Case 835


October 12, 2016


University of Toronto Mississauga  v. A.S. (“the Student”)

Hearing Date(s):

September 30, 2016

Panel Members:

Mr. Christopher Wirth, Chair
Professor Michael Evans, Department of Statistical Sciences, Faculty Member
Ms. Ashley Barnes, Student Member


Ms. Tina Lie, Assistant Discipline Counsel for the University, Palaire Roland Barristers
Mr. Michael Cockburn, Law Student for the Student, Downtown Legal Services

In Attendance:

Ms. A.S., the Student
Ms. Lucy Gaspini, Academic Integrity and Affairs for the Office of the Dean
Mr. Christopher Lang, Director, Office of Appeals, Discipline and Faculty Grievances
Ms. Sara Zborovski (Observer, New University Tribunal Chair)

Student charged with two offences under the Code. The charges related to the Student’s failure to attribute sources in an essay that she had submitted in partial completion of her course requirements.  The essay contained ideas and verbatim, or nearly verbatim, text from unattributed sources. The matter proceeded on an Agreed Statement of Facts.  The Student pleaded guilty to the plagiarism charge. The University then withdrew the alternative charge of academic dishonesty not otherwise described. In determining the penalty to be imposed, the Panel took into account that the Student had been found guilty of academic dishonesty on two prior occasions- one which involved plagiarism, the other involved unauthorized assistance from personal notes during a final exam. In both cases, the Student pleaded guilty to the offence, was sanctioned, and warned against committing future offences.  The Panel also took into account the mitigating circumstances of the Student’s guilty plea and cooperation in the proceedings. Though they found it to be lenient in the circumstances, the Panel accepted the parties’ joint submission of penalty and imposed a grade assignment of zero in the course; a 2-year, 11-month suspension; a notation on the Student’s academic record and transcript for three years; and that the case be reported to the Provost for publication.