Report: Planning and Budget Committee - April 12, 2023

Council Chamber, Simcoe Hall


APRIL 12, 2023

To the Academic Board,
University of Toronto

Your Committee reports that it held a meeting on April 12, 2023, at 3:10 p.m. with the following members present:

Jan K. Mahrt-Smith, (Chair),  Mark  Lautens, (Vice Chair),  Cheryl Regehr, (Vice-President and Provost),  Scott Mabury, (Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships), Carol Chin, Janet Cloud, Markus Dubber, Summer Hart, Linda Johnston, Rita Kandel*, Scott MacKendrick, Nicole Mideo, Amy Mullin*, Steven Thorpe,

*participated remotely via Zoom

Missy Chareka, Lisa Dolovich, John Oesch, Ali Syed, Melanie Woodin

Leah Cowen, (Vice-President, Research and Innovation and Strategic Initiatives)
Trevor Rodgers, (Chief Financial Officer)

Tracey Gameiro, Secretary

Heather Boon, (Acting, Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity and Culture)
Allison Burgess (Acting Executive Director,  Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)
Marc Couture, (Director, Sustainability Operations & Services)
Elizabeth Cragg, (Director, Office of the Vice-President, Operations & Real Estate Partnerships)
Gretchen Kerr, (Dean, Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education)
Ben Poynton, (AODA Officer)
Ron Saporta, Chief Operating Officer, Property Services & Sustainability
Archana Sridhar, (Assistant Provost, Office of the Vice-President and Provost)
Vince Tropepe, (Professor, Vice-Dean Research, Faculty of Arts & Science)
Lynn Wilson, (Associate Vice-Provost, Relations with Health Care Institutions)


Pursuant to section 33(i) of By-Law Number 2,
items 14 and 15 was considered in camera.


  1. Chair’s Remarks

    The Chair welcomed members and guests to the meeting, and encouraged member participation in all discussions.
  2. Assessors’ Reports

    There were no reports from the assessors.
  3. Affiliation Agreements: Renewal of the Existing Affiliation Agreements Between the University of Toronto (UofT) and the Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN) associate member hospitals and revisions to the 2018 Template

    The Committee received a combined presentation on Items 3, 4, and 5.

    Professor Lynn Wilson, Associate Vice-Provost, Relations with Health Care Institutions, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, provided an overview of the affiliation agreements between UofT and the TAHSN associate member hospitals (Item 3), community affiliated hospitals (Item 4), and its non-hospital clinical sites (Item 5). She noted that the agreements were broad relationship frameworks that set out shared objectives in a number of areas including: the appointment of faculty and staff, teaching, research, fundraising, and legislative requirements.

    Professor Wilson noted that the template affiliation agreements with the fully-affiliated hospitals were updated and renewed with governance approval in the Fall of 2022.  She then reported that the University and hospitals leveraged the changes agreed to with the fully-affiliated hospitals and carried over relevant changes to the agreements with the associate hospitals, community hospitals, and non-hospital clinical sites.

    Professor Wilson outlined the proposed amendments to the existing templates, and spoke to the consultation undertaken as part of the review process of each. 

    In response to a member’s question regarding Sponsored Research funding administered by the University (in circumstances where the Associate Member Hospital was ineligible to do so), Professor Leah Cowen, Vice-President, Research & Innovation  & Strategic Initiatives confirmed that the provision that the University would retain 10% of the indirect cost funds (with the Associate Member Hospital retaining 90%), was standard and formalized the practice already in place.

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT the revised template for affiliation agreements between the University of Toronto and the associate member hospitals of the Toronto Academic Health Science Network be approved, effective immediately; 

    THAT the President, or designate, be authorized to sign such agreements on behalf of the Governing Council, provided that the agreements conform to the approved template; and 

    THAT the agreements signed under the provisions of this resolution be filed with the Secretary of Governing Council.

  4. Affiliation Agreements: Renewal of the Existing Affiliation Agreements Between the University of Toronto (UofT) and community affiliated hospitals and revisions from the 2017 Template

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT the revised template for affiliation agreements between the University of Toronto and the community hospitals be approved, effective immediately;  

    THAT the President, or designate, be authorized to sign such agreements on behalf of the Governing Council, provided that the agreements conform to the approved template; and 

    THAT the agreements signed under the provisions of this resolution be filed with the Secretary of Governing Council.

