Report: Academic Board - May 26, 2022

Council Chamber, Simcoe Hall, 27 King's College Circle, 2nd floor


Thursday, May 26, 2022

Professor Salvatore M. Spadafora  (Chair), Professor Douglas E. McDougall (Vice Chair), Professor Meric Gertler, (President) Mr. Brian D. Lawson (Chair, Governing Council), Professor Cheryl Regehr (Vice President and Provost), Professor Scott  Mabury (Vice President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships), Susan McCahan (Vice Provost, Academic Programs & Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education),  Leah Cowen (Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives),   Ashley  Ahuja, Mr. Larry P. Alford, Ms Bisma Ali*, Professor Catherine  Amara, Ms Laura  Anderson, Professor Aarthi  Ashok, Professor Joshua  Barker, Professor Nina  Bascia, Mr. Harvey Thomas Botting, Professor Adalsteinn (Steini) I. D. Brown, Professor Jutta  Brunnée, Professor Markus  Bussmann, Professor Christian  Caron, Ms Samantha  Chang*, Mr. Andrew  Chen, Professor Carol C. Chin, Professor Susan  Christoffersen*, Ms Rosa  Ciantar, Dr. Catherine Chandler Crichlow*, Professor Shadi  Dalili, Professor Ettore Vincenzo Damiano, Professor James  Davis, Professor Raisa B. Deber*, Ms Teo  Dechev, Ms Nathalie  Des Rosiers, Ms Maryanna Diab*, Ms Ana  Djapa, Professor Lisa Rebecca Dolovich, Professor Paul  Downes, Professor Stark Draper*, Ms Sheree  Drummond, Professor Markus D. Dubber, Professor David  Dubins, Professor Wendy M. Duff, Professor Darryl Raymond Edwards, Professor Angela  Esterhammer, Ms Monique  Flaccavento, Mr. Adam  Fox, Ms Susan Elizabeth Froom, Professor Meric S. Gertler, Professor Robert B. Gibbs, Professor Emily  Gilbert, Professor J. Roy  Gillis, Professor William A. Gough, Professor Daniel A. Haas, Ms Sandra  Hanington, Professor Tony  Harris, Ms Eloise  Hirst, Professor Ellie  Hisama, Professor Walid A. Houry, Mr. Sarosh  Jamal, Dr. Nadine  Janes, Professor Linda  Johnston, Professor William  Ju, Dr. Rita  Kandel*, Professor Charlie  Keil, Professor Gretchen  Kerr, Dr. Grase  Kim, Professor Jeannie  Kim, Professor Anil  Kishen*, Dr. Lisa  Kramer*, Professor Philip  Kremer, Professor Normand  Labrie, Professor Ernest W.N. Lam, Professor Brigitte  Lavoie, Ms Natalie  Lung, Ms Zhino  Maanavi, Professor Alexandra Elizabeth MacKay, Professor Jan K. Mahrt-Smith, Professor Susan  McCahan, Professor Lance T. McCready, Professor Bonnie S. McElhinny, Professor Rhonda  McEwen, Professor Mark  McGowan, Dr. Nicole  Mideo, Professor Amy  Mullin, Ms Mozynah  Nofal, Professor Nicole  Novroski, Professor Fabian  Parsch, Dr. Jesse  Pasternak*, Dr. Rose M. Patten, Dr. Dana  Phillips, Professor Jennifer Gillian Purtle, Professor Srilata  Raman, Professor Michael J.H. Ratcliffe, Professor Matt  Ratto, Dr. Nicholas  Rule*, Professor Leah Cowen, Dr. Rosa  Saverino, Dr. Michael  Shier, Ms Maureen L. Simpson*, Professor Jastaranpreet (Jasty)  Singh, Dr. Brenda  Stein-Dzaldov, Professor Markus  Stock, Dr. Eric  Stubbs, Dr. Sharon  Switzer-McIntyre*, Mr. Evan  Tang*, Professor Steven J. Thorpe, Mr. David  Tieu, Professor Nhung Tuyet Tran, Professor Charmaine Williams,  Mr. Kenneth Javier Williams, Professor Patricia Windrim*, Dr. Melanie A. Woodin, Professor Christopher M. Yip, Professor Trevor Young

*participated remotely via Zoom

Professor Juan Du, Ms Seema  Gupta, Mr. Ryan  Teschner,

Professor Heather S. Boon (Vice Provost, Faculty and Academic Life), Mr. David Palmer (Vice-President, Advancement), Mr. Jeff Lennon (Executive Director, Institutional Planning and Budget Administration), Professor Joseph Wong, (Vice-President, International)

