Fees - Tuition Refund Policy [November 2, 1995]

University of Toronto Governing Council

Tuition Refund Policy

November 2, 1995

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King’s College Circle University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182
E-mail: governing.council@utoronto.ca
Website: http://www.governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/

Tuition  Refund Policy

Where tuition is assessed on a course basis a variety of factors should be taken into account  in the establishment of a Tuition Refund Schedule. The objectives that should be balanced·are:

(i)    Encourage students to focus quickly on their program of study, to their  academic  advantage.
(ii)    Optimize use of classroom and laboratory space.
(iii)    Optimize placement in courses and programs, particularly ones  that  have  limited enrolment.
(iv)    Allow for the direction or redirection of academic resources to reflect student demand.
(v)    Enable students to have sufficient opportunity  to determine  the content  and  requirements of the courses that they intend to take.
(vi)    Minimize the effect of course drop transactions on University revenue and expenditure.
(vii)    Allow for equitable treatment of students

In accordance with these objectives, a Tuition Refund Schedule should include the following characteristics:

a)    An initial "shopping  period"  to accommodate  the drop/add  activities  that occur  early in the term. There should be no additional cost to  the  student  for  a  drop  and subsequent add transaction in  the  shopping  period.  These  transactions  do  not typically involve a change in a student's course load.

b)    A further period of time during which students, having additional exposure to course content and requirements in relation to their aims and abilities, can drop a course with only limited financial penalty.

Authority to establish the Tuition Refund Schedule in accordance with this  Policy  is delegated to the President. Changes in the Tuition Refund Schedule should be reported to the Business Board. Any significant changes  to the Tuition  Refund  Schedule  should  be approved by the Governing Council, usually in conjunction with its approval of tuition fees.
