Orthopaedic surgeon educator, and I remain committed to the University of Toronto.

teaching staff for constituency VI


Bozec, Laurent

Dr. Laurent Bozec is a Professor of Biophysics and Nanometrology at the Faculty of Dentistry, cross-appointed in the Department of Laboratory of Medicine and Pathobiology in Temerty Medicine, and a Toronto Initiative for Diversity and Excellence (TIDE) member. He is passionate about graduate education and student welfare as a research supervisor (over 90 graduates from his lab since 2007), educator (graduate skills course development, including the 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition), and welfare counselor. He advocates for students' development of interdisciplinary skills and collaboration nationally, internally, and within the private sector. He also acts as a mentor for graduates' career choices.

Lin, Benjamin

I have been teaching oral surgery at the Faculty of Dentistry since 2008 and at Mt. Sinai Hospital since 2018.  I am a graduate of the Faculties of Dentistry and Arts and Science. I have extensive board experience, having been Vice-President, Executive Committee member, and chair of the Finance committee at the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario for 4 years, and sat on their Governing Council for 8 years. I currently sit on Dentistry’s Faculty Council.  UofT has many challenges ahead including AI, environmental sustainability, budgetary/inflationary pressures and DEI.  I hope to have your vote, thank you.

Mohammed, Shan

In my capacity as Associate Professor, Teaching Stream and Acting Director of the Master of Nursing Program at Bloomberg Nursing, I have amassed over a decade of experience in leadership, service, scholarship, and teaching. My leadership approach is characterized by collaboration, authenticity, and transformation. I have a proven track record of effectively collaborating with a diverse range of stakeholders, ensuring that multiple perspectives are considered. As a critical health scholar, I am committed to bringing innovative, contemporary, and creative ideas to Governing Council. As a Queer BIPOC individual, I am also dedicated to applying an equity, inclusion, and diversity lens.

Swidrovich, Jaris

I am a Two Spirit (he/they), queer, and disabled pharmacist from Yellow Quill First Nation (Treaty 4, SK) and am an Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, and Indigenous Engagement Lead in the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. I have extensive experience on governing councils, including being a member of the University of Saskatchewan Council for a period of 4 years. I am passionate about equity, diversity, inclusion, justice, and Indigenous engagement. I am eager to contribute to our university as a whole using my intersectional identities and diverse experiences. Chi miigwetch. 

Administrative Staff

“Administrative Staff” means the staff-appointed employees of the University, University College, the Constituent Colleges and the Federated Universities who are not members of the Teaching Staff thereof.


Alfano, Michelle

I am a long-time staff member of twenty plus years, an alumna, a donor to UofT and a UTAA Committee Member. I have served on the Soldiers’ Tower Committee since 2017 and served as Vice Chair and Chair. For my volunteer role, I recently received an Arbor Award in 2024. In addition, I was awarded a UofT Exemplary Ambassador Award in 2023 for my participation in the EDI Committee in 2022 and a Bravo Award in 2019. I’m immensely proud of my association with my alma mater and would like to contribute further as a member of the Governing Council.

Chadalawada, Vikram

I am currently an active, engaged Staff Governor at Governing Council and a Rose Patten Mentor. During my first term, I served as Chair, University affairs board, also served as a Co-Chair, Anti Asian Racism Working group, working closely with the Asian community to produce 40 recommendations to the university administration which have been fully accepted and are currently being implemented. My collective experience in EDI, governance & leadership makes me an ideal candidate for the Administrative Staff Governor Role. Please consider me for this role, so that I can continue advocating for a stronger and equitable governance at UofT.

Cressman, Jennifer

With a robust 25-year administrative career in the corporate world, I am enthusiastic about submitting my candidacy for a position on the University Governing Council. My extensive background has honed my administrative skills in organizational efficiency, strategic planning, and transparent communication. If elected, I aim to apply this wealth of experience to streamline administrative processes, enhance accessibility, and foster collaborative decision-making. I am committed to leveraging my administrative expertise to contribute effectively to the governance of our esteemed University.

Hernandez, Yuri

As the current Co-chair for CCSGD ( and previous Co-chair, Pride Toronto, my years of experience as a Board Chair and Director in the nfp sector have equipped me with valuable skills like: Program Management, Strategic Planning, and Operations. As a gracious Departmental Assistant in the OBGYN Dept at the University of Toronto, I have wanted to lend my governance skills and experience to the benefit and improvement of the University and wonderful community that surrounds it by: Advocating for increased accessibility to academic resources, promoting DEI, and Mental Health Awareness. I am an advocate, relationship builder, a true 'People Person'.