Tracey Gameiro, Secretary

Allison Burgess. Director, Sexual & Gender Diversity Office*
Omar Gharbiyeh, University of Toronto Students’ Union 
Nora Gillespie, Senior Legal Counsel, Offices of the Vice-President and Provost and Vice-President Human Resources and Equity
Gillian Hamilton, Vice-Dean, Academic Planning, Faculty of Arts & Science
Antoinette Handley, Vice-Dean, Graduate Education, Faculty of Arts & Science
Shone Joos, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Temerty Faculty of Medicine (Academic Board-Elect)
Micah Kalisch, (Founder and Director, Prevention, Empowerment, Advocacy, Response, for Survivors Project - PEARS)
Jamie Kearns, President, Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students
Christopher Lang, Director, Appeals, Discipline and Faculty Grievances
Bryn MacPherson, Assistant Vice-President in the Office of the President & Chief of Protocol
Carmelle Salomon-Labbé, Associate Director, Appeals, Discipline and Faculty Grievances
Shannon Simpson, Director of Indigenous Initiatives
Archana Sridhar, Assistant Provost, Office of the Vice-President and Provost
 Vince Tropepe Vice0Dean, Research, Faculty of Arts & Science 
T. Nikki Cesare Schotzko, Interim Director, Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies
Sandy Welsh, Vice-Provost, Students
Lynn Wilson, Vice-Dean, Clinical & Faculty Affairs, Temerty Faculty of Medicine


Pursuant to section 33(i) of By-Law Number 2,
Items 19 to 25 were considered in camera.


  1. Chair’s Remarks

    The Chair noted this was the final meeting of the governance year. 

    The Chair advised members that speaking requests had been received from Omar Gharbiyeh, (President, University of Toronto Students’ Union – UTSU), and Micah Kalisch, (Founder and Director, Prevention, Empowerment, Advocacy, Response, for Survivors Project - PEARS), to address the Board with regards to the Review of the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (Item 3).  These requests had been granted. 
  2. Report of the Vice-President and Provost

    There was no report from the Senior Assessor.  
  3. Review of the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment 

    The Chair invited the Provost to provide an overview of the review of the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment.  Professor Regehr noted that the Policy provided for a review to be undertaken every three years and that the last was conducted in 2019. A report with recommendations for changes to the Policy was underway. She thanked Professor Linda Johnston, (Dean, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing), and Dr. Allison Burgess, (Director, Sexual & Gender Diversity Office), for their tremendous work as the Review’s Co-Chairs.  

    The Board then received a presentation from Professor Johnston and Dr. Burgess, which provided an overview of the 13 draft recommendations and highlighted the following:
  • over 43 hours of consultations were held, and included solicitation for feedback from student societies across all three campuses; 
  • formal submissions were received from the University of Toronto Students’ Union, University of Toronto Graduate Student’s Union, PEARS Project, and the University of Toronto Mississauga Sexual Violence & Harassment Prevention Committee;
  • areas identified for attention and change centered around themes of:
    1. improving processes related to reporting and receiving services related to making disclosures 
    2. Sexual violence prevention and sexual health education and training 
    3. Optimizing and resourcing the Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre 
    4. Information sharing with participants of a reporting process and others 
    5. Adjustments to Policies and Guidelines that intersect with the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment 
    6. Formalizing supports for respondents 


In response to members’ comments and questions, presenters offered the following additional comments:

  • intersections with other University policies (e.g. Code of Student Conduct, Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters), would be explored to assess how fear of punishment by complainants for breaches at the time of an alleged incident could pose a barrier to reporting;
  • recommendations around training and education were focused on accountability and creating responsibility at the leadership level within units to implement training on a regular basis and normalize access to education;
  • holistic approaches on how best to foster healthy relationships drove recommendations for training and education initiatives; 
  • investigations of allegations were conducted by individuals external to the University; 
  • potential non-adjudicative resolution processes were being explored; 
  • enhancing partnerships with the mental health services and acute care areas at hospitals within the University Health Network that offer services for survivors of sexual violence would be critical; 
  • the Chief Information Security Officer had been consulted on how best to update Provostial guidelines on the appropriate use of information and communication technology to reflect contemporary online behaviours in relation to sexual harassment; andprocedural fairness and due process remained central to the Policy.  

    The Chair then invited Omar Gharbiyeh to address the Board.  

