Nicholas Rule
Professor Nick Rule is the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs.
After earning a BA at Dartmouth College and MS and PhD at Tufts University, Professor Rule joined U of T in 2010 as a Canada Research Chair. Since then, across more than 130 highly cited peer-reviewed articles and papers, his work has shaped the field of social perception, cognition, and behaviour, earning almost $4M in research funding and supporting the professional development of more than 250 undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral research trainees.
His research continues to earn recognition on the world stage with awards from the International Social Cognition Network, the International Academy for Intercultural Research, the Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology, and elsewhere. It also makes a difference in our local communities. For example, Professor Rule has drawn on his research on racial bias to provide expert testimony in cases of police violence against unarmed black men in Toronto.
His focus on equity animates his University service, including his role on U of T’s Committee for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Research Innovation and as founder of a mentorship program for first-generation scholars in psychology. This program learns from his own experience as a first-generation university student and extends his longstanding commitment to meet students where they are.
Since April 2022, he has served as Provostial Advisor and Chair of the University’s Resilience Project Team, which continues to support our safe return to campus and to apply lessons learned during the pandemic emergency. His leadership in long-term planning builds on his strong record as an academic administrator, including as both Chair and Associate Chair, Undergraduate in the Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts & Science (A&S).
In A&S, Professor Rule has supported student-centered change on the Committee for International Experience, the Working Group on Undergraduate Experience, and the Mental Health Advisory Committee, among others. He practiced the same dedication to student success as the Dean’s designate for Academic Integrity and as Interim Vice-Dean, Undergraduate through an especially challenging period at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.