Agenda Package: Executive Committee - June 27, 2023

Chairs' Boardroom, Simcoe Hall


Pursuant to section 28 (e) and 38 of By-Law Number 2,
items 10 to 13 will take place in camera.

Closed Session

  1. Chair’s Remarks

  2. Items for Confirmation

    1. Capital Project (Level 2): Report of the Project Planning Committee for University of Toronto Temerty Faculty of Medicine Division of Teaching Laboratories Ramsay Wright Staging Project – Project Scope and Sources of Funding*
      (Arising from Report Number 246 of the Academic Board (May 25, 2023)) and Report Number 273 of the Business Board (June 20, 2023))

      Be It Confirmed by the Executive Committee:

      THAT the project scope of the Ramsay Wright Laboratories Building renovation as identified in the Report of the Project Planning Committee for University of Toronto Temerty Faculty of Medicine Division of Teaching Laboratories Ramsay Wright Staging Project, dated March 28, 2023, be approved in principle; and,

      THAT the project totaling 2,367 net assignable square meters (nasm) (2,695 gross square meters (gsm)), of renovated space be approved in principle, to be funded by the Faculty of Medicine Division of Teaching Laboratories and the Faculty of Arts and Science operating reserves, divisional contributions to the Future Major Capital Projects Reserve Fund, and Division of Teaching Laboratories financing.

    2. Capital Project (Level 2): Report of the Project Planning Committee for Innis College Renovation & Addition– Project Scope and Sources of Funding*
      Arising from Report Number 246 of the Academic Board (May 25, 2023)) and Report Number 273 of the Business Board (June 20, 2023))

      Be It Confirmed by the Executive Committee:

      THAT the project scope of the Innis College Renovation & Addition as identified in the Report of the Project Planning Committee for University of Toronto Innis College Renovation & Addition, dated March 28, 2023, be approved in principle; and,

      THAT the project totaling 1,030 net assignable square metres (nasm) (2,328 gross square metres (gsm)), be approved in principle, to be funded by the Faculty of Arts & Science, Innis College and the Provost through a combination of Divisional Future Major Capital Reserves & Operating Reserves, Student Levy, Fundraising and Financing.  
  1. Items for Endorsement and Forwarding to the Governing Council

    1. Audited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year ended April 30, 2023* (Presentation)
      (Arising from Report Number 273 of the Business Board (June 20, 2023))

      Be it Resolved  

      THAT the following recommendation be endorsed and forwarded to the Governing Council:

      THAT the University of Toronto audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2023, be approved. 

    2. External Auditors: Appointment for 2023-2024*
      (Arising from Report Number 273 of the Business Board (June 20, 2023)

      Be it Resolved  

      THAT the following recommendation be endorsed and forwarded to the Governing Council:

      THAT Ernst & Young LLP be re-appointed as external auditors of the University of Toronto for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2024. 


  1. Establishment of an Extra-Departmental Unit C (EDU:C) - Institutes for Resilient and Inclusive Societies and Ecosystems (iRISE) (for confirmation)** (Presentation)
    (Arising from Report Number 59 of the UTSC Campus Council (June 21, 2023))

    Be It Confirmed by the Executive Committee:

    THAT, the Establishment of an Extra-Departmental Unit C (EDU:C) - Institutes for Resilient and Inclusive Societies and Ecosystems (iRISE) as described in the proposal, dated June 4, 2023, be approved effective June 28, 2023.
  2. Report of the Previous Meeting of the Executive Committee (for approval)**

    Report Number 543 of the Executive Committee (June 15, 2023)
  3. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
  4. Reports for Information
    1. Report Number 273 of the Business Board (June 20, 2023)**
    2. Report Number 59 of the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus Council (June 21, 2023)**

  1. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday, October 17 2023 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
  2. Other Business

In Camera Session

  1. Report of an Ad Hoc Committee for a Capital Project ++ (for information)
  2. Items for Approval by the Executive Committee
    1. Establishment of Judicial Board+
    2. External Appointment: Member and Director, University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation (UTAM)+
  3. Items for Confirmation
    1. Capital Project (Level 2): Report of the Project Planning Committee for University of Toronto Temerty Faculty of Medicine Division of Teaching Laboratories Ramsay Wright Staging Project – Total Project Costs and Sources of Funding + (for approval)
      (Arising from Report Number 246 of the Academic Board (May 25, 2023) and Report Number 273 of the Business Board (June 20, 2023))

    2. Capital Project (Level 2): Report of the Project Planning Committee for the Innis College Renovation & Addition – Total Project Costs and Sources of Funding + (for approval)
      (Arising from Report Number 246 of the Academic Board (May 25, 2023) and Report Number 273 of the Business Board (June 20, 2023))

  4. Item for Endorsement and Forwarding to the Governing Council
    1. Senior Appointment++

*    Documentation is attached.
**   Documentation for consent item included.  This item will be given individual consideration by the Committee only if a member so requests.  Members with questions or who would like the consent item to be discussed by the Committee are invited to notify the Secretary, Mr. Anwar Kazimi, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting by telephone at 416-978-8427 or by email at
***  Documentation to follow.
+    Confidential documentation is attached for members only.
++   Confidential documentation to be distributed at the meeting to members only.
+++ Confidential documentation to follow.