    Mr. Gharbiyeh began by noting that students generally found the direction of the draft recommendations encouraging and were appreciative of the evident commitment to the consultation process and to the attention given to concerns previously raised by student groups. Mr. Gharbiyeh’s comments focused largely on Recommendation 11 which addressed the issue of power dynamics and retaliation within the Policy and other related policies and guidelines.  

    Highlights of Mr. Gharbiyeh’s remarks included the following:
  • many of the recommendations outlined did not deal with the Policy itself, but rather with the peripheral actions taken to support survivors through changes to the mechanisms available at the University;
  • lack of explicit mention of accountability with regards to punitive action to be undertaken against respondents, particularly faculty;
  • action items related to power dynamics in faculty-student relationships fell short of remedying previously articulated concerns; and
  • continued concerns with the timeliness of the process and mitigating institutional delays;

    The second external speaker, Micah Kalisch, then addressed the Board at the Chair’s invitation.  Mx. Kalisch focused her comments on Recommendations 1 and 7, highlights of which included:

    Recommendation 1: separating the reporting process from the Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre and moving it to the Office of Safety & High Risk
  • students already found the reporting process convoluted and this change risked making that process more difficult and created potential for re-traumatization
  • concern that redirecting the process risked redirecting funding and resources away from the Centre

    Recommendation 7: establishing formal supports for respondents
  • support for employee respondents might best be provided by unions as opposed to the employer 
  • perception among students that allegations involving faculty are dealt with more casually 

    The Chair thanked Mr. Gharbiyeh and Mx. Kalisch for their remarks. He invited further comments from the Provost and presenters.

    The Provost thanked the students for their engagement with the review process and their carefully considered reports, and reiterated that their comments would be included in the considerations when drafting the final recommendations and policy changes. 

    In response to a member’s question as to whether the concerns reported by the student speakers reflected the comments brought forth through the consultations, Dean Johnston explained that the scope of the presentation to the Board did not provide for the full context of the recommendations to be presented.  She indicated that context would appear in the full report.  Dean Johnston reported that the reviewers had met with Mx. Kalisch and reviewed the detailed analysis of the Policy provided by PEARS.   

    Dr. Burgess added that she was hopeful the recommendations would be responsive to concerns expressed by the students.

    The Chair thanked presenters and student speakers for their comments, and members for their engagement and thoughtful comments and questions. 
  1. Memorandum of Agreement between the University of Toronto and the Toronto School of Theology and its Member Institutions, 2022

    At the invitation of the Chair, Professor Susan McCahan, (Vice-Provost, Academic Programs & Innovations in Undergraduate Education), reviewed the proposed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the University of Toronto (UofT) and the Toronto School of Theology (TST) and its Member Institutions, 2022. 

    Professor McCahan reported that the University and TST and its Member schools had conjointly offered a series of degree programs in theology since 1978 through an MOA that outlined the operational and academic relationship. The existing MOA was set to expire on June 30, 2022, and had been renegotiated by the joint committee. 

    Highlights of the amendments included:  
  • a revised term length of the agreement; 
  • further clarity on process in the event of the withdrawal of a party; 
  • further clarity on student policies and services offered to students in conjoint programs; and 
  • amendments to Schedule C pertaining to Financial Arrangements, to reflect the latest provincial funding mechanisms and concepts;  

    In response to a member’s question, the Provost explained that only those students enrolled in conjoint programs were considered University of Toronto students. 

    On motion duly made, seconded, and carried 


    THAT the proposed Memorandum of Agreement between the University of Toronto and the Toronto School of Theology and its Member Institutions, 2022, be approved effective July 1, 2022. 
  1. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the Report of the Project Planning Committee for the University of Toronto Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies (CDTPS) in University College Laidlaw Wing – Project Scope and Sources of Funding

