November 25, 2020
To the Governing Council,
University of Toronto
Your Business Board reports that it held a virtual meeting on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. with the following members:
Present: Anna Kennedy (Chair), Bruce Winter (Vice-Chair), Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, Kelly Hannah-Moffat, Vice-President, Human Resources and Equity, Sheila Brown, Chief Financial Officer, Robert G. Boeckner, Harvey Botting, David Bowden, Teodora Dechev, K. Sonu Gaind, Sue Graham-Nutter, Sarosh Jamal, Joan Johnston, Amin Kamaleddin, Kikelomo Lawal, Jan K. Mahrt-Smith, Brian A. Miron, Andrew Padmos, David Regan, Susan Rodgers, Danielle Skipp, Ian Taylor, Vishar Yaghoubian
Regrets: Kathryn A. Jenkins
Secretariat: Anwar Kazimi, Deputy-Secretary of the Governing Council, Patrick F. McNeill, Secretary
Non-Voting Assessors: Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President & Provost, David Palmer, Vice-President, Advancement, Angela Hildyard, Special Advisor to the President, Trevor Rodgers, Assistant Vice-President, Planning and Budget, Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty and Academic Life, Andrew Arifuzzaman, Chief Administrative Officer, UTSC, Christine E. Burke, Assistant Vice-President, University Planning, Joshua Mitchell, Director, Real Estate, Ron Saporta, Chief Operations Officer, Property Services & Sustainability
In Attendance: Rajiv Mathur, Member of Governing Council, Ernie Avilla, Project Development Lead, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, Ariana Bradford, Executive Director, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, Alex Brat, Executive Director, Labour Relations, Elizabeth Brown, Brown Mills Klinck Prezioso, Roger Bulgin, CAO, Woodsworth College, Carol Chin, Principal, Woodsworth, Lucy Chung, Director of Infrastructure Planning, FAS, Elizabeth Cragg, Director, Office of the VPOREP, Lisa Dolovich, Dean of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, Rosalyn Figov, Chief Operations Officer, Office of the VPHRE, Tony Gray, Director, Strategic Research,
Paul Handley, Chief Administrative Officer, Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education, Ira Jacobs, Dean, Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education, Mary Lyne, Chief Administrative Officer, Rotman School of Management, Kim MacLean, CAO, FAS, Steven Moate, Office of the President, Pierre Gilles Piché, Controller and Director of Financial Services, Andrea Russell, Director, Academic Affairs, Office of the Vice-President & Provost, Luis Seco, Director, UTM Mathematical Finance Program, Allan H. Shapira, Aon, Vince Tropepe, Vice-Dean, Research Infrastructure, Faculty of Arts and Science.
Pursuant to section 33(i) of By-Law Number 2,
items 11 to 15 were considered in camera.
- Chair’s Remarks
The Chair welcomed members and guests to the virtual meeting. With the Board’s support, there was one minor change to the agenda: In Camera Item 13(a) regarding the financing and execution of the Academic Wood Tower capital project would be moved to follow In Camera 13(d).
- Reports of the Administrative Assessors
COVID-19 Update
Professors Scott Mabury and Kelly Hannah-Moffat provided an update related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Highlights included the following:- there were no material or significant changes to report since September regarding enrolment figures (domestic student enrolment had decreased 8% and international enrolment had increased 8%); impact on operating budget remained unchanged;
- impact on ancillary budgets (i.e. food services, parking services, etc.) across the tri-camps remained challenging and was in severe distress (total net loss of $100 Million);
- University continued to be conservative in projecting gains/losses into the winter term; and continued to monitor provincial government actions and initiatives in student support, particularly for international students;
- research and acquisition of data was a top priority to better project/forecast budget and enrolment challenges in the year ahead;
- University continued to follow the direction of government and public health authorities to help keep its community safe and healthy; launched UCheck online self-assessment;
- Dashboard was also launched regarding the publishing of data (twice per week) related to the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases among members of the U of T community; to date no cases reported across tri-campus; and
- first of several Pulse Surveys launched to learn more about employee experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and to improve understanding of employee concerns; various initiatives implemented to respond to survey results including additional training for senior human resource officers and staff, enhanced Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services, development of a virtual wellness work-from-home toolkit; and additional 3 wellness-days off announced by the President.
