- Academic Appeals
- Academic Discipline & Academic Discipline Appeals
- Non-Academic Discipline & Non-Academic Discipline Appeals
- Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment
- Supportive Leaves Policy Appeals
- Complaint and Resolution Council for Student Societies (CRCSS)
- Advancement Review Panel - CUPE 3902 Unit 3
- Clinical Faculty Academic Review Committee
- Clinical Faculty Grievance Review Committee
- UTFA Tenure Appeals
- UTFA Grievances
- UTFA Workload Adjudication
who will be attending the hearing?
Discipline Appeals Board hearings are open to the public in accordance with s.9.(1) of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. S.22 as amended. Normally, however, only the individuals who are directly involved in a case will attend the hearing, that is, the three (3) panel members, the Student, with counsel if applicable, Discipline Counsel, with divisional representatives and the ADFG Secretary or designate.
Panel Members
Panels are composed of three people, the Senior Chair or Associate Chair, who is legally qualified, and two members of the Discipline Appeals Board. One member of the panel will be a faculty member and one member shall be a student. Panel members are neutral and will not have sat on the Student’s case previously and will have no prior knowledge of the Student’s situation when chosen to hear the appeal. Once selected, they will be given details about the Student’s case as the appeal materials filed by both parties will be provided to the panel members in advance of the hearing. The Chair is responsible for answering any questions of law and writing the final decision of the panel, which the other panel members will review and approve.
The Divisional Representative
A representative from the Division to which the Student belongs, this may be a Dean’s Designate or other Divisional Representative.
Discipline Counsel
Discipline Counsel, who may be the same lawyer who represented the University at the original hearing.
The Secretary of the Tribunal is the Director of the ADFG Office or his or her designate. The Secretary is neutral and his or her role is to record the hearing and answer procedural questions. He or she does not have a speaking role at the hearing.
The Student, if they have brought forth the case, is expected to attend the hearing, with or without counsel.
Observers sometimes attend hearings, and may include:
- The student’s family and/or friend(s)
- A member of the Tribunal or Discipline Appeals Board who is not a panel member for that particular hearing
- Articling students or others invited by Discipline Counsel
- A University employee connected to the case
what is going to happen at the hearing?
The Discipline Appeals Board hearing is NOT a new hearing, but rather, is a hearing to review the decision of the Tribunal. As with Tribunal hearings, each Discipline Appeals Board hearing proceeds differently and at the discretion of the Senior Chair or Associate Chair. These hearings are usually recorded.
Below is general information about what you can usually expect to happen at a Discipline Appeals Board hearing:
Opening Remarks
- The Chair will make introductory remarks and will introduce him or herself and the other panel members.
- Discipline Counsel will introduce him or herself and any individuals that her or she has brought with them.
- You or your counsel will introduce yourselves and individuals you have brought.
Hearing of the Appeal
- Except in exceptional circumstances, an appeal is argued on the basis of the evidence and record of the initial hearing (reasons for decision, transcript, and exhibits). In exceptional circumstances and with the permission of the Discipline Appeals Board, new evidence may be submitted.
- The party who has appealed then sets out in oral argument the relief that party seeks (ie. is the party seeking that the finding of guilt or not guilt be reversed, or looking for a different sanction than what was imposed by the Tribunal), and the legal and factual basis for that relief (ie. the facts and points which the party is relying on to support their arguments, based on what was imposed by the Tribunal).
- The responding party (you or your representative or Discipline Counsel) then responds with an argument of the legal and factual basis upon which it is argued the appeal should be denied.
- The appealing party then has a brief opportunity to respond to new issues that have come up in the responding arguments which were not evident at the time of the appellant’s argument.
- Panel members may ask questions of any of the parties.
Panel Retires to Deliberate in camera (in closed session)
- The panel will end the hearing and will deliberate (in camera - in private; between panel members only) to determine the appropriate outcome.
Decision and Reasons
- The Panel may make their decision on the day of the hearing, or they may reserve their decision and provide it at a later date.
- In circumstances where the reasons for decision are not provided at the time of the hearing, you can normally expect written reasons to be delivered within 90 days. The ADFG Office will distribute the decisions with written reasons to you or your representative and Discipline Counsel once they have been finalized and received.