    Following introductory remarks from Professor Scott Mabury, (Vice-President Operations & Real Estate Partnerships), Vince Tropepe, (Vice-Dean, Research & Program Innovation, School of Graduate Studies), and T. Nikki Cesare Schotzko, (Interim Director, CDTPS), presented highlights of the project which included:
  • the CDTPS would be relocating from the third floor of the Koffler Student Services Centre, (which would accommodate the new Health & Wellness Centre), to the Laidlaw wing at University College;
  • the space was well suited to accommodate the project with over half the floor area on the second floor containing double height space lending itself well to theatrical performance;
  • the new purpose-built space would service a wide range of CDTPS needs, taking advantage of innovations in technology and incorporating flexible spaces;
  • the project would include three performance spaces, studio support spaces, teaching spaces, and shared spaces (student lounge, event space, informal meeting areas and kitchenettes); 
  • performance spaces were designed with wood sprung floors and lighting grids;
  • studio support spaces were designed to be fully accessible;
  • the Design Studio would support a multitude of functions including design production, writing workshops and a computer lab drop-in; 
  • project consultation involved both undergraduate and graduate CDTPS student representatives from the initial Project Planning Committee meetings into Schematic Design and Design Development bi-weekly consultant presentations;
  • the project also worked closely with staff from the University’s Art Museum to study and mitigate vibration and sound transfer to the UC Art Centre located directly below the project;
  • Heritage Architects formed part of the consultation team and interior renovations proposed by the project to University College (one of the oldest collegiate buildings in Canada), had been put forward to the City’s heritage staff and was awaiting review; 
  • an accessibility review was undertaken during Design Development to further incorporate feedback; and
  • an early works demolition permit package had been submitted to the City and was awaiting review.

    There were no questions from members. 

    On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried


    THAT subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee, 

    THAT the project scope of the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies in the University College Laidlaw Wing, as identified in the Report of the Project Planning Committee for University of Toronto Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies in University College Laidlaw Wing, dated March 24, 2022, be approved in principle; and, 

    THAT the project totaling 1,089.5 nasm is proposed, with 1,475 gsm renovated space be approved in principle, to be funded by the Faculty of Arts & Sciences Operating Fund. 
  1. Revisions to the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Procedures Manual for the Policy for Clinical (MD) Faculty

    At the invitation of the Chair, the Provost introduced the item noting that clinical faculty, who were largely physicians at the University’s partner teaching hospitals, were a critical component of the University’s overall faculty complement. The Provost stated that the revisions to the Procedures Manual for the Policy for Clinical (MS) Faculty were minor.  These changes had been approved by the Clinical Relations Committee on December 6, 2021 and were presented to the Board for information.  Professors Heather Boon, (Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life), and Lynn Wilson, (Vice-Dean, Clinical & Faculty Affairs, Temerty Faculty of Medicine), were in attendance for questions.

    In reply to a member’s question, Professor Lynn Wilson explained that a large number of the University’s clinical MD faculty were also situated in community clinics in other settings, and a significant proportion were cross appointed at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. 
  2. Academic Plan: Rotman School of Management, 2022-2027 – Purpose into Action 

    The Board received the Academic Plan for the Rotman School of Management for information. 

    Professor Jan Mahrt-Smith, Chair of the Planning and Budget Committee, reported on the Committee’s consideration of the academic plan (see Report 204 of the Planning and Budget Committee, May 4 2022).   

    There were no questions from members. 
  3. Introduction of Indigenous Ceremonial Element in Convocation

    The Chair invited President Meric Gertler to speak to the introduction of an Indigenous ceremonial element at Convocation. Ms. Shannon Simpson, (Director, Indigenous Initiatives), and Ms. Bryn MacPherson, (Assistant Vice-President, Office of the President & Chief of Protocol), were in attendance for questions. 

    The President reported that at its meeting on May 16, 2022, the Ceremonials Committee accepted the recommendation that an Indigenous ceremonial element, identified at this time as the Office of the President’s Eagle Feather, be included in the Chancellor’s Procession at every Convocation ceremony. 

    There were no questions from members. 


On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried


THAT the consent agenda be adopted.

  1. University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) Strategic Framework

    The UTM Strategic Framework was received for information. 
  2. Constitutional Amendments: Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (FASE)

    On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried


    THAT subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee

    THAT the proposed amended Constitution of Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, which was recommended for approval by Faculty Council on April 27, 2022 be approved, effective July 1, 2022.
  3. Proposal to Establish an Extra-Departmental Unit B (EDU: B) - Proposal to Establish the Centre for Caribbean Studies as an EDU: B, Faculty of Arts & Science

    On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried


    THAT the proposal to establish the Centre for Caribbean Studies as an EDU:B, as described in the proposal dated March 31, 2022, be approved effective July 1, 2022.
  4. Proposal to Establish an Extra-Departmental Unit A (EDU: A) -  Proposal to Establish the Centre for Indigenous Studies (EDU:B) as an EDU:A, Faculty of Arts & Science

    On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried


    THAT the proposal to establish the Centre for Indigenous Studies, an EDU: B, as an EDU:A, as described in the proposal dated March 31, 2022, be approved effective July 1, 2022.
  5. Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering (FASE): Guidelines for Assessment of Effectiveness of Teaching in Tenure, Continuing Status, and Promotion Decisions

