Agenda Package: Audit Committee - June 16, 2021

Via Virtual Meeting


Pursuant to section 6.1 of the Audit Committee Terms of Reference, consideration of items 11 and 12 will take place in camera.


  1. Chair’s Remarks
  2. Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 142– April 26, 2021 (for approval)*
  3. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
  4. Audited Financial Statements and Notes – April 30, 2021 (for recommendation)+
    1. Financial Report: Presentation
    2. External Auditors’ Report of Audit Results
    3. Legal Claims
    4. External Auditors: Private Meeting
    5. Discussion and Recommendation 

      Be It Recommended

      THAT the University of Toronto audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2021 be approved.
  5. Appointment of External Auditors for 2021-22 (for recommendation)+

    Be It Recommended

    THAT Ernst & Young be re-appointed as external auditors of the University of Toronto for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2022
  6. Internal Audit Annual Report (to April 30, 2021) (for information)+
    1. Annual Report, 2020-2021
    2. Plan 2021-2022
  7. Reports of the Administrative Assessors
  8. IT Risk Management Update 
  9. Date of the Next Meeting: October 4, 2021 at 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
  10. Other Business


  1. Internal Auditor: Private meeting
  2. Committee Members Alone

*    Documentation attached
**    Documentation for consent item included. This item will be given individual consideration
by the Board only if a member so requests. Members with questions or who would like a consent
item to be discussed by the Board are asked to notify the Secretary, Ms. Tracey Gameiro, at least
24 hours before the meeting, by telephone (416-978-8425) or by email (
***    Documentation forthcoming 
+     Confidential documentation for members only