To the UTSC Campus Council, University of Toronto,
Your Committee reports that it held a meeting in the Council Chamber, Arts and Administration Building, on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 3:10 p.m. with the following members present:
PRESENT:, Elaine Khoo (Chair), Rachel Sturge (Vice-Chair), Linda Johston (Vice-President & Principal), Karin Ruhlandt (Vice-Principal, Academic & Dean), Katie Larson (Vice-Dean Teaching, Learning & Undergraduate), Alison Mountz (Interim Vice-Principal, Research & Innovation), Iris Au, Corinne Beauquis, Dan Bowyer, Jonathan Cant, Andrea Charise, Christopher Cochrane, Angela Hamilton, Rene Harrison*, Lisa Harvey, Mariana Jardim, Ainsley Lawson, Gillian Mason*, Alice Maurice, Karen McCrindle, William Nelson*, Elizabeth O'Brien*, Kamini Persaud*, Jasmine Rault*, Hadiya Roderique*, Mahinda Samarakoon, Emmanuel Taiwo, Judith Teichman, Mauricio Terebiznik, Shelby Verboven, Arjun Yanglem*
REGRETS: Sandya Anand, Georgios Arhonditsis, Sandra Bamford, Joshua Barker, James Bremer, Shelley Brunt, Abhay Chawla, Keith Colaco, Sébastien Drouin, Suzanne Erb, John Hannigan, Joseph Hermer, Leonard Hu, Thembela Kepe, Randy Lundy, Sophia Mastrella, Sharlene Mollett, Julia Nefsky, Sonja Nikkila, Thy Phu, Anthony Ruocco, Michelle Silver, Shennel Simpson, , Phil Triadafilopoulos, Lianne Tripp, Jessica Wilson, Marco Zimmer-De Iuliis, Niyonta Zulfiquar, David Zweig
NON-VOTING ASSESSORS: Kevin Mak, Varsha Patel, Naureen Nizam*, Suzanne Sicchia
*remote attendance
SECRETARIAT: Miranda Edwards, Megann Davidson
IN ATTENDANCE: Lee Bazely, Sarah Chaudhry, Kyle Danielson, Erika Loney, Karen McCrindle, Colleen Reid
- Chair’s Remarks
The Chair, Professor Elaine Khoo, welcomed members and guests to the Cycle 4 meeting. She reminded members that governance elections were underway and that voting would close on February 14, 2025. She encouraged all members to participate in this important governance process and to encourage their own colleagues and peers to do the same. - Presentation: Supporting International Student Accommodations
The Chair invited Erika Loney, Director of Community Engagement and International Student Experience in the International Student Centre (ISC); Colleen Reid, Associate Director of Accessibility Services in the Office of Student Experience and Wellness (OSEW); and Karen McCrindle, Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) to deliver the presentation.
Erika Loney, International Student Centre Supports
Ms Loney informed the Committee that, through the first year check-in process, every first year international student was invited to meet with an advisor who counselled them on immigration/status matters, academics, and campus life. Ms Loney’s office found it was helpful for students to have one initial point of contact who could provide critical information at the outset, and who then became a familiar face for the student to return to should they need further guidance or referrals to health and wellness or accessibility services. Ms Loney noted that her office was also responsible for administering the university health insurance plan which was a mandatory insurance plan for international students and provided approximately the same coverage as the Ontario Health Insurance Plan.
Ms Loney further explained that the ISC provided advocacy and support coordination for students in cases where students needed supports that were available for domestic students. For example, domestic students using OSAP were eligible for disability funding whereas international students were not - in such cases, the ISC would find a solution that provided equivalent support.
In response to a member’s question, Ms Loney explained that the higher number of domestic students receiving support versus international students, was not due to availability of services, but rather, to fewer international students seeking such services. Ms Loney stated she could not speak conclusively to reasons for this, but that her office believed factors such as cultural stigmas and lack of awareness may have played a part. Ms Loney’s office was continuously working to raise awareness among international students about available support services.
