Agenda Package: Audit Committee - March 03, 2021

Via Virtual Meeting

MARCH 3, 2021, 4:00 – 6:00 P.M.


Pursuant to section 6.1 of the Audit Committee Terms of
Reference, consideration of items 9 and 10 will take place in camera.


  1. Chair’s Remarks
  2. Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 140 – December 1, 2020 (for approval)+
  3. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
  4. Risk Management Framework – Risk Assessment Report (2020) (for information)+
  5. Impact of University Pension Plan Ontario on the Audited Financial Statements – April 30, 2021 (for information)
  6. Reports of the Administrative Assessors
  7. Date of the Next Meeting: April 26, 2021 
  8. Other Business


  1. Internal Auditor: Private meeting
  2. Committee Members Alone

*    Documentation attached
**    Documentation for consent item included. This item will be given individual consideration
by the Board only if a member so requests. Members with questions or who would like a
consent item to be discussed by the Board are asked to notify the Secretary, Ms. Tracey Gameiro,
at least 24 hours before the meeting, by telephone (416-978-8425) or by email (
***    Documentation forthcoming 
+     Confidential documentation for members only