    The FASE Guidelines for Assessment of Effectiveness of Teaching in Tenure, Continuing Status, and Promotion Decisions were received for information. 
  6. Report of the Previous Meeting:  Report Number 239 – April 27, 2022

    Report Number 239, from the meeting of April 27, 2022 was approved. 
  7. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting

    There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.
  8. Reports for Information

    Members received the following reports for information: 
    1. Annual Report: Council of Ontario Universities Academic Colleague, 2022
    2. Semi-Annual Report: Academic Appeals Committee, Individual Reports, Spring 2022
    3. Semi-Annual Report: University Tribunal, Information Reports, Spring 2022
    4. Report Number 287 of the Agenda Committee – May 17, 2022
    5. Report Number 214 of the Committee on Academic Policy and Programs – May 5, 2022
    6. Report Number 204 of the Planning and Budget Committee – May 4, 2022


  1. Date of the Next Meeting: October 6, 2022, 3:10 – 5:10 p.m.

    The Chair reminded members that the next meeting, the first of the upcoming governance year, would be held on October 6, 2022.  
  2. Other Business

    No matters of Other Business were raised. 

    Appreciation of Members

    The Chair expressed his appreciation to all those who had contributed to the work of the Board during the past year. He thanked the assessors who brought matters forward to the Board and Committees, including the voting assessors and the non-voting assessors. 

    The Chair ended by thanking those whose terms on the Board would end as of June 30th.  


  1. Appointment of an Assistant Discipline Counsel

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT William Webb be appointed Assistant Discipline Counsel, effective immediately. 
  2. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the University of Toronto Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies (CDTPS) in University College  Laidlaw Wing – Total Project Costs and Sources of Funding

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT the recommendation of the Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated May 19, 2022, regarding the Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding for the 700 University, 17th floor: Fit-out for the Faculty of Arts & Science Interim Space Needs, be approved in principle.
  3. Annual Report: Striking Committee – Academic Board, 2022

    On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried


    THAT the following be appointed to the Board are for a one-year term from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, unless otherwise specified

    Administrative and Professional Staff

    Jessica Eylon, Senior Special Projects Officer, Office of the Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity & Culture (three year term: July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025)


    Jennifer Dolman, University College


    Full-time Undergraduate

    Brinda Batra, University of Toronto Scarborough (Management)
    Michael Chan, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
    Maryanna Diab, Faculty of Arts & Science (Social Sciences)*
    Keevyn Hirschfield, University College (Psychology)
    Areeb Ahmed, University of Toronto Mississauga (Biology, Political Science)
    Zhino Maanavi, University of Toronto Scarborough (Neuroscience, Psychology, Biology)*
    Ali Syed, University College (Computer Science) 
    Daniel Zung, University College (Social Science)


    Missy Chareka, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
    Justin Van Houten, University of Toronto Mississauga (Chemistry)
    Daniel Zimmerman, School of Graduate Studies (Molecular Genetics)

    Part-time Undergraduate

    Hong Lu, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy

Membership of Committees of the Board

On a motion duly moved, seconded and carried


THAT the following be appointed to committees of the Board

2022– 2023 Committee on Academic Policy and Programs (AP&P)

Administrative Staff

Jessica Eylon, Special Projects Officer


Jennifer Dolman, University College


Brinda Batra, University of Toronto Scarborough (Management)
Areeb Ahmed, University of Toronto Mississauga (Biology, Political Science)
Zhino Maanavi, University of Toronto Scarborough (Neuroscience, Psychology, Biology)*
Justin Van Houten, University of Toronto Mississauga (Chemistry)
Daniel Zimmerman, School of Graduate Studies (Molecular Genetics)

Teaching Staff

Ernie Lam, Faculty of Dentistry, Governor, was recommended as Chair, past AP&P member*

Shone Jones, Temerty Faculty of Medicine
Jason Harlow, Faculty of Arts & Science
Charles Jia, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
Raisa Deber, Dalla Lana School of Public Health*
Walid Houry, Temerty Faculty of Medicine*
James Davis, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, past AP&P member*
Angela Esterhammer, Victoria College, past AP&P member*
Joseph Flessa, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Rosa Saverino, Faculty of Arts & Science*
Tony Harris, Faculty of Arts & Science*
Robert Gibbs, Faculty of Arts & Science, past AP&P member*
Catherine Amara, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education*
Suzanne Wood, Faculty of Arts & Science
Jennifer Purtle, Faculty of Arts & Science*

Nhung Tuyet Tran, Faculty of Arts & Science, Governor, Vice-Chair

2022 – 2023 Planning and Budget Committee

Administrative Staff



One alumnus, one government appointee, one student governor, two teaching staff governors, and one administrative staff governor, and will serve on P&B in 2022-23.  As such, no co-opted administrative staff, alumni or LGIC members were needed.