Colleen Reid, Office of Student Experience and Wellness Supports
Ms Reid reported that OSEW’s priority was to ensure that the services provided to international students were equivalent to those provided to domestic students, and vice versa. Her office had a legislative duty to provide accommodations for disabilities. This was done through a combination of “Universal Design” (a systemic removal of barriers), individual referrals, accommodation plans, and counselling. Ms Reid noted that her office relied heavily on other campus partners. As of May of last year, there were 1,729 students registered for academic accommodations, 226 of whom identified themselves as international students. This was a slight increase from the previous year.
Karen McCrindle, Centre for Teaching and Learning Supports
Professor McCrindle told members that her office collaborated closely with the ISC and OSEW to create a holistic support system for students. CTL provided leadership in educational excellence for both faculty and students, offering supports in technology training, syllabus consultations, curriculum development, assignments, experiential learning, universal design learning, anti-racist pedagogy, and EDI pedagogy. These supports were offered via webinars, workshops, professional development courses, a Spring showcase, orientation programs, teaching grants, course enhancement grants, one-on-one consultations, and the teaching awards programs. For students, the Centre facilitated study groups and workshops for writing and academic skills. CTL also administered the Green Path summer language program for international students from China. - Presentation: Enrolment Update
Ms Shelby Verboven, Registrar and Assistant Dean Enrollment Management, provided an update on the current enrolment cycle and a look ahead to the incoming class of Fall 2025. Overall campus enrollment as of November 1, 2024 was a record high in terms of the number of students on campus. There were 3,741 new students - approximately 550 more students than the previous year. This number was under target, which was partly impacted by both the international student market as well as provincial demographics; however, it was still above the industry average. UTSC’s international student enrolment decline was also more modest than the industry average. This year, Ontario universities’ average new student intake grew by about 1.3%, while UTSC’s intake grew by approximately 11%. In response to a member’s question, Ms Verboven confirmed that the local Scarborough area is an important market for student recruitment and that many domestic applicants were local.
In 2024, UTSC saw phenomenal growth in enrolment in science programs. As part of its campaign to promote health sciences programs, UTSC was the only Ontario university to be granted more domestically funded spots (505 additional placements). Ms Verboven was also pleased to inform the Committee that UTSC had successfully improved its student retention rate to 86.3%. This was above the 80% target rate and comparable to or slightly higher than other tricampus divisions. In response to a member’s question, Ms Verboven attributed the improved retention rate to the fact that UTSC had been intentional about admitting and supporting talented students, upholding high enrolment standards so that students were more likely to succeed academically, and introducing an International Scholarship program which helped international students continue their studies despite financial difficulties.
For Fall 2025, new student intake targets remained the same as for 2024 for both domestic and international enrolment. Year over year, current applications increased 3%, and the number of students selecting UTSC as their first choice also increased. Application numbers for 2025 currently outpaced other tricampus divisions. There was significant growth in applications for admission to science programs, particularly life sciences and health sciences. The health sciences certificate programs continued to be very popular. There was also significantly increased interest in double degree programs (Bachelor of Business Administration combined with a Bachelor of Science). Although, there has been a sector-wide decline in applications to social sciences and humanities programs; UTSC saw the opposite of this trend with a slight increase in demand in these areas. Lastly, the University saw a notable decline in applications to computer science programs.
Ms Verboven concluded the Enrolment Report by noting that the first round of offers had now been made to students. This was done ahead of schedule compared to previous years, as part of an effort to match the admissions timelines of competitor institutions that, in past years, had typically made offers earlier in the year than UTSC. Additional rounds of offers were forthcoming and late applications were still open. The Enrolment team would be working hard over the coming months to yield the incoming class for Fall 2025. -
Minor Modifications: Undergraduate, UTSC: Summer 2025 Out-of-Cycle Courses
Professor Katie Larson, Vice-Dean Teaching, Learning & Undergraduate Programs, presented a request for approval of five new courses to be offered in Summer 2025:
BIOA12H3 – General Biology: Concepts and Processes of Biological Systems
An online course with a foundational understanding of biology intended for non science students who wish to explore the life sciences.
