Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

NOTE: For any questions not addressed here, please contact your Registrar or the head of your Division as most hearings pertaining to non-academic misconduct are held at the Divisional level.  If you are a graduate student please contact the School of Graduate Studies. 

Yes. If you are charged with a non-academic offence, retaining legal representation is strongly encouraged. (See Finding Legal Representation to locate legal assistance)

Hearings are open to members of the University, unless a Hearing Officer orders it closed.

The onus of proof is on the head of the Division (as represented by the Investigating Officer), who must show that the accused has committed the offence alleged on the balance of probabilities. (Paragraph 14, Memorandum of Procedures for Hearings arising from the Code of Student Conduct). Balance of probabilities means that the Division must prove it was more likely than not that the accused committed the offence.

Yes. Non-academic discipline hearings are recorded by the Hearing Officer. The head of the Division keeps the recordings for at least 90 days after the reasons for the Decision for the matter has been issued. (Page 11, Paragraph 7, Code of Student Conduct’s Memorandum on the Maintenance and Use of the Records of Non-Academic Discipline Proceedings)

Yes, upon learning of the Hearing Officer’s decision, you may file a Notice of Appeal with the ADFG office within 21 calendar days.

Note: The appeal timeline starts when you are informed of the decision even if reasons for the decision have not yet been issued.

If you need a disability-related accommodation to participate in this non-academic discipline process, please review and follow the procedure set out in the Protocol for Requesting Accommodation for Disabilities in the Non-Academic Discipline Process.