Symposium on the 50th Anniversary of the Governing Council
Registration is now closed
DATE: Friday, May 12, 2023,
8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Governing Council Chamber
Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:00 –9:10
Opening Remarks

Ms Janet Ecker
Chair of the Governing Council
Panel – Evolution of the Unicameral Model

Ms Sheree Drummond - Moderator
Secretary of the Governing Council

Mr. John (Jack) Dimond
Former Secretary of the Governing Council (1981 - 1999)

Mr. Louis Charpentier
Former Secretary of the Governing Council (1999 - 2015)
10:00 – 10:50
Panel – Primacy of the Academic Mission

Professor Emeritus Ellen Hodnett - Moderator
Former Teaching Staff Governor (2002 - 2003, 2006 - 2014),
Former Chair of the Academic Board (2010 - 2014),
Former University Ombudsperson (2015 - 2021)

Professor Emeritus W. Raymond Cummins
Former Teaching Staff Governor (1998 - 2006),
Former Chair of the Academic Board (2002 - 2006)

Ms Susan Froom
Part-Time Undergraduate Student Governor (2014 - 2023)

Associate Professor Emerita Andrea Sass-Kortsak
Former Teaching Staff Governor (2010 - 2019),
Former Chair of the Academic Board (2014 - 2019)

Dr. Geeta Yadav
Former Full-Time Undergraduate Student Governor (2001 - 2002),
Former Chair of the College of Electors (2016 - 2018),
Alumni Governor (2021 - Present)
10:50 – 11:00 |
Break |
11:00 – 11:55 |
Panel - Reflections on the Unicameral Governance Experience

Professor Meric S. Gertler - Moderator

Ms Judy G. Goldring
Former Lieutenant Governor in Council (LGIC) member of the Governing Council (2007 - 2016),
Former Chair of the Governing Council (2013 - 2016)

President Emeritus C. David Naylor
President (2005 - 2013)

Mr. Richard B. Nunn
Former LGIC Governor (2004 - 2013),
Former Chair of the Governing Council (2011 - 2013)

President Emeritus J. Robert S. Prichard
President (1990 - 2000)

Mr. Thomas H. Simpson
Former Graduate Student Governor (1979 - 1981),
Former Alumni Governor (1990 - 1999),
Former LGIC Governor (2001 - 2004),
Former Chair of the Governing Council (2002-2004)
11:55 – 12:00 |
Closing Remarks
Ms Janet Ecker
Chair of the Governing Council