May 9, 2022
To the Campus Council,
University of Toronto Scarborough,
Your Committee reports that it met in the Council Chamber, Arts and Administration Building (AA160), on Monday, May 9, 2022 at 3:10 p.m., with the following members present:
Tayyab Rashid (Chair), Andrew Arifuzzaman (Chief Administrative Officer), Sheila John (Acting Dean, Student Experience and Wellbeing), Philip August, Monisha Chawla, Kyle Danielson, Jacqueline M. Deane, Jason Glover, Brian Harrington, David Kwasny, Joseph Peter McNamara, Sylvia Mittler, Naureen Nizam, Andrew Tam
Non-voting Assessors:
Ramona Gonsalves, Jeff Miller, Nadia Rosemond, David Zweig
Emma Thacker (Secretary), Tracey Gameiro
Wisdom Tettey (Vice-President and Principal, USTC), William A. Gough (Vice-Principal Academic & Dean), Tarun Dewan (Vice-Chair), Angela Abuel, Esma Boztas, Dhra Chourey, Obidimma Ezezika, Mark Fitzpatrick, Alexander Irving, Daniel Lysak, Sonja Nikkila, Nidhi Shah, Jessica Urbach, John Ramdeen
Melanie Blackman (Coordinator, Community Partnerships Team Lead), Tanya Poppleton (Director, Campus Safety), Kimberley Tull, (Director, Community & Learning Partnerships & Access Pathways)
- Chair’s Remarks
The Chair, Dr. Tayyab Rashid, welcomed members back to the Council Chamber, noting that several members had also joined the meeting remotely. He reminded members of speaking and voting protocols, and requested that members speak clearly, given the current mask requirements and that comments would be captured by the closed captioning.
- Overview of the UTSC Campus Operating Budget, 2022-2023
The Chair invited Mr. Andrew Arifuzzaman, UTSC Chief Administrative Officer, to present the item. The presentation highlighted changes in enrolment, campus operating budget, sources of revenues and expenses, and key spending priorities for the coming year. The presentation also outlined other areas of focus for the campus including diversification of international and domestic enrolment, reputation and recognition, improved processes for planning and allocation of resources, facilities planning, organizational structures, and implementation of the UTSC Strategic Plan - Inspiring Inclusive Excellence: A Strategic Vision for the UTSC. Mr. Arifuzzaman highlighted the following spending priorities:
- Investment in new faculty positions;
- Research - startup, new positions in partnerships and core facilities;
- Clusters of scholarly prominence and Centers of Excellence;
- Student supports - mental health and investment in Imani;
- Infrastructure:
- New capital projects
- Space plan - student space and campus upgrades
- Biology teaching lab renovations
- Library renovations
- Community partnerships; and
- Returning to campus.
A member asked if the addition of capital projects would mean an increase in enrolment. Mr. Arifuzzaman responded that the 70 / 30 enrolment balance would be maintained, and that an increase was not part of the immediate five-year plan, however campus infrastructure was part of the landscape for future demographic trends to support additional students. International student diversity was more the current focus.
- Annual Report: Campus Safety, UTSC
The Chair invited Mr. Arifuzzaman, to introduce the item. Ms. Tanya Poppleton, Director, Campus Safety, presented the report. Ms Poppleton provided an overview of the campus crime incidents, changes and impact to activities due to the pandemic, recruitment, and an overview of the partnerships across campus (e.g., health and wellness, EDI). She discussed the rebranding and name change of the office from Campus ‘Police’ to Campus ‘Safety,’ and the hiring of a Student Crisis Coordinator. In 2021, the UTSC Campus Safety Constables had responded to 6,203 calls for service, which had generated 341 reports.
A member applauded the new vision and changes to the Office and commented that the community may be able to engage in the rebranding process. Ms Poppleton and Mr. Arifuzzaman agreed that community engagement was important, and noted that this included a change in mindset, to move away from an enforcement model towards a support framework.
A member inquired about the training of constables as part of the rebranding. Ms Poppleton responded that there was training, such as de-escalation training, and that there was consultation with the AccessAbility Services Office on new training initiatives, such as Autism Awareness training.
A member asked about the current mandatory ‘police-like’ reporting of crime statistics, and how this fit into the new branding and model. It was clarified that the reporting was a tri campus requirement, and important for transparency, however new ways to present the information would be considered.
- Annual Report: Community Partnerships and Engagement, UTSC
The Chair invited Mr. Andrew Arifuzzaman, to introduce the item. Ms Kimberley Tull, Director, Community & Learning Partnerships & Access Pathways, and Ms Melanie Blackman, Coordinator, Community Partnerships Team Lead, presented the report. The Report theme was ‘Purposeful Impact,’ and it was categorized in three ways: Enhancing Economic Pathways, Informing Structure through Dialogue, and Community Impact. The report highlighted several of the key ways in which UTSC had contributed to the community through partnership and engagement activities, such as with the East Scarborough Storefront, the Campus Curriculum Review, and the Auntie Betty Project. Members had no questions.
- Report of the Presidential Assessors
The Chair invited Mr. Arifuzzaman to present his report. Mr. Arifuzzaman reported some concerns with rising COVID cases and spring exam invigilation; however the campus was able to successfully navigate the Spring exam period with sufficient invigilators. The summer term had begun and student activity on campus had increased with a larger summer enrollment than the other two campuses. The University was considering its position on the mask mandate which was moving in line with Provincial guidelines. It was anticipated there would be reduced masking requirements in the Fall, however the University was prepared to pivot as needed. UCheck would no longer be required, however the UCheck system would continue to accept vaccine information.
Significant construction was scheduled and underway for the North Campus. A series of strikes within the Industrial, Institutional & Commercial (ICI) sector, which supported the construction industry – (e.g., crane operators, carpenters and drywallers) were underway which may impact some capital projects on campus.
A member asked for more clarity on the masking requirements for the upcoming terms. Mr. Arifuzzaman responded that the University was likely to re-examine the mask requirement at end of June and would have a more conclusive plan in place for the September term, closer to August. He added that it was important to understand that there was nothing that prohibited the wearing of a mask. Culturally, the campus had seen a shift in the community’s comfort and acceptance with wearing masks. There would never be a ban on masking, however there will be opportunities where people can safely unmask.
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the consent agenda be adopted and that Item 7 - Report of the Previous Meeting, be approved.
- Annual Report: Recognized Student Groups, UTSC
- Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 47 – February 10, 2022
- Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
- Date of Next Meeting – September 13, 2022 at 3:10 p.m.
- Other Business
The Chair thanked outgoing members of the Committee and the Administration, noting that he was stepping down as Chair after three years. Emma Thacker (Committee Secretary) recognized Dr. Rashid’s exceptional work, noting that since 2016 he had served on various governance bodies, including the Campus Council, the Academic Affairs Committee, the University Affairs Board, and the Agenda Committee. Many of these appointments had been in addition to his duties leading the Campus Affairs Committee. In honour of his service to the University, and in recognition of his leadership as Chair of the Campus Affairs Committee, Dr. Rashid was presented with a Chair that included a plaque as a token of appreciation.
The meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m.