Who We Are

Christopher Lang

Email: christopher.lang@utoronto.ca

Krista Kennedy (On Leave)

Office Manager & Hearing Secretary
Email: krista.kennedy@utoronto.ca

office address

Appeals, Discipline, and Faculty Grievances

Office of the Governing Council
McMurrich Building, Room 102
12 Queen's Park Crescent West
Toronto, ON M5S 1S8

If you wish to meet with someone in the ADFG office, including to make any deliveries, please email our office at adfg.admin@utoronto.ca before visiting, as the office is located in a secured suite.

Carmelle Salomon-Labbé

Associate Director
Email: carmelle.salomonlabbe@utoronto.ca

Karen Bellinger

Associate Director
Email: karen.bellinger@utoronto.ca


Special Projects Officer

Samanthe Huang

Quasi-Judicial Coordinator & Hearing Secretary 
Email: samanthe.huang@utoronto.ca 

Jia Li

Quasi-Judicial Administrative Assistant 
Email: jyl.li@utoronto.ca