Report: Planning and Budget Committee - May 04, 2022

Governing Council Chamber


May 4, 2022

To the Academic Board, 
University of Toronto 

Your Committee reports that it met on May 4, 2022, at 3:10 p.m. in the Council Chamber, with the following members present:   

Jan K. Mahrt-Smith, (Chair),  Mark  Lautens, (Vice Chair),  Cheryl Regehr, (Vice-President and Provost),  Scott  Mabury, (Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships),  Jeff Lennon, (Interim Assistant Vice-President, Planning & Budget),  Bisma Ali,  Janet Cloud*, Markus D. Dubber,  Daniel Haas,  Tony Harris, Sarosh  Jamal*,  Rita Kandel,  Ernest W.N. Lam,  Rajiv Mathur,  Nicole  Mideo,    Marium Nur Vahed,  Melanie A. Woodin, Vishar Yaghoubian
*participated remotely via Zoom

Andrew Chen, Carol C. Chin, Ettore Vincenzo Damiano,  Lisa Rebecca Dolovich, Amy  Mullin

Christine Burke, (Assistant Vice-President, University Planning), Leah Cowen, (Vice-President, Research and Innovation and Strategic Initiatives)

Tracey Gameiro, Secretary

Elizabeth Cragg, Director, (Office of the Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships), Jennifer Francisco, Coordinator, Academic Change (Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs), Gillian Hamilton, (Acting Vice-Dean, Academic Planning, Faculty of Arts & Science), Susan Hill, (Director of Centre for Indigenous Studies), David Lock, (Coordinator, Academic Planning & Reviews),  Néstor E. Rodríguez, (Program Director, Caribbean Studies; Associate Professor; Department of Spanish & Portuguese), T. Nikki Cesare Schotzko, (Interim Director, Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies), Archana Sridhar, (Assistant Provost, Office of the Vice-President and Provost), Vince Tropepe, (Vice-Dean Research, Faculty of Arts & Science)


Pursuant to section 33(i) of By-Law Number 2, item 13 was considered in camera.


  1. Chair’s Remarks

    The Chair welcomed members to the final meeting of the 2021-2022 academic year and thanked them for their valuable service to the Committee.  
  2. Assessors’ Reports 

    There were no reports from the assessors. 
  3. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the University of Toronto Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies (CDTPS), University College Laidlaw Wing– Project Scope and Sources of Funding

    Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations & Real Estate Partnerships presented an overview of the CDTPS capital project, highlighting the following main points:
  • the CDTPS would be relocating from the third floor of the Koffler Student Services Centre, (which would accommodate the new Health & Wellness Centre), to the Laidlaw wing at University College;
  • the space was well suited to accommodate the project with over half the floor area on the second floor containing double height space lending itself well to theatrical performance;
  • the new purpose-built space would service a wide range of CDTPS needs, taking advantage of innovations in technology and incorporating flexible spaces;
  • the project would include three performance spaces, studio support spaces, teaching spaces, and shared spaces (student lounge, event space, informal meeting areas and kitchenettes); 
  • performance spaces were designed with wood sprung floors and lighting grids;
  • studio support spaces were designed to be fully accessible;
  • the Design Studio would support a multitude of functions including design production, writing workshops and a computer lab drop-in; 
  • project consultation involved both undergraduate and graduate CDTPS student representatives from the initial Project Planning Committee meetings into Schematic Design and Design Development bi-weekly consultant presentations;
  • the project also worked closely with staff from the University’s Art Museum to study and mitigate vibration and sound transfer to the UC Art Centre located directly below the project;
  • an accessibility review was undertaken during Design Development to further incorporate feedback; and
  • an early works demolition permit package had been submitted to the City and was awaiting review.

    There were no questions from members.

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT the project scope of the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies in the University College Laidlaw Wing, as identified in the Report of the Project Planning Committee for University of Toronto Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies in University College Laidlaw Wing, dated March 24, 2022, be approved in principle; and, 

    THAT the project totaling 1,089.5 nasm is proposed, with 1,475 gsm renovated space be approved in principle, to be funded by the Faculty of Arts & Sciences Operating Fund, Future Major Capital Projects Reserve, and Institutional Reserves. 
  1. Proposal to Establish an Extra-Departmental Unit B (EDU: B) -  Proposal to Establish the Centre for Caribbean Studies as an EDU: B, Faculty of Arts & Science 

    The Provost introduced the proposal to establish the Centre for Caribbean Studies as a new EDU: B at the Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS), explaining that an EDU B was a unit that could offer academic programs and could also have minority appointment faculty (up to 49%). She noted that the unit would be the academic home for the existing Caribbean Studies programs and community, and reflected the FAS’ commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion. 

