Report 397


July 10, 2018


Ms. A. M. (the “Student”) v. the Faculty of Arts and Science

Hearing Date(s):

June 1, 2018

Committee Members:

Assistant Dean Sara Faherty (Chair)
Professor Normand Labrie, Faculty Governor
Mr. Aidan Fishman, Student Governor

Hearing Secretary:

Ms. Krista Osbourne, Administrative Clerk, Appeals, Discipline and Faculty Grievances


For the Student: 

The Student via video connection

For the Faculty of Arts and Science:

Professor Melanie Woodin, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Issues and Academic Planning
Mr. Thomas MacKay, Director, Faculty Governance & Curriculum Services

Appeal by the Student of the Faculty’s refusal to remove a Biology & Physics Major Program from her academic record. The Student was originally awarded a three-year degree with a Major in Biology & Physics. She then completed additional credits, entitling her to a 4-year degree with a minor in English, a minor in Mathematics and a general major in Physics. Though the Faculty had added the major in Physics to her transcript retroactively, they refused to remove the Biology & Physics Major Program. The Committee found that the transcript was both accurate and meaningful because it reflected the complete history of the Student’s studies as they progressed. The Committee found that even though the Faculty had agreed to make retroactive additions to the Student’s transcript, it was open for it to do so based on the rules and requirements in place at the time of convocation. The Committee found that adding the Major in Physics enhanced the accuracy of the transcript, but removing a program would have the opposite effect, making the transcript less accurate because the Student would not have been eligible to graduate in 1991 without the Biology and Physics Major.   The Committee went on to note that the Committee did not have jurisdiction to change the Student’s transcript (from a Minor in Math to a Major in Math) nor did it have jurisdiction to intervene if the Registrar of the Faculty offered to write a letter explaining an academic history on behalf of the Student. Appeal dismissed.