- Academic Appeals
- Academic Discipline & Academic Discipline Appeals
- Non-Academic Discipline & Non-Academic Discipline Appeals
- Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment
- Supportive Leaves Policy Appeals
- Complaint and Resolution Council for Student Societies (CRCSS)
- Advancement Review Panel - CUPE 3902 Unit 3
- Clinical Faculty Academic Review Committee
- Clinical Faculty Grievance Review Committee
- UTFA Tenure Appeals
- UTFA Grievances
- UTFA Workload Adjudication
If you have not already spoken with your Registrar about your Academic Discipline matter, it is important that you speak with them immediately.
Academic Integrity at the University of Toronto
University Offices
Office of the University Ombudsperson
St. George, Student Life Programs & Services
UTM, Student Affairs & Services
UTSC, Student Affairs & Services
Legal Resources
Downtown Legal Services (DLS)
Law Society Referral Service
The DLS intake lines are normally closed during the following periods:
- The month of December and first two weeks of January.
- The month of April and first two weeks of May.
- The last week of August and first three weeks of September.
Divisional and Faculty Registrar and/or Dean's Offices
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Faculty of Arts and Science (Registrar's Office)
Faculty of Arts and Science (Office of Student Academic Integrity)
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Nursing
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education
School of Graduate Studies
University of Toronto Mississauga
University of Toronto Scarborough
*NOTE: If you are a Graduate student, please contact directly the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Registrar's Office for assistance.
Key Documents
Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters
The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters spells out offenses, procedures in cases involving students and faculty members, as well as appeals. You will also find information relevant to sanctions, Divisional procedures and Tribunal procedures related to cases of academic discipline/misconduct.
Rules of Practice and Procedure
The Rules of Practices and Procedure govern various process issues that may arise at the Tribunal level.
Policy on Official Correspondence with Students
The Policy on Official Correspondence with Students outlines requirements of all students receiving official correspondence from the University, to maintain a current postal and email address on the University's student information system (ROSI), and to monitor those addresses on a regular basis. Failure to maintain or monitor is not an excuse for failing to receive official correspondence from the University, and in the case of the Tribunal or Discipline Appeals Board, may result in a hearing proceeding in the student's absence.
Overview and Scope
The University strives to facilitate the inclusion of individuals with disabilities into all aspects of University life, including in the quasi-judicial processes supported by the Office of Appeals, Discipline and Faculty Grievances (“ADFG”). This goal is achieved, in part, by providing reasonable accommodations that allow for participation regardless of an individual’s abilities.
In developing this protocol for accommodation requests, the University is informed by its legal obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The University is also mindful that accommodation is a shared responsibility and that, to be effective, the process requires the cooperation of everyone involved.
Reasonable accommodations for an individual with disabilities can be wide-ranging and will necessarily be context and case-specific. Accommodations may be physical in nature, including, for example, the provision of documents in accessible formats etc. Other types of accommodations are procedural in nature and require adjustments to standard processes, including, for example, the format of the hearing or an increase in breaks during a hearing. The purpose of an accommodation request is to find a way to allow the person making the request to meaningfully participate in the process.
This protocol has been specifically developed for the following quasi-judicial processes supported by ADFG:
Academic Discipline Process, including hearings before the University Tribunal, which hears and disposes of prosecutions for alleged academic offences under the Code of Behaviour for Academic Matters, and appeals of decisions by the University Tribunal at the Discipline Appeals Board.
Any participant in these processes (party, representative, witness etc.) may request a disability-related accommodation in accordance with the procedures set out below.
Seek the Consent of the Adverse Party
It is often beneficial to obtain the consent of the adverse party (e.g. other side, counsel for the University) to a requested accommodation, as this can make the granting of an accommodation quicker, especially if the requested accommodation is minor in nature. In instances where the requested accommodation will have a material (e.g. large or significant) impact on the hearing, the decision-maker (usually the Chair for a hearing) will almost always ask for the other party’s position before making a decision about the request.
The consent of an adverse party to the requested accommodation is not, however, a guarantee that requested accommodation will be granted in whole or part by the decision-maker, including where the requested accommodation will have a material negative impact on the efficacy (e.g. effectiveness) of the hearing and/or where an individual with disabilities can be reasonably accommodated in a less intrusive way.
Making the Accommodation Request
Those with an accommodation request are encouraged to make the request as far in advance of a hearing as possible, by writing to the ADFG Office at adfg.admin@utoronto.ca. Depending on where the case is in the process, the ADFG Office or a decision-maker, as the case may be, may be able to grant certain minor accommodations, without further inquiry, especially if the requesting individual has obtained the consent of the adverse party. If the accommodation request is likely to have a material impact on the hearing, the decision about the request will almost always be assigned to a decision-maker (usually the Chair of the hearing) for consideration.
All accommodation requests should set out, in detail, what specifically is being requested and, in general terms, the basis for the request. It is not necessary to disclose medical diagnoses or medical information in support of the requested accommodation to the ADFG Office.
Since it may take time to assess and implement accommodation measures, an individual is encouraged to raise their request at the earliest reasonable juncture (e.g. point or stage), and again, preferably having obtained the other side’s consent or position.
Responses to the Accommodation Request
A decision-maker or the ADFG Office will often be able to decide whether to grant (in part or whole) or deny the requested accommodation without further consultation or information. Decisions will be guided by the University’s legal obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
On occasion, however, a decision-maker may require additional information prior to deciding on the accommodation request. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, instances where the requested accommodation is complex or novel, or where it will have a material prejudicial impact on the adverse party or the decision-maker’s ability to conduct the hearing.
Where a decision-maker determines it is necessary, they may direct the individual requesting the accommodation to engage with one of the following offices, depending on the status of the individual requesting the accommodation:
- Student (University of Toronto St George Campus): Accessibility Services
- Student (University of Toronto Mississauga): Accessibility Services
- Student (University of Toronto Scarborough): AccessAbility Services
- Employee: Health and Well-Being Programs & Services
Each of these offices will request medical documentation which substantiates the need for the requested accommodation, assess that medical information, and make an accommodation recommendation to the decision-maker on the basis of that medical information. These offices will not share a requesting individual’s medical diagnosis or information with the decision-maker.
A decision-maker may also seek further clarification from the offices set out above, including regarding the appropriateness of alternative accommodation which may have a lesser impact on the hearing process or adverse party, before making a final decision on the form of accommodation to be granted, if any.
If you have any questions regarding this protocol, please contact: adfg.admin@utoronto.ca