HISA02H3 – Rise of the Machines: How Technology Remakes the World
An online course with a unique cross-disciplinary approach to historical studies.
LGGA96H3 – Introductory Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) I
An introduction for non-speakers to a severely endangered language that could strengthen students’ connections to the communities and relationships on whose lands UTSC operates.
FSTB14H3 – Why We Cook
A core course in the Food Sciences program with experiential learning opportunities.
FSTD12H3 – Cuisine, Culture, Ecology
A fourth-year capstone course focused on the intersection between food science and environmental science.
Members discussed whether BIOA12H3 could be taken by students as a summer academic bridging course between high school and university, prior to their first term of enrolment. Ms Verboven and Professor Larson stated this was not the case, but that the University was looking into the possibility of establishing this as a bridging course in future.
In response to a member’s question, it was confirmed that students in mental health studies would not receive priority enrolment in BIOA12H3.
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the proposed Summer 2025 out of cycle undergraduate curriculum changes for the 2024-25 academic year, as detailed in the respective curriculum report, be approved, effective February 06, 2025.
- Minor Modifications: Undergraduate, UTSC: Humanities
Professor Larson presented a request for approval for a set of new courses in the Department of English pertaining to documentary film and video games. The latter courses would build on the emerging academic field exploring the intersection of video games and literature. After a member’s request for further details, Professor Alice Maurice, Chair of the Department of English, explained that this field of study examined narratology and collaborative storytelling.
The proposed courses would complement existing and planned courses in media studies as well as the Department’s forthcoming new Major in Film Studies, pending governance approval.
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the proposed Humanities undergraduate curriculum changes for the 2025-26 academic year, as detailed in the respective curriculum report, be approved. - Minor Modifications: Undergraduate, UTSC: Sciences
Professor Larson presented a request for approval for nine program modifications, one new course, and four course changes in the Department of Psychology. The changes included that the combined Neuroscience and Biology major would be discontinued due to excessive overlap between the two programs and that enrolment in Neuroscience would be capped going forward, based on available laboratory spaces.
Members had no questions.
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the proposed Sciences undergraduate curriculum changes for the 2025-26 academic year, as detailed in the respective curriculum report, be approved. -
Minor Modifications: Undergraduate, UTSC: Social Sciences
Professor Larson presented a request for approval for a new course in the Political Science Department: POLB95H3: Democracy in Crisis: The Roots of Populism and Sources of Democratic Resilience in the World Today. Members discussed room capacity and class size limits for this course given the popularity of the subject matter and the instructor.
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the proposed Social Sciences undergraduate curriculum changes for the 2025-26 academic year, as detailed in the respective curriculum report, be approved. - Proposed Changes to Academic Regulation, UTSC: Courses at Other Universities (Letters of Permission and Transfer Credit)
Ms Verboven requested that the Committee recommend that post-admission transfer credits be eliminated. Under the proposal, all students would be required to request a Letter of Permission from the University before enrolling in a course at an external institution, if they wished that course to be counted toward their degree requirements. This was intended to help protect students from needlessly paying tuition for courses that ended up not being approved as a transfer credit towards their degree program. The proposal followed a common procedural standard used at other universities. This change was not expected to impact study abroad or exchange programs, as courses in those programs were pre-approved by the University. Ms Verboven also confirmed that this change would not impact the policy rule regarding the maximum number of transfer credits that may be applied towards a University of Toronto degree.
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the proposed changes to the UTSC academic regulations concerning Courses at Other Universities (Letters of Permission and Transfer Credit), as detailed in the accompanying proposal, be approved, effective September 1, 2025. - Proposed Changes to Academic Regulation, UTSC: Determination of Academic Status
Ms Verboven requested that the Committee recommend that the CGPA required for UTSC students to meet the definition of “good standing” be lowered from 1.6 to 1.5 in order to align with regulation standards at St. George and UTM campuses.