    Professor Néstor E. Rodríguez, (Program Director, Caribbean Studies), then addressed the Committee. He stated that the Caribbean Studies program was the only one of its kind in Canada, and one of only a very few in the world.  The program’s graduates had gone on to careers in academia, law, medicine, and the government, amongst others. Professor Rodríguez, noted that the proposal had been subject to extensive consultation and was examined by 19 units across the University, receiving unanimous support. 

    In response to a member’s question regarding any overlap or collaborations with the Centre for Diaspora & Transnational Studies (CDTS), Professor Rodríguez, acknowledged the synergies between the two Centres, and stated that there were ongoing collaborations. He reported that many of the students from the (CDTS) took courses in Caribbean studies.  

    On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,


    THAT the proposal to establish the Centre for Caribbean Studies as an EDU:B, as described in the proposal dated March 31, 2022, be approved effective July 1, 2022.
  2. Proposal to Establish an Extra-Departmental Unit A (EDU:A) - Proposal to Establish the Centre for Indigenous Studies (EDU:B) as an EDU:A, Faculty of Arts & Science

    The Provost provided introductory remarks, explaining the multi-disciplinary nature of the Extra-Departmental Unit Type A (EDU: A) and how each EDU differed, clarifying that an EDU: A permits faculty appointments, may offer degree programs, and may administer research funding.   She explained that the proposed change supported the University of Toronto Calls to Action which responded to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), and academic priorities of the FAS.

    Professor Susan Hill, (Director of the Centre for Indigenous Studies), presented highlights of the proposal.  Professor Hill stated that the academic unit and academic programs had experienced a great amount of growth and expansion in the last five years, not only because of TRC, but also in alignment with movement in the field of Indigenous studies. She noted that the change in status of the unit would support the Centre in the following key areas: (1) greater capacity to contribute to the University’s commitments to TRC (2) increased scope of contribution to the expanding field of Indigenous studies (3) increased autonomy for Indigenous studies scholars (4) opportunities for primary faculty appointments which would strengthen the Centre’s ability to maintain and recruit the best Indigenous studies scholars to the University and also increase the capacity to mentor Indigenous faculty.  

    Addressing  a member’s question regarding efforts to appoint Indigenous faculty to academic leadership positions, the Provost pointed to the Diversity in Academic Hiring fund established in the University Fund, which provided for the salary of any Black or Indigenous faculty hired to be shared evenly between the Faculty and institutional funds. She reported that through this process 160 Black and Indigenous scholars would be hired by the end of the 2021-22 academic year (with close to forty of those being Indigenous).

    On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,


    THAT the proposal to establish the Centre for Indigenous Studies, an EDU: B, as an EDU:A, as described in the proposal dated March 31, 2022, be approved effective July 1, 2022. 
  3. Academic Plan: Rotman School of Management, 2022-2027: Purpose into Action

    The Planning and Budget Committee received the Rotman School of Management’s Purpose into Action Academic Plan (2022-2027), for information. 

    The Provost spoke to the robust academic planning process at the University which was part of the continuous cycle of improvement.  She stated that external reviews informed the selection of new academic leaders, and that consequently the timing of the academic planning process was (ideally) timed to coincide with changes in leadership. It was expected that a new Dean would bring forward a new academic plan within the first two years of their appointment. The Provost explained that given the extent of changes since the last academic plan was submitted two years prior by the former Dean, Rotman’s new academic plan came forward closer on the heels of the previous plan than might ordinarily happen. 

    Professor Susan Christoffersen, Dean of the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management then gave a brief presentation of the plan, speaking to the following strategic priorities and high-level goals for 2022-2027, and how progress on each would be measured: 
    1. Advance the frontiers of management thinking 
    2. Deliver transformational management education 
    3. Take insight to impact 
    4. Create a more diverse and welcoming community 

Three themes were identified in Rotman’s main purpose of creating value for business and society (1) designing more responsive and resilient organizations (2) driving innovation and analytical insights, and (3) building healthy, equitable and sustainable societies. 

