Agenda Package: Academic Board - March 10, 2022

Via Virtual Meeting room

To listen to the live webcast of the meeting, go to:


Pursuant to section 38 of By-Law Number 2,
consideration of items 16-19 will take place in camera.


  1. Chair’s Remarks
  2. Report of the Vice-President and Provost
  3. Budget Report 2022-23 and the Long Range Budget Guidelines 2022-23 to 2026-27 (for recommendation)*  (Presentation)  (Arising from Report Number 202 of the Planning and Budget Committee (February 28, 2022))  

    Be It Recommended,

    THAT the Budget Report, 2022-23 be approved, and 

    THAT the Long Range Budget Guidelines 2022-2023 to 2026-27 be approved in principle. 
  4. Enrolment Report, 2021-22 (for information)*  
  5. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the University of Toronto Emerging and Pandemic Infections Centre (EPIC) Facility – Project Scope and Sources of Funding (for recommendation)*  (Presentation)
    Be it Recommended, 
    THAT the project scope of the Emerging and Pandemic Infections Centre (EPIC) Facility, as identified in the Report of the Project Planning Committee for the University of Toronto Emerging and Pandemic Infections Centre (EPIC) Facility, dated February 10, 2022, be approved in principle; and,  
    THAT the project totaling 1,124 net assignable square metres (nasm) 2,138 gross square metres (gsm), be approved in principle, to be funded by Temerty Faculty of Medicine (TFoM) Operating Funds, TFoM Dean’s Covid Priority Fund, Government/CFI and Fundraising.   
  6. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for Harbord Residence, A New Graduate Residence on Harbord Street – Project Scope and Sources of Funding (for recommendation)*  (Presentation)
    Be It Recommended, 
    THAT the project scope of the Harbord Residence, as identified in the Report of the Project Planning Committee for Harbord Residence, A New Graduate Residence on Harbord Street, dated January 14, 2022, be approved in principle; and, 
    THAT the project totaling 9,415.77 gross square metres (gsm), be approved in principle, to be funded by the University operating fund and financing. 
  7. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the Galbraith Structural Testing Facility – Project Scope and Sources of Funding (for approval)** (Presentation)
    (Arising from Report Number 202 of the Planning and Budget Committee, February 28, 2022)

    Be It Resolved,

    THAT subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee,


    THAT the project scope of the Galbraith Structural Testing Facility, as identified in the Report of the Project Planning Committee for the Galbraith Structural Testing Facility, dated January 21, 2022, be approved in principle; and,  
    THAT the project totaling 667 net assignable square metres (nasms) (709 gross square metres (gsm)), be approved in principle, to be funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Ontario Research Fund (ORF), Dean’s Office, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Operating Funds and, Civil and Mineral Engineering Operating Funds.

  8. New Program Proposal: Master of Science, Environmental Science (MSc), University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC)  (for approval)* 
    (Arising from Report Number 212 of the Committee on Academic Policy and Programs, February 17, 2022

    Be it Resolved,

    THAT subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee,

    THAT the proposed degree program, Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental Science as described in the proposal from the University of Toronto Scarborough dated January 26, 2022, be approved effective May 1, 2023.  


  1. Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 237 – January 27, 2022 (for approval)**
  2. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
  3. Reports for Information**
    1. Report Number 284 of the Agenda Committee – March 2, 2022**
    2. Report Number 212 of the Committee on Academic Policy and Programs – February 17, 2022**
    3. Report Number 202 of the Planning and Budget Committee – February 28, 2022**
  4. Appointments: President’s Teaching Award Selection Committee (for information)**
  5. Appointments: University Professors Selection Committee (for information)**

  1. Date of the Next Meeting – April 27, 2022 at 3:10 to 5:10 p.m. 
  2. Other Business 


  1. Quarterly List of Donations of $250,000 or more to the University of Toronto November 1, 2021 – January 31, 2022 (for information)+


  1. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the University of Toronto Emerging and Pandemic Infections Centre (EPIC) Facility – Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding (for recommendation)+
  2. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for Harbord Residence, A New Graduate Residence on Harbord Street  – Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding (for recommendation)+
  3. Capital Project: Report of the Project Planning Committee for the Galbraith Structural Testing Facility   – Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding (for approval)*

*     Documentation attached
**    Documentation for consent item included. This item will be given individual consideration
by the Board only if a member so requests. Members with questions or who would like a consent
item to be discussed by the Board are asked to notify the Secretary, Ms. Tracey Gameiro, at least
24 hours before the meeting, by telephone (416-978-8425) or by email (
***    Documentation forthcoming 
+     Confidential documentation for members only