Kavanagh, Ryan

My Name is Ryan Kavanagh and I would be honoured to sit on the Governing Council representing Administrative Staff. I have been an employee at the University of Toronto for a combined 6 years between Work Study, Casual, and now Staff Appointed roles. I currently sit as the Groups Officer for Student Life where I work to explain relevant policies to Student Club Leaders and review their groups' constitutions. I have a deep care and respect for the power of policy and procedure and would love the opportunity to represent the interests of administrative staff on the council!

Kritikopoulos, Irene

An enthusiastic team player who enjoys a challenge and likes to participate in meaningful projects and organizations, I earned an HBA from UofT in Classical and Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, and a MSc in the Technology and Analysis of Archaeological Materials at University College London. I currently sit on the History and Next Generation committees of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation, where I have worked on the HHF Presents podcast series in various roles and capacities. I am also an executive board member of the Archaeological Institute of America’s Toronto chapter, where I help to coordinate public programming events.

Liu, Ben

With 23 years in university leadership, I've driven success in navigating growth and change. I've made a lasting impact on teaching, research, campus life, and community engagement – helping to establish the Centre for Community Partnerships and expanding the Master of Global Affairs at the Munk School. Serving on many boards, including as Vice-Chair of the FAS Council, reflects my commitment to this institution. Currently, as the Executive Director of the School of Cities, I've played a central role in its development. Higher education faces significant challenges, and I am well positioned to contribute insights to help steer the UofT.

Polidoro, Loredana

Having worked as an administrator at UofT for 17 years in various roles and in 3 distinct divisions (UTSC, OISE and VPRI), I have a holistic understanding of our needs as administrators. During this time, I have observed how the administrative role is often overlooked in the university’s strategic decision-making processes. I am confident that I would be a strong representative and advocate for administrators by ensuring the Governing Council is mindful of our critical role in the effectiveness of UofT and that we are given the support we need. 

Reichold, Kristen

My name is Kristen Reichold and I am the Director, Office of the Dean for the Faculty of Nursing. In my role I facilitate academic and administrative priorities, oversee governance, and coordinate quality assurance processes. Before joining LBFON, I was a Special Projects Officer for the School of Graduate Studies where I managed projects that advance the value of graduate education. In my roles I have had the opportunity to work with administrative staff across all three campuses. My goal, if elected, is to listen openly and to represent administrative staff with a deep commitment to inclusivity and equity.

Singh, Daman

I have a genuine and deep care for the University of Toronto and the community that surrounds it. I am seeking election as I would appreciate an opportunity to better this community. Throughout my time at UofT, I have worked to build community by designing academic and co-curricular supports for students. I am particularly interested in supporting community members struggling with their mental health, and in strengthening the relationship between students, staff, and faculty members. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my cats, hiking, and the New York Times crossword. I am happy to answer questions:

Sirri, Dana

Rooted in a steadfast commitment to continuous improvement, I aim to understand the needs of my colleagues across the broader UofT community and positively impact their experiences during my tenure on the council. Over the last ten years at the Rotman School, throughout my daily interactions with colleagues, I've cultivated valuable insights that are instrumental in shaping our institution's future. Eager to broaden my impact, I am committed to learning about the initiatives at other schools, contributing thoughtfully and fairly to decision-making processes, and ultimately ensuring an enriched experience for all members of the UofT staff.

Thomas, Vivin

As an accomplished administrative professional at University of Toronto with a proven track record of effective management, I am dedicated to fostering an inclusive and innovative academic environment. My commitment to transparent communication and collaborative decision-making aligns seamlessly with the university's values. Through strategic initiatives, I aim to enhance the experience of administrative staff, faculty, and students, thus advance the institution's global standing. With a deep appreciation for University of Toronto's diverse community, I am eager to contribute to the Governing Council and honoured to be considered for a role that shapes the future of this esteemed institution.

Wells, Brandon

With over a decade of dedicated service across the Faculties of Applied Sciences & Engineering, Medicine, and OISE, I bring a unique perspective to the Governing Council at the University of Toronto. My active involvement in governing bodies such as the SGS Graduate Education Council and the OISE Council, alongside the OISE Executive and Research Committees, reflects my commitment to academic excellence and institutional advancement. I also hold two degrees from the University underscoring my deep connection to its ethos. I am poised to leverage my wealth of experience for the continued growth and success of our esteemed institution.