- Academic Appeals
- Academic Discipline & Academic Discipline Appeals
- Non-Academic Discipline & Non-Academic Discipline Appeals
- Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment
- Supportive Leaves Policy Appeals
- Complaint and Resolution Council for Student Societies (CRCSS)
- Advancement Review Panel - CUPE 3902 Unit 3
- Clinical Faculty Academic Review Committee
- Clinical Faculty Grievance Review Committee
- UTFA Tenure Appeals
- UTFA Grievances
- UTFA Workload Adjudication
academic appeals committee Members
Chairs | Teaching Staff | Students |
Prof. Hamish Stewart (Senior Chair) | Prof. Donald Ainslie | Jovan Bursac |
Alexis Archbold | Prof. Aarthi Ashok | Luca Calabretta |
Prof. Lisa Austin | Dr. Glen Bandiera |
Liam Dravid |
Sara Faherty | Dr. Laurent Bozec | Ankita Goyat |
Cheryl Milne | Prof. Ramy Elitzur | Akina Lalla |
Dr. Erika Murray | Dr. K. Sonu Gaind | Cameron Miranda-Radbord |
Prof. Richard Stacey | Dr. Audrey Karlinsky | Maya Povhe |
Prof. Mark Lautens | William Verreault | |
Prof. Ron Levi | ||
Prof. Douglas E. McDougall | ||
Prof. Andrew Petersen | ||
Prof. David Zingg | ||
Ex Officio | ||
Ms. Anna Kennedy (Chair of the Governing Council) |
Ms. Sandra Hanington (Vice-Chair of the Governing Council) |
Dr. Wesley J. Hall (Chancellor) |
Prof. Meric S. Gertler (President) | ||
Ms. Sheree Drummond (Secretary of the Governing Council) |
how are aac members selected?
All Academic Appeals Committee (AAC) Chairs and members are part of the University community and serve on a voluntary basis.
Academic Appeals Committee Chairs are formally appointed by the following process:
“The Academic Board appoints […] the Senior Chair and Chairs of the Academic Appeals Committee, on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee for the University Tribunal and Academic Appeals Committee” (Section 5.2.6.C.iii., Academic Board Terms of Reference).
Continuing and New Chairs
- In consultation with the Nominating Committee, the current Senior Chair is asked if he or she wishes to continue as the Senior Chair of the AAC for an additional term. The membership term for the AAC Senior Chair is one year.
- Upon invitation by the Director, ADFG, and in consultation with the Chair of the Nominating Committee and the Senior Chair of the AAC, the current AAC Chairs are asked if they wish to continue as AAC Chairs for an additional term. The membership term for AAC Chairs is one year.
- If there is a need for new AAC Chairs or Senior Chair, the Chair of the Nominating Committee, in consultation with various parties, presents a list of nominees and their biographies to the members of the Nominating Committee, including a list of those up for re-appointment. Each nominee is legally qualified (a lawyer) and is either a University faculty member or a very senior member of the University administrative staff.
- The Nominating Committee sends the list of candidates to the Academic Board, which considers the list during its last meeting of the governance year (May or June).
- The approved individuals are then added to the AAC membership list, which is posted online.
Currently, there are 20 members on the AAC (12 teaching staff and 8 students), all of whom are governors.
Academic Appeals Committee members are formally appointed by the following process:
“**Governing Council shall appoint Governing Council members of the Committee” (Page 1 footnote, Academic Appeals Committee Terms of Reference).
- Near the end of the governance year, Governing Council (GC) announces the election results, revealing the governors of the next governance year. Some of the governors will have been governors previously, while others are new to GC.
- All teaching staff and student governors are automatically appointed as members of the AAC.
- The individuals are added to the AAC membership list, which is posted online.
- Usually no member is allowed to sit on a panel until they have attended mandatory training.