Case Summaries & Reasons for Decision

The ADFG Office maintains an online database of past reasons for decision and reports made by the Academic Appeals Committee, the University Tribunal (trial division), and the Discipline Appeals Board. Those found here are from 2000 onwards and are searchable.

You can search these reasons for decisions and reports using keywords and phrases in order to identify those that are relevant to your current matter. Knowing how a decision-making body has dealt with a matter in the past may be of assistance when preparing for a hearing.

The ADFG Office also maintains online databases of summaries of decisions and reports made by the Academic Appeals Committee, the University Tribunal (trial division), and the Discipline Appeals Board. These summaries provide a quick overview of the key issues that a decision-making body dealt with in a particular case, but they will not necessarily capture everything in a decision or report. When doing a search, each summary will appear separate from the reasons for decision or report, but the summary is also linked to the corresponding full decision or report at the bottom of the specific summary.

In all cases, it is the reasons for decision or report that will be searched in the database, and not the summary.

If you want to access reasons for decision or summaries that  highlight key principles, please click the buttons below. If you want to access all summaries and reasons for decisions, you can select the relevant database in the navigation menu on the left.

academic appeals committee reports: key principles

This database allows you to search Academic Appeal Committee reports that illustrate key principles, as selected by the ADFG. These reports are categorized by key principles and outcomes.

This tool is not meant to be exhaustive but was developed merely to assist as part of your independent research. The reports are selected for your ease of reference only, and the principles they illustrate are not necessarily binding on the Academic Appeals Committee, nor will a party necessarily agree with the principles identified.

university tribunal reasons for decision: key principles

This database allows you to search University Tribunal cases that illustrate key principles, as selected by the ADFG. These cases are categorized by key principles and outcomes.

This tool is not meant to be exhaustive but was developed merely to assist as part of your independent research. The cases are selected for your ease of reference only, and the principles they illustrate are not necessarily binding on the University Tribunal, nor will a party necessarily agree with the principles identified.