Minutes of the College of Electors meeting held on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 5:00 p.m., in the Council :
PRESENT: Candice Jay, (UTAA) (Chair), Tom Woods (Vice-Chair), Omar Bitar, Dan Bowyer, George Buldo, Arun Channan, Doris Chee, Sofiya Datsyuk, Eileen de Villa, Vidia Dhanraj, David Drew, Althea Fernandes, Jing Fu, Sandra Griffiths, Evie Jesin, Andrea Koop, Tamara Kronis, Nakia Lee-Foon, Idas Levato, David McKnight, Andria Minicucci, Asif Mohammed, Frid Mughal, Eric Noble, Ennio Palombizio, Nick Pantaleo, David Plant, Naraindra Prashad, Maina Rambali, Erin Rud-Thompson, Connie Sellors, Christophe Shammas, Rohit Singla, Milomir Strbac, KimEjia Taipaleemaki, Gina Valle, Terese Weisberg, Robin Whiffen, Jinzi Zheng
REGRETS: Mohammed Amin, Brad Beveridge, Jennifer Boucher, Ernesto Diaz Lozano Patino, Jodeme Goldhar, Shauna Gundy, Jamie Philip, Joy Richards, Sheila Ritcey, Lisa Taillefer, Steve Williams
SECRETARIAT: Anwar Kazimi, Secretary, College of Electors; Tim Harlick, Assistant Secretary of the Governing Council
IN ATTENDANCE: Anne Cobban, Director, Alumni Engagement Metrics and Recognition
- Chair’s Remarks and Orientation
The Chair welcomed members and guests to the first College of Electors meeting for 2023-2024 and invited introductions for the new Executive Committee.
A three-part orientation was provided for members. The Secretary spoke about governance at the University and the role of the College within University governance; Anne Cobban, Director, Alumni Engagement Metrics and Recognition, provided an overview of alumni relations at the University, including alumni engagement activities; the Chair and Vice-Chair outlined the specific functions of the College and the milestones for the coming year.
The Chair emphasized that each member of the College played an important role in governance throughout the year. The College represented all University alumni, not just constituent alumni, and it was responsible for considering the needs of the entire University. The Chair also stated that members were responsible for contributing to an increased awareness within the University community of the College, the Governing Council, and the work of alumni members of the Governing Council. Members were encouraged to provide regular updates about the work of the College to their constituent alumni associations. Ms Jay stated that members would receive an information package from the Secretary regarding the Divisional University Association (DUA) contacts and other details regarding the promotion of the pending call for Alumni Governor nominations.
The Chair noted that at the next meeting, the Chair of the Governing Council, the President of the University of Toronto, and the President of the University of Toronto Alumni Association would address the College regarding the attributes being sought for the two (2) Alumni Governor seats that the College would elect in 2024.
On behalf of the College, the Chair thanked Ms Cobban for her presentation.
- Call for Nominations for the 2023-2024 Nominating Committee for Alumni Governors
The Chair explained that one of the College’s standing committees was the Nominating Committee for Alumni Governors (NC-AG), which comprised of the five members of the Executive Committee and three members elected annually by and from among the College. The functions of the NC-AG included the assessment of potential alumni governors relative to existing or projected needs within governance, in consultation with the College; interviewing the candidates; and providing the College with a list and report of recommended candidates for election under the provisions of the College’s Constitution.
The Chair stated that nominations from interested members would be accepted until Wednesday, October 18, 2023. She invited members to nominate themselves or another member for one of the three seats on the Committee. The Executive Committee would review the nominations and prepare a recommended slate for the College, to be considered at the October 30th meeting.
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting – May 17, 2023
On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried
The minutes of the meeting of May 17, 2023 were approved.
- Business Arising from the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
There was no business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.
- College of Electors – Schedule of Meetings 2023-24
Members received the 2023-2024 meeting schedule for information.
Date of Next Meeting
The Chair reminded members that the next meeting would be held on Monday, October 30, 2023, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
- Other Business
Governing Council Calendar of Business
Members were encouraged to attend at least one meeting of the Governing Council and its Boards and Committees, including Campus Councils. The Secretary noted that the entire calendar of business was posted on the GC website and was updated every Friday. Members could sign up to receive an electronic notice of meeting and related agenda materials for any meeting of the Governing Council or one of its bodies using the online request form or could contact the Secretary. The next Governing Council meeting would be held on Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. – the meeting would also be live webcast.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
October 7, 2023