
For a detailed explanation of the decision issuance process, please see paragraph 13 of the Memorandum of Procedures for Hearings arising from page 11 of the Code of Student Conduct.

Where a Hearing Officer determines that you committed an offence, he or she shall impose a sanction(s) and give reasons for the decision.

A copy of any letter imposing a sanction(s) will be copied to the ADFG Office.

Yes, upon receipt of the Hearing Officer's decision, if you wish to appeal the decision of the Hearing Officer , you may file a Notice of Appeal with the ADFG Office within 21 calendar days after being given notice of the Decision.

For a detailed explanation of the publication of records, please see paragraph 5 of the Code of Student Conduct’s Memorandum on the Maintenance and Use of the Records of Non-Academic Discipline Proceedings.

The Hearing Officer or the Discipline Appeals Board may make recommendations to the Vice-President & Provost that the nature of the offence and the sanction be published in the University newspapers. Where circumstances warrant, the Hearing Officer or the Discipline Appeals Board may also order the publication of your name, if convicted.

The Vice-President & Provost has the discretion to withhold publication of your name.