Report: Planning and Budget Committee - September 22, 2022

Medical Science Building (MSB) Meeting Room 2317 - Dean's Conference Room

September 22, 2022

To the Academic Board,

University of Toronto

Your Committee reports that it held a meeting on September 22, 2022, at 3:10 p.m., with the following members present:

Jan K. Mahrt-Smith, (Chair),  Mark  Lautens, (Vice Chair),  Cheryl Regehr, (Vice-President and Provost),  Scott  Mabury, (Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships),  Jeff Lennon, (Assistant Vice-President, Planning & Budget),  Missy Chareka, Lisa Dolovich, Markus Dubber, Summer Hart, Linda Johnston, Rita Kandel, Nicole Mideo, Amy Mullin, John Oesch*, Ali Syed*, Steven Thorpe

*participated remotely via Zoom 

Carol Chin, Janet Cloud, Melanie Woodin

Leah Cowen, (Vice-President, Research and Innovation and Strategic Initiatives), Dave Lehto (Chief University Planning, Design & Construction), Trevor Rodgers, (Chief Financial Officer)

Tracey Gameiro, Secretary

Andrea Russell, (Acting Assistant Provost, Office of the Vice-President and Provost),Professor Trevor Young, (Vice-Provost, Relations with Health Care Institutions and Dean, Temerty Faculty of Medicine)



Pursuant to section 33(i) of By-Law Number 2,
Item 10 was received in camera.



  1. Introductions and Chair’s Remarks
    Professor Jan Mahrt-Smith introduced himself as Chair of the Committee and welcomed members and guests to the first meeting of the governance year.  The Chair also introduced Vice-Chair, Professor Mark Lautens, and Committee Secretary, Ms Tracey Gameiro.

    The Chair referred members to the Planning and Budget Orientation video which had been provided to members in advance of the meeting.  He noted that the orientation video had been designed to provide an overview of where the Planning and Budget Committee sat within governance at the University of Toronto, as well as key elements of its Terms of Reference and areas of responsibilities.  He strongly encouraged members who had not yet had the chance to view the video to do so, and suggested to those who had, that they revisit it throughout the year. 

    The Chair then introduced the Senior Assessor, Professor Cheryl Regehr, Vice-President and Provost, and the Voting Assessors, Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships and Jeff Lennon, Executive Director, Institutional Planning & Budget Administration.  
  2. Calendar of Business for 2022-23
    Members received the Calendar of Business for information. The Chair encouraged members to review the Calendar carefully so that they would have a better understanding of the items that would come forward for the Committee’s consideration.
  3. Approvals Under Summer Executive Authority
    The Chair reported that no decisions within the purview of the Planning and Budget Committee had been made under Summer Executive Authority in 2022.
  4. Assessors’ Reports

    Report of the Vice-President and Provost 

    The Provost provided members with updates on ‘Back to School’ activities and student enrolment.  She spoke to the positive energy and excitement felt across all three campuses of the more than 90,000 returning students, and noted that for many upper year students this was their first on-campus in-person experience given the pandemic closures.
    While enrolment numbers were not yet finalized, the Provost reported that the University was within 3% of its planned undergraduate intake (400 fewer than the 16,450 planned).  Domestic intake was very close to target, while the variance on international intake was a bit larger, partly due to atypical delays in study permits. The Provost indicated that the University had been very engaged with this issue over the summer.  The University continued tremendous advocacy work with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for expedited processing of study permits and the Vice President, International, Joe Wong had met with the IRCC in Ottawa personally.  Any students unable to enter the country because of these delays were able to seek deferrals.  The Provost remarked that the University was also working with the Council of Ontario Universities and Universities Canada to prepare sector-wide data to support increased engagement and advocacy.
    In response to a member’s question regarding the impact visa delays were having on access to accommodations and what resources were available, the Provost stated the University had set up booths in Terminals 1 and 3 at the airport to help with transportation, housing, and referrals. She also added that a significant number of students had taken advantage of the first-year residence guarantee and noted that the increased demand for residence space was mainly from domestic students. The Provost reported that the University had secured space in nearby buildings (hotels and other residences), for additional spaces for students and also for use as isolation rooms as needed.
    She concluded her remarks by reassuring members that the University was not aware of any international students who continued to have difficulties seeking housing as there remained spaces available.
    There were no further reports from the Committee’s other Assessors.
  1. Affiliation Agreements: Renewal of the existing affiliation agreements between the University of Toronto and the Toronto Academic Health Science Network (TAHSN) full member hospitals, and revisions to the agreement template last updated in 2016.

    Professor Trevor Young, Vice-Provost, Relations with Health Care Institutions and Dean, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, provided an overview of the agreement noting that it was a very broad relationship framework that set out ways to achieve shared objectives in teaching, research, fundraising, appointment of faculty and staff, and legislative requirements.  He reported that:
  • partner hospitals included the nine “fully affiliated” hospitals, (which had the closest relationship with the University), a set of “associated affiliated” hospitals, and a group of “community” hospitals;
  • the Office of the Vice-Provost, Relations with Health Care Institution had undertaken extensive consultation which included collecting internal input on revising the 2016 template from academic and administrative divisions including faculties, Deans, student facing staff and faculty members, Vice-President and Vice-Provost portfolios, leadership of the health sciences faculties, the risk management and privacy offices, and legal counsel;
  • revisions to the template agreement for fully affiliated hospitals fell into four categories, those that:
    1. reflected changes in legislation, policy, or procedure;
    2. reflected current practice;
    3. reflected the changing relationship with TAHSN hospitals; and
    4. provided clarity.
  • the addition of Appendix 2 (Principles for Collaboration), which addressed how research discoveries would be publicized, represented one of the most significant changes and underscored the strong partnership between the University and hospitals in research;
    In response to a question submitted in advance regarding the addition of the statement on research costs and their inclusion into budgets into the template agreement, Professor Young clarified that with respect to research grants and contracts administered through the University Research Information System (RIS) and through affiliated hospitals, this did not reflect a change in process and was consistent with the University’s “Guideline on Full Cost Recovery in Research”.
    As part of his concluding remarks, Professor Young reiterated the strong commitment to consultation throughout the process, with careful attention to ensure consistency with and in support of other policies, such as those addressing sexual violence and sexual harassment. 

    On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried 

    a)      THAT the revised template for full affiliation agreements between the University of Toronto and the full member hospitals of the Toronto Academic Health Science Network be approved, effective immediately;
    b)     THAT the President, or designate, be authorized to sign such agreements on  behalf of the Governing Council, provided that the agreements conform to the approved template; and
    c)      THAT the agreements signed under the provisions of this resolution be filed  with the Secretary of Governing Council.
  1. Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 204 – May 4, 2022
    Report Number 204 (May 4, 2022) was approved.
  2. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
    There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.
  3. Date of the Next Meeting – October 14, 2022, 3:10 – 5:10 p.m.
    The Chair reminded members that the next meeting would be held on October 14, 2022.
  4. Other Business
    There were no items of Other Business.


  1. In Camera Reports of the Administrative Assessors
    As contemplated by the Capital Planning and Capital Projects Policy (Oct 28, 2021), Professor Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations & Real Estate Partnerships, together with Mr. Dave Lehto, Chief of University Planning, Design and Construction,  presented a summary overview of the major capital projects prioritized for the St. George campus.

    The Committee returned to Open Session.

    The Chair thanked members for their attendance and participation.

The meeting adjourned at 4:34 p.m.

September 26, 2022