Report: College of Electors - January 21, 2025

Council Chamber, Simcoe Hall, 2nd floor



Minutes of the College of Electors meeting held on January 21, 2025, at 5:15 p.m., in the Council Chamber:

PRESENT: Jennifer Dolman (Chair), Brad Beveridge (Vice-Chair), Omar Bitar*,  Jennifer Boucher,  Daniel Bowyer, Terry Burgoyne, Doris Chee*,  Sofiya Datsyuk*, Michelle Davis*, David Drew, Althea Fernandes*, Jing Fu*, Sandra Griffiths, Imran Khan, Vito Labate, David McKnight, Andria Minicucci, Ashleigh Molloy, Frid Mughal, Eric Noble, Ennio Palombizio, Nick Pantaleo, Naraindra Prashad, Maina Rambali, Connie Sellors*, Christophe Shammas*, Rachel Shaw-Ng*, Jane Speakman, Milomir Strbac, KimEija Taipaleenmaki, Irene Vrckovnik, Terese Weisberg, Steven Williams, Helen Wojcinski, Tom Woods*

*participated remotely via Zoom 

REGRETS: Pavel Abdur-Rahman, Mohammad Amin, George Buldo, Eileen de Villa, Jodeme Goldhar, Evie Jesin, Andrea Koop, Isas Levato, Asif Mohammed, Jamie Philip, Erin Rud-Thompson, Rohit Singla, Robin Whiffen, Jinzi Zheng

SECRETARIAT: Sheree Drummond (Acting Secretary, College of Electors), Timothy Harlick


  1. Chair’s Remarks

    The Chair welcomed members. She noted that Chancellor Wesley Hall had no longer been able to attend as he had been asked to attend a meeting of the Prime Minister’s Council on Canada-US Relations.

The College moved In Camera.


  1. Review of Alumni Governor Applications

    The Chair reported on the work of the Nominating Committee for Alumni Governors (NC AG). 

    The NC AG met on January 13, 2025, to conduct an initial assessment of the alumni governor applications that had been received. The Chair reminded members that the ‘Desired Attributes’ that had been developed by the College formed the foundation of the assessment coupled with the advice that was provided at the last meeting by the Chair of the Governing Council, the President of the University, and the President of the University of Toronto Alumni Association. She noted that serving as an alumni governor was the highest-level volunteer position, requiring individuals with a breadth of experience and a demonstrated commitment to university service.

    The College then discussed the applicants and identified a list of candidates to be invited to attend an interview with the NC AG.

    Members also discussed the role of the NC AG and the alumni governor election process.
  2. Review of Interview Questions and Interview Procedures

    The College reviewed the draft interview questions for 2025.

    The Chair reported that, following the meeting, each applicant would be informed by the Secretary, as to whether they had been invited to attend an interview with the NC AG on February 4, 2025.  A Report of the NC AG, including the Committee’s recommendations, would be submitted to the College for consideration at the next meeting on February 24, 2025. 

  3. Reports of the Previous Meetings

    1. Report of the Meeting held on October 7, 2024

    2. Report of the Meeting held on November 6, 2024

A member inquired about the absence of the discussion regarding conflict of interest in the minutes of the November 6, 2024 meeting. She reminded members that she had suggested that conflict of interest policies should be included in the orientation materials, if such policies were applicable. The Chair acknowledged this suggestion and indicated that the orientation materials would be reviewed. The Secretary explained that the discussion had not been reflected in the Report as it  had occurred during the in camera portion of the meeting and typically in camera minutes were very limited in their detail.

The member suggested including conflict of interest policies in the orientation materials, if such policies were applicable. The Chair acknowledged this suggestion and indicated that the orientation materials would be reviewed.

On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,

The minutes of the meetings held on October 7, 2024 and November 6, 2024, were approved.

  1. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting

    There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.
  2. Date of the Next Meeting – February 24, 2025, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

    The Chair noted that the next meeting of the College of Electors was scheduled to be held from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on February 24, 2025.           
  3. Other Business

    There was no other business.

The meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m.

January 21, 2025