- Academic Appeals
- Academic Discipline & Academic Discipline Appeals
- Non-Academic Discipline & Non-Academic Discipline Appeals
- Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment
- Supportive Leaves Policy Appeals
- Complaint and Resolution Council for Student Societies (CRCSS)
- Advancement Review Panel - CUPE 3902 Unit 3
- Clinical Faculty Academic Review Committee
- Clinical Faculty Grievance Review Committee
- UTFA Tenure Appeals
- UTFA Grievances
- UTFA Workload Adjudication
do you want help responding to allegations of misconduct?
Downtown Legal Services (DLS) may be able to help! DLS is a legal clinic with experience representing students in the non-academic discipline and non-academic discipline appeals processes. It is located on the University of Toronto campus and provides free legal services to students who qualify.
have you been accused of misconduct under the code of student conduct?
In the non-academic discipline process, allegations of non-academic misconduct against a student under the University’s Code of Student Conduct, or the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment are heard. This process may also involve the imposition of interim conditions and/or interim measures upon a student.
have you been found guilty of misconduct under the code of student conduct?
In the non-academic discipline appeals process, the Discipline Appeals Board will hear and dispose of appeals from decisions made under the University’s Code of Student Conduct, including decisions to impose interim conditions or measures.