Report #400

DATE: November 15, 2018

PARTIES: Mr. S.T. (the “Student”) v. Faculty of Arts and Science
Hearing Date(s):   October 24, 2018
Committee Members:
Professor Hamish Stewart, Senior Chair
Professor Andrea Sass-Kortsak, Faculty Governor
Ms. Susan Froom, Student Governor
Hearing Secretary:
Christopher Lang, Director, Office of the Appeals, Discipline Faculty Grievances 
For the Student: 
The Student
For the Faculty of Arts and Sciences:
Professor Melanie Woodin, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Issues and Academic Planning
Mr. Thomas MacKay, Director, Faculty Governance & Curriculum Services
The Student appeals a decision of the Academic Appeals Board of the Faculty of Arts and Science which held that the Student was not entitled to a late withdrawal without academic penalty in a course in the winter of 2017. The Student was performing well in the course. However, mid-way through the term he had an operation and his recovery took an unexpected turn for the worse by the time he had to write his final exam.  The Student wrote the exam and ultimately failed the course, later petitioning the Faculty for permission for late withdrawal without academic penalty due to his unexpected deterioration in his medical condition.  Though the Faculty dismissed the Student’s petition and appeals, the Committee found that when a student becomes unexpectedly ill after the “drop date” or before or during an examination they should work out an appropriate accommodation with the Registrar. At that point, a number of options can be explored – such as the opportunity to rewrite the examination or a timely petition for late withdrawal without academic penalty.  In this case, the Committee found that the Student’s unexpected deterioration of his medical condition may have impaired his abilities to make proper decisions about his situation, which justifies the extraordinary remedy of allowing for late withdrawal without academic penalty.  Appeal allowed.