Case 541


April 18, 2008


University of Toronto v. K.N.

Hearing Date(s): 

April 16, 2008

Panel Members:

Andrew Pinto, Chair
Ikuko Komuro-Lee, Faculty Member
Sujata Pokhrel, Student Member


Danny Kastner, Assistant Discipline Counsel
Lily Harmer, Assistant Discipline Counsel
Lucy Gaspini, Manager, Academic Integrity and Affairs

Student charged under s. B.i.1(c), B.i.1.(b), and alternatively, under s. B.i.3(b) of the Code. The charges related to allegations that the Student paid an individual to impersonate him and write a term test as if he were the Student. The Student did not attend the hearing. The Panel considered the Notice of Hearing and the Student’s declaration, in which he attested to his permanent residency outside of Canada and requested that the Tribunal accept the Agreed Statement of Facts and Joint Submission on Penalty in lieu of his attendance. The Panel permitted the hearing to proceed in the Student’s absence. The Student admitted his guilt. Based on the Agreed Statement of Facts, the Panel found the Student guilty of the charge under s. B.i.1(c) of the Code. The Panel was informed that it was customary for the period of notation on the Student’s transcript to exceed the expiration of the suspension because it serves as a reminder to the Student to comply with standards of academic integrity upon his return to the University and it serves as an advisory to University officials, in the event that the Student commits further offences after resuming his academic career. The University noted that the proposed sanction included a notation caveat that would safeguard the Student’s reputation after graduation. The Panel accepted the Joint Submission on Penalty. The Panel noted that while the Provost’s guidelines on sanction recommend expulsion for impersonation, deference was to be shown to joint submissions. The Panel imposed a grade of zero in the course; a five-year suspension; a seven year notation on the Student’s academic record and transcript (or until graduation, whichever was to occur first); and that a report be issued to the Provost.