TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2024
To the Governing Council,
University of Toronto,
Your Executive Committee reports that it held a meeting in the Chairs’ Boardroom, on Tuesday, June 18 2024, with the following members present:
PRESENT: Anna Kennedy (Chair), Sandra Hanington (Vice-Chair), Meric Gertler (President), K. Sonu Gaind, Paul Huyer, Sarosh Jamal, Ernest Lam, Mark Lautens, Kikelomo Lawal, Seyedreza Fattahi Massoum, Joanne McNamara, Grace Westcott, Mary-Agnes Wilson*
REGRETS: Soban Atique
SECRETARIAT: Sheree Drummond (Secretary of the Governing Council); Joanne Chou, Committee Secretary
IN ATTENDANCE: Douglas McDougall (Chair, Academic Board); Ann Curran (Chair, UTM Campus Council); Trevor Young, Vice-President and Provost; Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships & Vice-Provost, Academic Operations; Bryn MacPherson, Assistant Vice-President, Office of the President & Chief of Protocol; Anthony Gray, Director, Strategic Research, Office of the President; Susan Mazza, special projects officer, Office of the President
(*attended remotely)
Pursuant to section 38 of By-Law Number 2,
consideration of items 14 to 19 took place in camera.
- Chair’s Remarks
The Chair welcomed members, Board Chairs and Vice-Presidents to the meeting. - Report of the President
The Committee moved in camera.
The President provided a confidential update on the encampment on the St. George Campus.
The Committee returned to closed session.
The President began his update by noting that Convocation season was underway, with 25 ceremonies of 34 completed thus far, including the awarding of 6 inspiring honorary degrees to a range of fantastic recipients. He noted that convocation was proceeding despite the encampment on front campus. While there had been some minor disruptions in Convocation Hall, they had been isolated and short-lived, and the ceremonies had been by and large joyous and celebratory. He acknowledged the outstanding work being done by the Office of Convocation, the Office of President and others, as many teams had been working non-stop to ensure the success of Convocation.
Federal and Provincial Updates
Bill 185
The President then provided an update on Ontario’s Bill 185, also known as the ‘Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024’. He noted that Bill 185 had received Royal Assent on June 6, 2024. He explained that the bill exempts University building projects from the requirements of the Planning Act, effectively conferring ‘as-of-right' zoning privileges on development proposals, including student housing, and would expedite building timelines and reduce costs.
Bill 166
The President also noted that Ontario’s Bill 166, the ‘Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024’ received Royal Assent on May 16, 2024. This bill requires every college and university to have policies or rules to address student mental health and combat racism and hate. He added that the bill also authorizes the Minister of Colleges and Universities to issue directives related to the information to be provided about the costs associated with attendance at college or university, as a transparency requirement. He noted that the University was already largely in compliance. He noted that there had been concerns regarding the bill’s potential to enable incursions on institutional autonomy, which the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) had formally raised in their response to the proposed bill, and that this would continue to be monitored closely.
Municipal update
At the Municipal level, the President highlighted that Carolyn Parrish had won the mayoral by-election to become the City of Mississauga’s third Mayor, succeeding Bonnie Crombie. President Gertler noted that Mayor-elect Parrish was a proud University alumna and graduate from St. Michael’s College, and that the University looked forward to continuing its excellent working relationship with the City of Mississauga under Mayor Parrish.
Enrolment update
The President then invited Professor Trevor Young, Vice-President & Provost to offer an update on the enrollment process. Professor Young began by noting that the enrollment data for international students was slightly down relative to target, and enrollment for domestic students had increased. He noted that this was in contrast to other universities in Ontario where they were experiencing a decrease in accepted offers. Professor Young added that summer enrollment was positive, and that UTSC had increased their enrollment numbers from the previous year. He acknowledged the hard work of the Vice-Provost, Strategic Enrolment Management, University Registrar, and the faculties and divisions to boost the enrollment numbers.
QS World University Rankings
The President reported that the QS global ranking of universities had been released and that U of T had placed 1st in Canada, 25th overall in the world, and 2nd amongst North American public universities. He underscored that this excellent result once again affirmed the significance and standing of U of T.
Members had no questions. - Item for Confirmation
Capital Project (Level 2): Report of the Project Planning Committee for the Hart House Infrastructure Renewal Project – Stage 1 – Project Scope and Sources of Funding
The Committee received an introduction on the project from Scott Mabury, Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships & Vice-Provost, Academic Operations. Professor Mabury provided the following highlights:- The Hart House (HH) Infrastructure Renewal project envisioned renovating Hart House to renew its infrastructure and ensure its future as a key part of the St. George Campus.
- Hart House was an architectural jewel, essential to the University of Toronto experience, and a designated heritage building.
- To minimize disruption, the project proposed a phased approach with approximately six phases, spanning ten years.
- Hart House was the largest student centre of all three campuses and one of the University’s premier co-curricular learning centres.
- Studies had found that Hart House could no longer be operated successfully without significant capital investment in its aging and failing infrastructure.