In closing, the VPHRE stated that the University continued its efforts to cultivate a culture of kindness and empathy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Proposal to establish an Academic Pharmacy at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy (Incorporation)
Professor Cheryl Regehr reported that the proposal to incorporate the Academic Pharmacy had been removed from the April 2020 Business Board agenda and was being brought back following a review of the pharmacy’s corporate structure in order to meet the Ontario College of Pharmacists’ requirements. She noted that the proposal presented an innovative new model to create an academic pharmacy which brought together research, teaching, and service to the University community.
Professor Lisa Dolovich, Dean of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, provided additional background to the proposal stating that the pharmacy would be a fully accredited operation with twin goals to further exploration-based learning opportunities for students; and innovative and impactful research opportunities for faculty across all disciplines, including non-health disciplines. The pharmacy will be structured as a not-for-profit corporation and would operate as a needs-based dispensary and would also use on-line tools.
In response to members’ questions and comments Dean Dolovich stated the following:- extensive consultations had taken place since 2018 with a broad range of internal and external stakeholders, including neighbouring pharmacists, student union benefit providers, pharmacist technicians and others; would continue to engage with hospital and long-term care sectors;
- the pharmacy would be expected to meet all regulatory requirements established by the province and the Ontario College of Pharmacists;
- pharmacy would not initially serve the general public; restricted to students, staff and faculty;
- an annual audit will be undertaken to ensure transparency;
- the Faculty would work with central Advancement in the future to explore possible donor support; it was not expected to be registered as its own charity under the Income Tax Act; and
- first Board of Directors to draw upon diverse representation, including members with additional financial expertise and acumen.
On motion duly made, seconded and carried
THAT concurrent with Academic Board approval in principle of the incorporation of the Academic Pharmacy at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy,
THAT the proposed incorporation of the Academic Pharmacy at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, as described in the Proposal: The Development of an Academic Pharmacy at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, dated November 16, 2020, be approved.
- Annual Report: Vice-President, Human Resources and Equity
The Board received the Annual Report (January – December 2019) of the Vice-President, Vice-President, Human Resources and Equity (VPHRE), for information.
Professor Hannah-Moffat stated that the Report highlighted some of the portfolio’s most impactful initiatives and offered insight into how VPHRE supported the University of Toronto's diverse and talented workforce. This report was usually presented in tandem with the Employment Equity Report, however, it will be presented to Business Board in cycle 3.
The VPHRE also spoke to activities in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and noted that the HR & Equity (HR) team had pivoted to respond to the unprecedented and challenging circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic. She expressed her thanks for their adaptability and dedication to supporting U of T. Professor Hannah-Moffat stated that the portfolio would continue to support the University community on a host of wellness-related issues stemming from COVID-19 in the foreseeable future.
Highlights of the 2019 Annual Report presentation included the following:
- U of T was recognized as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers, Canada’s Top Family-Friendly Employers, Canada’s Greenest Employers, Canada’s Best Diversity Employers, Greater Toronto’s Top Employers, and one of the Top Employers for Canadians Over 40; U of T also placed second in Forbes magazine’s 2019 list of Canada’s Best Employers;
- HR & Equity worked on 13 new initiatives in 2019 to initiate its digital modernization program, which included the launch of software to support the new True Blue recognition program, the launch of SuccessFactors Performance & Goals, the launch of SuccessFactors Learning (our new LMS), the roll-out of Kronos Time and Attendance timecard software for hourly-paid employees, and the launch of the HR Service Centre to streamline HR processes and inquiries;
- Talent development and learning initiatives in 2019, included launching the new Learning Management System (LMS); and rebranding and relaunch of the Organizational Development & Learning Centre as the Centre for Learning, Leadership & Culture (LLC);
- The LLC delivered significantly more courses than previous years and partnered with areas like the Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office and the Office of Safety & High Risk to develop specialized educational programming for the University community;
- Integrated Talent Management Unit was launched in response to a gap in institutional succession management. This unit streamlined onboarding, talent acquisition, and succession planning programs and helped in recruitment, retainment and mentoring of staff;
- HR & Equity’s leadership capacity and expertise in EDI was enhanced by creating a new role of Executive Director, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI), reporting to the VPHRE;
- Labour Relations had renegotiated three collective agreements with three different unions representing 875 staff at the university in 2019. These negotiations concluded within the established fiscally responsible mandate and without labour disruptions or disputes;
- Work continued on the joint-sponsored pension plan over 2019, and as a result, the University Pension Plan was established on January 1, 2020, with the appointment of a 14-person Board of Trustees as the legal administrator of the new plan that will serve pension plan members and retirees at Queen’s University, University of Guelph and University of Toronto; the UPP would come into effect on July 1, 2021, marking a watershed in the history of pensions in Ontario's university sector; and
- Launched the Integrated Wellness Initiative in 2019 to address various staff wellness needs and enhance the coordination, collaboration, and communication of wellness programs across U of T services and systems.
