Douglas E. McDougall
Douglas McDougall is Professor of Mathematics Education in OISE’s Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning. He has held several academic leadership roles at OISE, recently finishing a four-year term as Associate Dean, Programs. Professor McDougall is also Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Toronto in 1997, he taught secondary school in Waterloo and Cambridge and elementary school in Toronto for almost two decades.
Professor McDougall has an extensive publication record and his research on improving instructional strategies at the elementary and secondary school levels has attracted significant funding. He is a member of the Audit Committee of the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance (Quality Council).
Professor McDougall received an HBMath from the University of Waterloo, a BEd from the University of Western Ontario, and an MEd and EdD from the University of Toronto.