In response to a member’s question, Ms Verboven confirmed that the new regulation would apply to all students immediately; therefore, students who were currently on academic probation, might now qualify for good standing. The Registrar’s office planned to compile a list of all students who would be effected by this change, and manage their transitions using a student-centred approach.
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the proposed changes to the UTSC academic regulations concerning the Determination of Academic Status, as detailed in the accompanying proposal, be approved, effective September 1, 2025. - Reports of the Presidential Assessors
Prof. Alison Mountz, Interim Vice-Principal, Research & Innovation
Professor Mountz stated that she had no report to make but welcomed questions from members.
A member inquired about UTSC’s involvement in the “Reimagining the Scarborough RT Design Charette” event held at UTSC the previous week. Professor Mountz told members that this event had been attended by Professor Sergio Montero, inaugural director of The Institute on Inclusive Economies and Livelihoods and by Professor Andrea Charise, Associate Vice-Principal Research and Innovation – Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships. The event brought together Scarborough community and business leaders, groups and organizations, students and faculty from UTSC and Centennial College, urban planners, designers and architect professionals. Professor Charise commented that UTSC had an exciting opportunity to offer expertise and infrastructure for ambitious local initiatives that would not be within the capacity of smaller community organizations.
Professor Mountz noted that Professor Montero had been working closely with City of Toronto and Scarborough leaders on the subjects of transportation and sustainability. She remarked that the design charette was a model of how local engagement was built into the fabric of campus culture and the University’s mission. She gave examples of how the University had done this in other areas such as the Scarborough Health Network and Ontario Shores. A committee member commended the University for pursuing these types of initiatives, and stated it was important that Scarborough derive benefit from the University’s presence in its community.
Prof. Karin Ruhlandt, Vice-Principal, Academic & Dean
Professor Ruhlandt reported to members that her office’s three current priorities were admissions, planning, and faculty hiring. Professor Ruhlandt shared her excitement about the very positive domestic application data and noted she was cautiously optimistic that UTSC could meet its domestic enrolment targets next year. She pointed out that the increase in students selecting UTSC as their first choice would allow UTSC to be more targeted and selective in making offers. Professor Ruhlandt reported that UTSC had opened enrolment in SAMIH programs to international students, a step that had initially been planned for 2026-27, but which had been rolled out early. The reaction so far had been highly positive with a good number of international applications already received.
Regarding planning, Professor Ruhlandt reiterated Ms Verboven’s observations that there was a strong movement toward the health sciences. Professor Ruhladnt had prioritized building capacity within these departments to support the high number of students entering these programs. She had begun leading a strategic initiative to assemble resources and align activities towards this new shift. This includes prioritizing faculty hiring for these growth programs.
In response to a member’s question, Professor Ruhlandt confirmed that the University has continued to lobby the provincial government to improve the university funding landscape. UTSC and other universities continued to struggle with the 2018 tuition cut of 10% that had been immediately followed by a tuition freeze. Professor Ruhlandt noted that subsidies and student fees combined did not cover the University’s costs per student. As there were no tuition increases expected in the short term and the number of international students continued to decrease, an effective enrolment strategy was crucial. The University lobbied to request an additional 4,800 domestic undergraduate placements and 680 additional Master’s degree placements for STEM disciplines. This request was currently under consideration by the province.
- Minor Modifications: Undergraduate Curriculum Changes, UTSC
The Report on Minor Modifications: Undergraduate Curriculum Changes was approved. - Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 75 – January 9, 2025
The report of the previous meeting was approved. - Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.
- Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 3:10 p.m.
The Chair advised members that the Committee would next meet on March 26, 2025, at 3:10 p.m. - Other Business
No other business was raised by members.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
March 18, 2025