- The project’s main objective was to ensure the future success of the building through not only an infrastructure renewal, but also to improve HH’s commitment to accessibility, sustainability and inclusivity.
The Committee received an overview of the discussion from Professor Doug McDougall, Chair of the Academic Board. The Academic Board supported the recommendation to approve the item by Governing Council.
In the discussion that followed, Professor Mabury added that:
- The project is being delivered via a phased approach with approximately 6 phases and this phased approach would mitigate costs.
- Hart House was not considered as part of the deferred maintenance costs.
- Hart House was a student focused centre that had its own system of governance that oversaw the affairs of the House. It was also a separate affiliation of the University.
- The University owned the land and building, Hart House managed its functions and operations independently.
- Hart House relied on self-generated revenue and student ancillary fees.
- The Board of Stewards was Hart House’s highest governing body and was made up of students, alumni and staff.
- The governance of Hart House was delegated by the Governing Council to their Board of Stewards.
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried
THAT the Stage 1 project scope of the Hart House Infrastructure Renewal as identified in the “Report of the Project Planning Committee for University of Toronto Hart House Infrastructure Renewal”, dated April 5, 2024 be approved in principle; and,
THAT the project totaling approximately new 577 gross square metres (gsm), and 1,854 gross square metres (gsm) renovated space, be approved in principle, to be funded by Hart House Capital Reserves, Hart House Reserves, Hart House Future Ancillary Funds, Fundraising Received, Provostial Funds, and Financing.
- Item for Endorsement and Forwarding to the Governing Council
Revisions to By-Law Number 2
The Chair outlined the proposed revisions to By-Law Number 2 to bring it into compliance with Ontario’s not-for-profit corporate legislation, also known as ‘ONCA’. She noted that ONCA had limits to its application as was provided by the University of Toronto Act which specified that certain provisions did not apply and that the Act would prevail if the two were in conflict. She explained that ONCA was based on typical governance structures that differed from U of T’s governance structure. These revisions were to bridge the gap between the provisions of By Law Number 2 and the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA), and that no changes would be made to the existing election and appointment procedures.
Members had no questions.
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried
THAT the following recommendation be endorsed and forwarded to the Governing Council
THAT the proposed revisions to By-Law Number 2, as described in the memorandum dated 11, June, 2024, be approved, effective July 1, 2024.
The Chair highlighted that there was a change to the annual Summer Executive Authority motion in that this year it included an end date which precludes the need for a brief meeting at the start of September.
The Chair noted that of the items listed on the Consent Agenda, Item 5, the Report of the Previous Meeting of the Executive Committee was for approval. All other items were for information only.
No questions or requests to place these consent agenda items on the regular were received by the Secretary.
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried
THAT the consent agenda be adopted and that Item 5 be approved.
- Items for Confirmation
- Constitutional Amendments: Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the proposed amended Constitution of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, which was recommended for approval by Faculty Council on April 5, 2024, be approved, effective June 1, 2024.
- Constitutional Amendments: Faculty of Music
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the proposed amended Constitution of the Faculty of Music, which was recommended for approval by Faculty Council on February 27, 2024, be approved, effective July 1, 2024.
Change in the name of the Faculty of Arts and Science’s Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures to Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the name of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures be changed to the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures, effective July 1, 2024.
- Change to degree name: Master of Pastoral Studies (MPS), Toronto School of Theology (TST)
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the degree name of the Master of Pastoral Studies, as described in the proposal from the Toronto School of Theology dated April 23, 2024, be renamed Master of Psychospiritual Studies approved effective September 1, 2024.
- New Graduate Program Proposal: Master of Kinesiology (MKin), Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE)
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the proposed degree program, Master of Kinesiology as described in the proposal from the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education dated March 14, 2024 be approved effective September 1, 2025.
- New Graduate Program Proposal: Master of Sport Sciences (MSS), Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE)
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the proposed degree program, Master of Sport Sciences as described in the proposal from the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education dated March 14, 2024, be approved effective September 1, 2025.
Student Societies: Requests for Fee Increases – University of Toronto Scarborough
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT, beginning in the Fall 2024 session, the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union fee be modified as follows: (a) the establishment of $7.23 per session ($3.62 part-time) in the Regenesis UTSC portion of the fee.
- Constitutional Amendments: Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education
- Item for Endorsement and Forwarding to the Governing Council
Summer Executive Authority
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,
THAT the following recommendation be endorsed and forwarded to the Governing Council- THAT until the start of the fall 2024 academic term (September 3, 2024) , authority be granted to the President for:
decisions on other matters the urgency of which does not permit their deferral until the next regular meeting of the Governing Council or its appropriate standing committee or board,
appointments to categories 2,1 3,2 and 53 of the Policy on Appointments and Remuneration approved by the Governing Council of the University of Toronto, dated May 30, 2007;4
approval of such additional curriculum changes as may arise for the summer and September 2024; and
- THAT all actions taken under this authority be approved by the Chair of the Governing Council prior to implementation and reported to the appropriate committee or board for information.