  5. Affiliation Agreements: Renewal of the Existing Affiliation Agreements Between the University of Toronto (UofT) and its non-hospital clinical sites and revisions from the 2017 Template

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT the revised template for affiliation agreements between the University of Toronto and its non-hospital clinical sites be approved, effective immediately;   

    THAT the President, or designate, be authorized to sign such agreements on behalf of the Governing Council, provided that the agreements conform to the approved template; and   

    THAT the agreements signed under the provisions of this resolution be filed  with the Secretary of Governing Council. 

  6. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the University of Toronto Lash Miller Building Expansion – Project Scope and Sources of Funding

    The Committee received a presentation from Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations & Real Estate Partnerships. Professor Vince Tropepe, Vice-Dean, Research (Faculty of Arts & Science) was also in attendance to assist with questions.

    Highlights of the presentation included the following:
  • three new storeys and a mechanical penthouse were envisioned atop the existing one storey to house the Acceleration Consortium (AC) research initiative;
  • the project provided new research space for the AC, as well as replacement classrooms for Learning Space Management, and replacement faculty lab space for the Department of Chemistry;
  • the project would enhance the presence of the Department of Chemistry and its research activity;
  • the project provided additional lab and office space, as well as reception and meeting rooms;
  • student representatives would be involved during implementation; and
  • occupancy was projected for September 2025.

    As part of the ensuing discussion, Professor Mabury indicated that while project costs and construction schedules were not guaranteed prior to demolition, engineers had conducted an initial assessment of the building’s foundation, and the proposed design solution was fairly modest and straight-forward, allowing for increased confidence in preliminary estimates and proposed costing for the project.

    In reply to a member’s question regarding sustainability standards, Professor Mabury explained that sustainable construction was engrained into the fabric of all capital project proposals and a requirement of all value engineering discussions.  Professor Mabury confirmed that the Lash Miller Building Expansion met all of the University’s sustainability standards and furthered the University’s 2050 climate positive outcomes.


    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT the project scope of the Lash Miller Building Expansion as identified in the Report of the Project Planning Committee for University of Toronto Lash Miller Building Expansion, dated February 14, 2023, be approved in principle; and,

    THAT the project totaling new 2,858 net assignable square metres (nasm) (4,881 gross square metres (gsm)), and 936 gross square metres (gsm) renovated space, be approved in principle, to be funded by the  Provost Institutional Funds, Faculty of Arts & Science Operating Reserves, Faculty of Arts and Science Future Major Capital Projects Reserve Fund and Fundraising.

  1. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the University of Toronto Project LEAP – Project Scope and Sources of Funding

    Following introductory remarks from Scott Mabury, Ron Saporta, Chief Operating Officer, Property & Sustainability presented an overview of Project LEAP.  Marc Couture, Director of Sustainability & Energy Management, was also in attendance to assist with questions. 

    Mr. Saporta advised members that Project LEAP was a partnership with the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) to accelerate the University’s plans to achieve a climate positive campus.  The following aspects of the project were highlighted:
  • UofT would use CIB and private debt provider financing to complete deep energy retrofit projects (such as converting gas boilers to electric boilers and installing energy storage solutions), which would accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels;
  • the project would involve private sector partners that would provide additional financing;
  • the project allowed UofT to modernize its district energy systems and start migrating away from fossil fuels as the primary heating source;
  • greenhouse gas emission would be reduced by more than 55 per cent, or 48,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalents, by the end of the decade;
  • the project would complete all future phases of the Landmark project geo-exchange system;
  • annual recurring savings from avoided carbon taxes would reach $9.3M by 2030;
  • approximately $30M in deferred maintenance liability would be retired as older equipment was phased out;
  • the project advanced the University’s climate positive strategy by 10 years; and
  • the infrastructure-focused strategy complemented efforts to advance sustainability across UofT’s research, innovation and teaching missions.

    In the discussion that followed, members were informed that:
  • about half of the campus’ buildings had been retrofitted with LED lighting;
  • the Climate Positive Campus Plan intentionally did not include ‘Scope 3’ emissions, such as transportation and goods and services purchased, because there lacked a framework to reliably quantify these emissions; however, in partnership with the Climate Positive Energy ISI grant program, the University had engaged faculty on developing a Scope 3 accounting methodology to accurately reflect what those emissions were, which it would then use to guide carbon reduction strategies and develop programs around broader Scope 3 initiatives;
  • the contract framework provided for a fixed, actual/absolute 48,000 metric tonne net carbon reduction;
  • once the project launched, the next phase would be to revise original emission projection models to allow for more robust scenario analysis to enable regular reporting on how Project LEAP might accelerate the broader 2050 Climate Positive Campus Plan; and
  • the project’s progress would be monitored and shared as a model with the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities.


