To listen to the meeting, please click on the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg7maaX5vIs
- Chair’s Remarks
- Advancing Academic Advising* (for information)
- Major Modification: Creation of a UTM Co-op Internship Program (UTMCIP)* (Presentation) (for approval)
Be it Resolved,
THAT, the creation of the University of Toronto Mississauga Co-op Internship Program (UTMCIP), as described in the proposal dated December 15, 2023, be approved.
- Major Modification: New Streams within an Existing Undergraduate Program (Major in Mathematical Sciences), UTM* (Presentation) (for approval)
Be It Resolved,
THAT the introduction of two new streams within the existing Mathematical Sciences Major (ERMAJ2511) offered by the Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, as detailed in the proposal dated December 19, 2023, be approved, effective September 1, 2024.
Amendment to an Existing Academic Regulation: Second Attempt For Credit regulation (SAC)* (for approval)
Be It Resolved,
THAT the proposed amendment to the Second Attempt for Credit regulation, as detailed in the proposal dated December 8, 2023, be approved, effective September 1, 2024.
- Strategic Research Framework (Presentation) (for information)
- Reports of the Presidential Assessors (for information)
- Minor Modification: Undergraduate Curriculum Changes, UTM** (for approval)
Be It Resolved,
THAT the proposed Humanities, Sciences and Social Sciences undergraduate curriculum changes at UTM, as detailed in the respective curriculum reports, be approved, effective September 1, 2024.
- Minor Modification: Graduate Curriculum Changes, UTM** (for approval)
Be It Resolved,
THAT the proposed graduate curriculum changes at UTM, as detailed in the Graduate Divisional Curriculum Committee Proposals document dated December 19, 2023, be approved, effective May 1, 2024.
- Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 52 – October 18, 2023**
- Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
- Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday, February 7, 2024
- Other Business