- THAT until the start of the fall 2024 academic term (September 3, 2024) , authority be granted to the President for:
- Report of the Previous Meeting of the Executive Committee
Report Number 549 from the meeting of May 7, 2024 was approved. - Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting. - Minutes of the Governing Council Meeting – May 16, 2024
Members received the minutes of the Governing Council meeting for information. - Business Arising from the Minutes of the Governing Council Meeting
There was no business arising from the Minutes of the Governing Council meeting. - Report for Information
Members received the following reports for information:- Review of Academic Programs and Units – Follow-Up Reports from Previous Reviews – Parts 1 & 2
- Report Number 66 of the University of Toronto Mississauga Campus Council (May 22, 2024)
- Report Number 64 of the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus Council (May 21, 2024)
- Report Number 241 of the University Affairs Board (May 29, 2024)
- Report Number 251 of the Academic Board (May 23, 2024)
- Date of next meeting – Thursday, June 27, 2024, from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
The Chair advised members that the next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, 2024 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Chairs’ Boardroom. -
Other Business
- Governing Council Meeting
The Chair noted that the Governing Council meeting scheduled for June 27 would take place in the Council Chamber and discussed logistical details for the meeting. She shared with members that a speaking request had been received from an alumnus regarding the termination of the President’s employment. She indicated that she intended to decline the request as the requester was not entitled to address the Council and members agreed.
The Committee Moved In Camera.
- Governing Council Meeting
- Report of an Ad Hoc Committee for a Capital Project
Members received a Report of an Ad Hoc Committee for Capital Projects for information. - Items for Approval
Senior Appointment
THAT the recommendation in the memorandum from the President dated June 18, 2024, be approved.
External Appointments
Sunnybrook Health Sciences (SHSC)
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried
THAT the individuals identified in the cover sheet dated June 11 be appointed/re-appointed to the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (SHCS) Board of Directors for one-year terms, effective the Sunnybrook’s AGM on June 19, 2024 to the AGM of the SHSC in June 2025.
Members and Directors, University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation (UTAM)
(a) THAT the following individuals be approved and nominated as members and directors of the University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation for one- year terms until the 2025 annual meeting of the Corporation or until their successors are appointed;
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried
Professor Lisa Kramer (UTFA representative)
Professor Meric Gertler (ex officio)
Mr. Chuck O’Reilly (ex officio)
Dr. Richard B. Nunn
Mr. Trevor Rodgers (ex officio)
(b) THAT Dr. Richard B. Nunn be approved and nominated as a member and director of the University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation and as Chair of its Board for a one-year term until the 2025 annual meeting of the Corporation or until their successor is appointed.
- Item for Confirmation
Capital Project (Level 2): Report of the Project Planning Committee for the Hart House infrastructure Renewal Project – Stage 1 – Total Project Costs and Sources of Funding
On a motion duly moved, seconded, and carried
THAT the following recommendations be endorsed and forwarded to the Governing Council
THAT the recommendation of the Vice-President, Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, as outlined in the memorandum dated June 11, 2024 regarding the total project cost and sources of funding for the Hart House Infrastructure Renewal Stage 1, be approved in principle.
- Items for Endorsement and Forwarding to the Governing Council
- Report of the Committee to Review the Office of the University Ombudsperson (2023-24)
Members received a Report of the Committee to Review the Office of the University Ombudsperson.
2023-24 Report of the Committee to Review the Office of the University Ombudsperson
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried
THAT the following motion be endorsed and forwarded to the Governing Council:
THAT the Report of the Committee to Review the Office of the Ombudsperson 2023-24, be accepted and that the recommendations contained therein be endorsed in principle; and
THAT, pursuant to section 38 of By-Law Number 2, the Governing Council consider the item in camera.
- 2024-25 Committee on the Appointment of the University Ombudsperson
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried
THAT subject to the approval by the Governing Council of the Report of the Committee to Review the Office of the Ombudsperson 2023-24 and the recommendations contained therein, a Committee be established, effective July 1, 2024, to make a recommendation concerning the appointment of a University Ombudsperson; and
THAT the membership of the Committee be:
- Indi Gopinathan* (Alumni governor), Chair
- K. Sonu Gaind* (Teaching Staff governor)
- Liam Dravid (Student governor)
- Sam Elfassy (Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council governor)
Sarosh Jamal* (Administrative staff governor)
- Kelly Hannah-Moffat (Administrative Advisor, non-voting member)
- Timothy Harlick (Secretary)
- Report of the Committee to Review the Office of the University Ombudsperson (2023-24)
*Served on the 2023-24 Review Committee
- Senior Appointment
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried
THAT the recommendation in the memorandum from the President dated June 12, 2024, be endorsed and forwarded to the Governing Council.
- Committee Members with the President
Members of the Executive Committee, with Board and Campus Council Chairs, met with the President. - Committee Members alone
Members of the Executive Committee, with Board and Campus Council Chairs, met privately.
The Committee returned to closed session.
The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
June 25, 2024