Advancement Review Panel - CUPE 3902 Unit 3

The CUPE 3902 Unit #3 Advancement Review Panel ("ARP") reviews divisional decisions where a sessional lecturer disputes his or her not being advanced to Sessional Lecturer II or III or a Writing Instructor is not advanced to Writing Instructor 2.  In cases of denial of advancement, the ARP has the power to i) confirm the decision of the division, or ii) determine that the candidate be advanced.

The ARP panel is composed of eight (8) full-time faculty members and one Sessional Lecturer III.  The parties shall also designate a Panel Chair.

Members Faculty
TBD Faculty of Law
TBD Engineering
TBD UTSC - Physical & Environmental Sciences 
TBD Faculty of Music
TBD UTM - Philosophy 
TBD Spanish & Portuguese
TBD English
TBD UTM - Geography

For more information please refer to the University's website and/or CUPE 3902's website.

University Human Resources

CUPE 3902