Ali Syed, University College (Computer Science) 

Missy Chareka, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 

Teaching Staff

Jan Mahrt-Smith, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, Governor, was recommended to serve as Chair, past P&B member*

Melanie Woodin, Faculty of Arts & Science, past P&B member*
Carol Chin, Woodsworth College*
Lisa Dolovich, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, past P&B member*
Linda Johnston, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing*
Markus Dubber, Faculty of Law*
Steven Thorpe, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, past P&B member*
Nicole Mideo, Faculty of Arts and Science*
Amy Mullin, University of Toronto Mississauga, past P&B member*
Rita Kandel, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, past P&B member
John Oesch, Rotman School of Management

Mark Lautens, Faculty of Chemistry, Governor, was recommended as Vice-Chair, past P&B member*

Additional Members of the Agenda Planning Group

Steven Thorpe, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, past P&B member*
Carol Chin, Woodsworth College, past P&B Member*

2022 – 2023 Agenda Committee


Maryanna Diab, Faculty of Arts & Science (Social Sciences)*

Teaching Staff

Catherine Amara, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education*
Aarthi Ashok, University of Toronto Scarborough*

2022 – 2023 Discipline Appeals Board


THAT the following be appointed to the Discipline Appeals Board for 2022-2023:


Emily Hawes, School of Graduate Studies (PhD, Geography)
Maryanna Diab, Faculty of Arts & Science (Social Sciences)*
Evan Tang, Temerty Faculty of Medicine*

Teaching Staff

Ramona Alaggia, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, past DAB member
Aarthi Ashok, University of Toronto Scarborough, past DAB member*
Allan Kaplan, Faculty of Medicine, past DAB member*

2022 – 2023 Advisory Committee on the University of Toronto Library System


THAT the following be re-appointed as the Board's representatives on the Advisory Committee on the University of Toronto Library System for 2022 - 2023:

Jennifer Purtle, Faculty of Arts & Science*
Matt Ratto, Faculty of Information*

*2021-2022 Members of the Academic Board


On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried


THAT the in camera consent agenda be adopted and that the items requiring approval (items 22, 23, and 24) be approved.

  1. Appointments: University Professors Recipients

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried 


    THAT Professor Cristina Amon, Professor Maydianne Andrade, and Professor John Dick be promoted to the rank of University Professor for 2021-22.
  2. Appointments: President’s Teaching Award Recipients

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried 


    THAT Professor Maria Assif, Professor Ken Derry, Professor Charlie Keil, Professor Melody Neumann, and Professor Sanjeev Sockalingam receive the President’s Teaching Award for 2021-2022.
  3. Annual Report: Nominating Committee for the University of Toronto Tribunal and Academic Appeals Committee – 2022-2023

    On motion duly moved, seconded and carried 


    THAT Ms. Lisa Brownstone, Mr. Paul Michell and Ms. Roslyn Tsao be re-appointed as Associate Chairs of the University Tribunal for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025; and 

    THAT Ms. Erin Dann, Mr. Dean Embry, Ms. Sana Halwani, Ms. Michelle Henry, Ms. Cynthia Kuehl, Mr. Shaun Laubman, Ms. Ira Parghi, Ms. Dena Varah, Mr. Chris Wirth, Ms. Alexi Wood and Mr. Seumas Woods be re-appointed as co-chairs of the University Tribunal for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025; and  

    THAT Ms. Sarah Whitmore be appointed as a new co-chair of the University Tribunal, for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025. 

    THAT Professor Andrew Green, Mr. John Monahan and Ms. Erika Murray be re-appointed as Chairs of the Academic Appeals Committee for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023; and 

    THAT Ms. Sara Faherty be appointed as the Senior Chair of the Academic Appeals Committee for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023; and 

    THAT Professor Lisa Austin and Ms. Cheryl Milne be appointed as Chairs of the Academic Appeals Committee for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.   
  4. Quarterly Report on Donations: February 1 – April 30, 2022

    Members received the Quarterly Report on Donations for information. 


The Board returned to Open Session.

The meeting adjourned at 5:01 p.m.

June 1, 2022