“Teaching Staff” means employees of the University who hold the academic rank of Professor; Associate Professor; Assistant Professor; Professor, Teaching Stream; Associate Professor, Teaching Stream; Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream; Lecturer and Senior Lecturer; Tutor and Senior Tutor; Assistant Professor (Conditional); Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream (Conditional); Sessional Lecturer I, Sessional Lecturer II, Sessional Lecturer III, Athletics Instructor and Senior Athletics Instructor but does not include any part-time lecturer who is registered as a student. For this purpose, “Lecturer” also includes Associates in the Faculty of Dentistry.
Faculty of Arts and Science
Ania Harlick
I am an Associate Professor, Teaching Stream in the Department of Physics. I joined University of Toronto in September of 2021. With primary responsibilities related to teaching, most of my research and service is focused on student experience. The character of my teaching assignments is versatile, allowing me to interact with undergraduate and graduate students from various faculties and research programs at all stages of their journey through university, granting an exposure to their perspectives and concerns. I hope to use my expertise to contribute to work on academic policy and programs, which affect all aspects of academia.
Grace Barakat
As the first in my family to attend university, my journey was filled with personal struggles, and I understand the challenges students face. My research centers on higher education with a focus on academic equity and student learning. As a sessional lecturer, I witness firsthand the obstacles students and faculty face in an evolving academic environment. I will work to protect academic freedom, advocate for long-term investment in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, and fight to strengthen and preserve DEI initiatives. With your support, I will ensure UofT remains a place where we all feel seen, supported, and empowered.
Hang-Sun Kim
I am an Associate Professor, Teaching Stream in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, a committed educator, and a member of the Provost’s Leadership Academy. My service roles include German Language Program Coordinator (2015-21), Associate Chair, Undergraduate (2021-present), and Co-Lead of the interdepartmental Global Languages Initiative (2022-present). In these positions I have fostered the success of undergraduate and graduate students, promoted innovative collaborations between departments, and led curricular reviews and renewals. I believe that our University’s strength lies in the diversity of its academic disciplines, and I want to help them thrive individually and in collaboration with one another.
Nazanin Khazra
Since joining the Economics Department in 2020, I have designed innovative, interdisciplinary courses (ECO225, ECO2425) that combine economics research with AI, for which I received the A&S Early Career Teaching Award. I am committed to promoting DEI, volunteering with the Canadian Women Economists Committee to collect data and address equity issues. With a diverse background and experience collaborating with teams across academia and industry, I bring valuable insight to governance. I am excited to support the university’s mission by shaping policies that drive innovation, academic excellence, and sustainable growth, which are crucial priorities in today’s rapidly evolving world of AI.
Odilia Yim
I aim to contribute to UofT’s governance with integrity and dedication, prioritizing community building and equitable access for our community. My expertise in intergroup relations and work in government equip me with a deep understanding of the challenges we face and my approach to good governance is guided by transparency and ethical decision-making. I am committed to accountable practices and inclusive policies in planning and assessment. I would be proud to represent the diversity of UofT and I hope to increase the Academic Board's capacity to effectively serve and address the needs of our global community.
Paul Downes
I am running for a third term on Academic Board. I am a faculty member with over twenty years of experience teaching, researching and taking on administrative roles in the department of English (UTSG). As a member of the executive committee of the Faculty Association between 2012 and 2016, I helped to negotiate aspects of academic policy and faculty compensation with the university administration. I am deeply invested in protecting the University’s core mission as a public university: the delivery of an outstanding student experience and the maintenance of high academic standards at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Rosa Saverino
Rosa Saverino holds a Ph.D. in French Literature and serves as a Sessional Lecturer in the Department of French at the University of Toronto’s St. George campus. In this role, she has taught a diverse range of undergraduate courses in French language and literature. Additionally, she coordinates undergraduate language courses delivered by U of T graduate students and faculty members. Since 2019, she has been a member of the Academic Board and has concurrently served on the Committee on Academic Policy and Programs.