    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT the project scope of Project LEAP, as identified in the Concept Report and Technical Submission, dated March 31, 2023, be approved in principle; and,

    THAT the project be approved in principle to be funded through: UTSG Utilities Operating Funds, Federal Grants, and Debt Financing.

  1. Academic Plan: Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education’s Transformation in Motion: Academic Plan 2022-27

    The Planning and Budget Committee received the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education’s (KPE) Transformation in Motion: Academic Plan 2022-27 for information.  

    Dean Gretchen Kerr gave a brief presentation speaking to the four high-level “Strategic Foci” for 2022-2027 identified in the plan and the goals and objectives related to each: 
    1. Elevate Health and Well-Being
    2. Ignite Transformative Inclusivity
    3. Foster Discovery, Innovation and Achievement
    4. Activate Partnerships and Collaborations

      As part of her concluding remarks, Dean Kerr indicated that the Faculty was moving towards the implementation phase and identifying priorities related to that process.  

      The Provost highlighted and members applauded the Faculty’s accomplishments in creating synergies and intersections between co-curricular athletic activities and academic research initiatives.
  2. Annual Report: Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, (AODA), 2022-23

    The Planning and Budget Committee received a presentation of the Annual Report: Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2022-23 from Ben Boynton, AODA Office for the University, and Professor Heather Boon, Acting Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity and Culture.  The report was also presented to the University Affairs Board for information.

    Following introductory remarks from Professor Boon, Mr. Poynton provided a summary of the report.  He noted that the report focused on the University’s commitment to enhancing supports to students with lived experience of disability, (including mental health challenges); building the community’s understanding of universal design; embracing new standards and best practices; embedding accessibility into institutional activities; creating accessible physical spaces and structures; and centering the lived experience of disability. 

    As part of his presentation, Mr. Poynton outlined the following priorities for 2023 for the AODA Office:
  • continue to lead the University’s understanding of current AODA requirements as well as its broader commitments to accessibility;
  • provide guidance on new requirements that may arise from recommendations made to the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility by the Post-Secondary Education Standards Development Committee which identified 8 areas of barriers faced by students with lived experience of disability and which urged the post-secondary sector to support experiences of belonging;
  • engage with provincial government as they review these recommendations and make legislative changes; and
  • prepare a resource guide documenting the conversations from the National Dialogues and Action for Inclusive Higher Education and Communities (December 2022) event and summarizing key learnings for the University community and peer institutions.

    Addressing a member’s question regarding the existence of Peer Connection Programs at the UTM and UTSC campuses similar to the St. George campus program profiled in the report, Mr. Poynton confirmed that those programs did exist in different forms at the UTM and UTSC campuses.  Mr. Poynton explained that the reason the St. George Peer Connection Program had been specifically profiled in the report was because program enhancements had been made over the course of the year covered by the report.

    A member queried the progress made towards incorporating universal design into curriculum.  In reply, Mr. Poynton indicated that the AODA Office continued to work closely with teaching and learning centres across the tri-campus to develop these resources.  He reported that both UTM and UTSC had hired Universal Design for Learning pedagogical experts to support this work, and that their services were in high demand.  Other divisions had expressed intentions to add similar resources.  

    The Chair thanked Mr. Poynton for his presentation.
  1. Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 206 – February 27, 2023

    Report Number 206, from the meeting of February 27, 2023 was approved.
  2. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting

    There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.
  3. Date of the Next Meeting – May 3, 2023, 3:10 – 5:10 p.m.

    The Chair reminded members that the next meeting would be held on May 3, 2023 at 3:10 p.m.
  4. Other Business

    There were no items of other business.

    The Committee moved IN CAMERA.


  1. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the University of Toronto Lash Miller Building Expansion - Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT the recommendation of the Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated April 5, 2023 regarding the Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding for the University of Toronto Lash Miller Building Expansion, be approved in principle.

  2. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for Project LEAP - Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT the recommendation of the Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated April 5, 2023 regarding the Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding for Project LEAP, be approved in principle.

    The Committee returned to Open Session. 

    The Chair thanked members for their attendance and participation.

The meeting adjourned at 4:49 p.m.

April 13, 2023