Via Virtual Meeting
To listen to the meeting, please click on the link below.
- Chair’s Remarks
- Proposal to convert the Centre for Critical Development Studies (EDU:B) to the Department of Global Development Studies, UTSC (for recommendation) *
Be It Recommended,
THAT, Centre for Critical Development Studies (EDU:B) be converted to the Department of Global Development Studies, as described in the proposal recommended by the Vice-Principal Academic and Dean, Professor William A. Gough, and dated April 13, 2021, be approved to be effective as of July 1, 2021.
- Overview of Campus Operating Budget: 2021-22 (for information) * (Presentation)
- Annual Report: Campus Police Services, UTSC (for information) * (Presentation)
- Annual Report: Community Partnerships and Engagement, UTSC (for information) * (PDF Annual Report)
- Annual Report: Recognized Student Groups, UTSC (for information) * (Presentation)
- Revisions to the UTSC Campus Council and its Committees Terms of Reference (for information) *
- Report of the Presidential Assessors (for information)
- Assessor’s Report
- The Student Experience throughout the Pandemic and Beyond (Presentation) *
- Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 42 – February 11, 2021 (for approval) *
- Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
- Date of Next Meeting – September 14 , 2021 at 3:10 p.m.
- Other Business
* Documentation is attached.
*** Documentation is to follow.
+ Confidential documentation is attached for members only.
Questions? Please contact the Committee Secretary, Emma Thacker: em.thacker@utoronto.ca