Minutes of the College of Electors meeting held on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber (second floor), Simcoe Hall, 27 King’s College Circle
Candice Jay, (UTAA) (Chair), Jehane Adam (New College), Mohammad Amin (UTM), Manny Bettencourt (UTM), Brad Beveridge (Rotman School of Management), Omar Bitar (University College), George Buldo (Medicine), Arun Chanan (Applied Science and Engineering), Doris Chee (Architecture, Landscape and Design), Eileen de Villa (Medicine), Vidia Dhanraj (New College), Ernesto Diaz Lozano Patino (Applied Science and Engineering), Althea Fernandes (UTSC), Chris Girard (University College), Sandra Griffiths (UTSC), Shauna Gundy (Trinity College), Nakia Lee-Foon (Victoria College), Eve Leung (Information), Idas Levato (Victoria College), John Paul Lostesto (UTM), Andria Minicucci (St. Michael’s College), Nick Pantaleo (St. Michael’s College), Jaime Philip (OISE), David Plant (Trinity College), Larissa Rodo (Applied Science and Engineering), Connie Sellors (Pharmacy), Cindy Sinclair (OISE), Mark Surchin (Law), KimEija Taipaleenmaki (University College), Gina Valle (OISE), Terese Weisberg (Social Work), Tom Woods (Applied Science and Engineering)
Regrets: David Drew (Kinesiology and Physical Education), Imre Gams (UTM), Jodeme Goldhar (Public Health), Evie Jesin (Dentistry), Sofya Malik (OISE), Julia Prato (UTSC), Joy Richards (Nursing), Sheila Ritcey (Medicine), Erin Rud-Thompson (Woodsworth College), Sitharsana Srithas (UTSC), Lisa Taillefer (Victoria College), Harlan Tufford (Woodsworth College), Robin Whiffen (Music), Steven Williams (St. Michael’s College), Theresa Wright (Innis College)
Secretariat: Sheree Drummond, Secretary of the Governing Council, Anwar Kazimi, Secretary, College of Electors
Guests: Anna Kennedy, Vice-Chair, Governing Council, Amanda Bartley (Alumni governor-elect), David Bowden (Alumni member of the Governing Council), Paul Huyer (Alumni member of the Governing Council), Brian Madden (Alumni governor-elect), Eha Naylor (Alumni member of the Governing Council), Grace Westcott (Alumni member of the Governing Council)
- Chair’s Remarks
The Chair welcomed members and guests to the final meeting of the 2022-2023 governance year.
The Committee moved In Camera.
- Report of the 2022-2023 Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee (NC-EC) of the College of Electors
The Chair informed the College of the process by which the Executive Committee was elected each year. She said that the 2022-2023 Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee (NC-EC) was composed of three members: Mr. Manny Bettencourt (UTM), Larissa Rodo (Applied Science and Engineering) and Eve Leung (Information).
Mr. Bettencourt then presented the Committee’s report.
- Vice-Chair
On motion duly moved, seconded and carried
It Was Resolved
THAT Tom Woods (Applied Science and Engineering) be appointed Vice-Chair of the College of Electors for 2023-2024.
- Executive Committee
On motion duly moved, seconded and carried
It Was Resolved
THAT Arun Channan (Faculty of Applied and Engineering), Shauna Gundy (Trinity College) and David Plant (Trinity College), be appointed to the Executive Committee of the College of Electors for 2023-24.
The Chair congratulated the members of the 2023-2024 Executive Committee and thanked the 2022-2023 NC-EC for their work.
- Vice-Chair
Selection of the 2023-2024 Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee
The Chair reminded members of the role of the Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee (NC-EC) as per the College’s Constitution. Vidia Dhanraj (New College), Ernesto Diaz Lozano Patino (Applied Science and Engineering), and Shauna Gundy (Trinity College) volunteered to sit on the 2023-2024 NC-EC.
The Chair thanked them for their willingness to serve in that capacity.
Other Business
The College received a document to provide guidance to alumni members of the College of Electors on engagement with their constituent alumni offices. The guidance identified relevant points of contact, meeting schedules, and discussion items to further effective collaboration between COE members and constituent alumni offices throughout the academic year.
The College discussed the initiatives outline in the document. The Chair the members who had contributed to this initiative.
The Committee Returned to Open Session
- Reflections from Alumni Governors
The Chair welcomed Ms Anna Kennedy, Vice-Chair of the Governing Council, alumni governors – David Bowden, Paul Huyer, and Eha Naylor - and alumni governor-elects – Amanda Bartley and Brian Madden - who had joined the meeting and invited them to share some of their experiences with the College. In delivering their remarks, the alumni governors spoke on a range of matters. Ms Kennedy thanked the member of the College for their service to the University.
The Chair thanked the guests for their valuable reflections and for their excellent service as ambassadors for the University. She wished each continued success, bade farewell to David Bowden who was completing his term, and wished the best to the two incoming Alumni Governors.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting – February 23, 2023
On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried
It Was Resolved
THAT the minutes of the meeting of February 22, 2023 be approved, as corrected.
- Business Arising from the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
There was no business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Date of Next Meeting
The Chair reminded members that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
- Chair’s Closing Remarks
The Chair thanked members of the 2022-2023 Executive Committee: Mark Surchin (Vice-Chair) (Law), John Paul Lotesto (UTM), Cindy Sinclair (OISE) and David Plant (Trinity College) for having supported her as Chair of the College. They had given generously of their time and assistance.
The Chair also thanked all members of the College for their dedication and acknowledged the other members who would end their service on the College this year.
The Chair presented a certificate of appreciation to the following out-going members:
- Jehane Adam (New College)
- Manny Bettencourt (UTM)
- Imre Gams (UTM)
- Chris Girard (University College)
- Eve Leung (Information)
- John Paul Lotesto (UTM)
- Sofya Malik (OISE)
- Julia Prato (UTSC)
- Larissa Rodo (Applied Science and Engineering)
- Cindy Sinclair (OISE)
- Sitharsana Srithas (UTSC)
- Mark Surchin (Law)
- Harlan Tufford (Woodsworth College)
- Theresa Wright (Innis College)
Members of the College expressed their appreciation to the Chair and Secretary.
The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
May 19, 2023