Dean Susan Christofferson noted that the planning process had engaged a wide range of internal and external stakeholders, including eight focus groups, four of which involved students.  The Plan was endorsed by the School’s Council on April 20, 2022.

As part of the ensuing discussion Dean Christoffersen confirmed that mental health was a key component of the plan.  She spoke to the recent hire of a mental health officer to support students at Rotman, and to the committee recently established from the student body which was tasked with bringing forward issues of mental health. 

With regards to how Rotman planned to distinguish itself among other leading business schools in Canada and globally, Dean Christoffersen referenced Rotman’s Creative Destruction Lab, gender and economy initiatives, the Lee-Chin Institute, and Rotman’s unique role, given its positioning in a major Canadian city and linkages to government and policy makers, to work through challenges facing business in the current market. 

A member asked about Rotman’s plans to advance business and finance research in the area of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  In response, Dean Christoffersen indicated that research in SDGs was strongly encouraged and supported at Rotman.  She also reported that in the last year the MBA program had introduced an emphasis on integrating sustainability into business strategy and practices, and that similar curriculum innovations were being explored for the Executive Education programs.  

In terms of opportunities for connections with other areas of the University, Dean Christoffersen spoke to partnerships with FAS, Institutional Strategic Initiatives (ISIs) that encouraged cross-divisional research and collaboration, and the associations created through the Creative Destruction Lab.

The Chair thanked Dean Christoffersen for her presentation and engagement with members.

  1. Annual Report: Executive Committee of the Capital Project and Space Allocation  Committee (CaPS)

    The Annual Report of the CaPS Executive Committee was provided to the Committee for information.

    Professor Scott Mabury, (Vice-President, Operations & Real Estate Partnerships), gave a presentation highlighting some of the capital projects that had been recommended by the CaPS Executive Committee for governance approval.  

    A member asked about plans for additional residential space.  In response, Professor Mabury indicated that approximately 4,000 units will be constructed for both graduate and undergraduate students, faculty and student families, were planned for construction over the next 15 years.  He informed members that recent reports indicated a need for 2,500 beds (most significantly for international students), and indicated that the goal was to both build and acquire housing near to campus. 

    The Provost added that the University maintained its housing guarantee to first year students, but because of the relative shortage of residence beds it was unable to house as many upper year students as it aspired to and to meet demand. She indicated that the University recognized the benefits student housing near or on campus created in terms of fostering a sense of community and creating opportunities for mentorship.  
  2. Annual Report: Design Review Committee 

    The Planning and Budget Committee received the Annual Report from the Design Review Committee (DRC) for information, presented by Christine Burke, Assistant Vice-President, University Planning. 

    Ms. Burke presented an overview of the renovation projects, public spaces and campus plans, and new construction projects that had been reviewed by the DRC in 2021.  She reported that 14 projects were reviewed in total, with each presented by the design team to the DRC an average of three times.  

    In response to a member’s question regarding renewable energy features in capital projects, Ms. Burke advised that when brought forward for review, each project is required to demonstrate how its design meets or exceeds the University’s sustainability goals.   Professor Mabury added that the design of each major capital project would include consideration of how to incorporate geothermal exchange systems and installation of solar panels, and other sustainable building design measures. 

    Addressing a member’s comments regarding efforts to increase green spaces, Ms. Burke noted that each project considers how to connect open spaces, include the landscape and current outdoor spaces, expand open spaces where possible, and generally improve the public realm and campus open space network. 

    The Chair thanked Professor Mabury and Ms. Burke for their reports. 
  3. Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 203 – April 13, 2022

    Report Number 203 of April 13, 2022, was approved.
  4. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting

    There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting. 
  5. Date of the Next Meeting – September 22, 2022, 3:10 – 5:10 p.m.

    The Chair reminded members that the next meeting would be held on September 22, 2022. 
  6. Other Business

    There were no items of other business. 

    Professor Mahrt-Smith expressed thanks to all members of the Committee and to the assessors for their contributions.  The Chair also acknowledged the support of the Vice-Chair, as well as the Secretariat.


  7. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the University of Toronto Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies (CDTPS), University College Laidlaw Wing  –Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding

    On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried 


    THAT the recommendation of the Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated April 27, 2022, regarding the Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding for the University of Toronto Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies (CDTPS) in University College Laidlaw Wing, be approved in principle.

    The Committee returned to Open Session.

The Chair thanked members for their attendance and participation.

The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.


May 6, 2021