
Patricia D.S. Jackson (Senior Chair)
M. Paul Michell (Associate Chair)
Sana Halwani (Associate Chair)
Roslyn Tsao (Associate Chair)
Division Investigating Officers Hearing Officers
Applied Science and Engineering Mr. Alex Schroen Ms. Stephanie Song
Architecture, Landscape and Design TBD Prof. Robert Levit 
Dentistry Dr. Douglas Deporter  Prof. Ernest W.N. Lam 
Innis College Prof. Jason Brennan Prof. Eva-Lynn Jagoe

Ms. Barbara Brophey 

Mr. Steve Manchur

Prof. Marius Locke 
Law Ms. Sara Faherty 

Prof. Jim Phillips 

Music  Prof. Lorna Eleanor MacDonald  Prof. Robin Elliott
New College Dr. Ron G. Wilson  Mr. Bruce Russell 
Nursing Ms. Phyllis Babcoxk Mr. Yubai Liu

Prof. Vinita Arora 

Mr. Marvin James

Dr. Thomas E.R. Brown
School of Graduate Studies

Prof. John Kloppenborg

Prof. Trudo Lemmens

Prof. Russell Pysklywec

Prof. Jim Phillips 

St. Michael's College Mrs. Effie Slapnicar  Mr. Duncan Buttenshaw
Transitional Year Program Ms. Maru Rodriguez  
Trinity College Prof. Michael Kessler Dr. Jonathan Steels 
University College Prof. John Marshall Prof. Emily Gilbert

Prof. Marc Laflamme

Ms. Jessica Charbonneau

Ms. Felicity Morgan (Investigating Officer

& Hearing Officer)

UTSC Prof. Andrew McDougall

Prof. Paul Kingston
Mr. Brent Duguid
Victoria University Ms. Kelley Castle  Prof. Paul W. Gooch 
Woodsworth College

Ms. Loraine Au Tham

Mr. Roger Bulgin
Dual Appointments Investigating Officers Only Hearing Officers Only
Ms. Vinita Arora

Ms. Melanie Carrington

Ms. Erin Dann
Mr. Vikram Sainadh Chadalawada Mr. Corey Dales Mr. Dean Embry
Ms. Sara Faherty Ms. Eleonora Dimitrova Mr. Nader R. Hasan
Ms. Andrea McGee Prof. Paul Kingston Ms. Karen Symes
Ms. Cheryl Milne Ms. Vanessa Laufer Ms. Roslyn M. Tsao
Prof. Jim Philips Mr. Steven Masse Ms. Sarah Whitmore
Prof. Keren D. Rice    
Ms. Caroline Ziegler    

For more information on how Investigating Officers and Hearing Officers are appointed, please see Section C.2.(a)-(c) of the Code of Student Conduct. 

The language below relating to paragraphs (a), (b), and (c), do not apply to offences of Sexual Violence or Sexual Harassment under Section B.1.(a). See the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, Section 73.

Divisional - appointment to the position and specific cases

(a) An Investigating Officer shall be appointed for a term of up to three years by the principal, dean or director (hereinafter called "head") of each faculty, college or school in which students are registered (hereinafter called "division"), after consultation with the elected student leader or leaders of the division, to investigate complaints made against student members of that division. Investigating Officers shall hold office until their successors are appointed and may be re-appointed.

(b) A Hearing Officer shall be appointed for a term of up to three years by the council of each division to decide on complaints under this Code made against student members of that division. Hearing Officers shall hold office until their successors are appointed and may be re-appointed.

Central - appointment to specific cases

(c) If the Investigating Officer is unable to conduct an investigation, or the Hearing Officer is unable to conduct a hearing, or where the head of the division believes on reasonable grounds that the appointed officer is inappropriate to conduct the particular investigation or chair a particular hearing, then the head of the division shall seek an appointment from the central pool for that particular case from the Director, Office of Appeals, Discipline and Faculty Grievances.

(d) If the head of the division, or the Vice-Provost, Students for cases involving offences under Section B.1.(a), intends to request either suspension from registration or expulsion from the University as a sanction in a particular case, or if the case appears to the head of the division, or the Vice-Provost, Students for cases involving offences under Section B.1.(a), to require a Hearing Officer with legal qualifications, then the Senior Chair of the University Tribunal may, on the application of the head of the division, or the Vice-Provost, Students for cases involving offences under Section B.1.(a), appoint a legally qualified person as Hearing Officer for the particular case.