Professor Hannah-Moffat stated that in the coming year, HR & Equity would continue to provide integrated human resources and equity services to its stakeholders while responding and adjusting to the circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Chair thanked Professor Hannah-Moffat for her report.
On motion duly moved, seconded and carried
THAT the consent agenda be adopted.
- Report of the Previous Meeting
Report Number 254, October 6, 2020, was approved.
- Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.
- Status Report on Debt to October 31, 2020
The Status Report on Debt to October 31, 2020 was received for information.
- Credit Report: S&P Global Ratings Report - University of Toronto (November 11, 2020)
The report was received for information.
- Date of the Next Meeting – Wednesday, February 3, 2021
The Chair advised members that the next meeting would be Wednesday, February 3, 2021 starting at 5:00 p.m.
- Other Business
There was no other business.
The Board moved In Camera
- In Camera Reports of the Administrative Assessors (oral reports)
Update: University Pension Plan Ontario [“the UPP”]
Professor Angela Hildyard provided an update on the University Pension Plan [“the UPP”].
Collective Bargaining
Professor Kelly Hannah-Moffat reported on a collective bargaining matter.
- Quarterly List of Donations of $250,000 or more to the University of Toronto – August 1, 2020 to October 31, 2020
The Quarterly Report was received by the Board for information.
- Capital Projects:
- New Woodsworth College Academic Building – Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding
- Financing Requirement
On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried
THAT the recommendation of Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated November 16, 2020, regarding the financing of the New Woodsworth College AcademicBuilding capital project, be approved.
- Execution of the Project
On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried
The recommendation of Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated November 16, 2020, regarding the execution of the New Woodsworth College Academic Building capital project.
- Financing Requirement
- Schwartz Reisman Innovation Centre (formerly “Partners in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (PIE)”) West/Phase 1 – Further Revised Total Project Cost Increase and Sources of Funding
- Financing Requirement
On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried
THAT the recommendation of Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated November 16, 2020, regarding the financing of the Schwartz Reisman Innovation Centre (formerly “Partners in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (PIE)”) West/Phase 1 capital \project, be approved.
- Execution of the Project
On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried
The recommendation of Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated November 16, 2020, regarding the execution of the Schwartz Reisman Innovation Centre (formerly “Partners in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (PIE)”) West/Phase 1 capital project.
- Financing Requirement
- UTSC Indigenous House – Execution of the Project
On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried
The recommendation of Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated November 16, 2020, regarding the execution of the UTSC Indigenous House capital project.
- Academic Wood Tower – Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding
- Financing Requirement
On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried
THAT the recommendation of Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated November 16, 2020, regarding the financing of the Academic Wood Tower capital project, be approved.
- Execution of the Project
On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried
The recommendation of Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated November 16, 2020, regarding the execution of the Academic Wood Tower capital project.
- Financing Requirement
- New Woodsworth College Academic Building – Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding
- Collective Agreement: University of Toronto and OPSEU Local 578
The Collective Agreement between the University of Toronto and OPSEU Local 578 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021) was received by the Board for information.
- Business Board Striking Committee: 2020-21 Membership
On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried
THAT the following be appointed to the Business Board Striking Committee to recommend appointments for 2020-2021: Janet Ecker (Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council), Sarosh Jamal (Administrative Staff), Amin Kamaleddin (Student), K. Sonu Gaind (Teaching Staff) and David Bowden (Alumni).
The Board returned to open session.
The meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.
November 27, 2020