Candice Jay
Ms Candice Jay is a graduate of the University of Toronto Mississauga with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Culture & Information Technology (CCIT) and Professional Writing and Communication (PWC). She is a Partner & Wealth Advisor at CC&L Private Capital Ltd. Ms Jay has extensive volunteer experience at the University including currently serving as the Chair of the College of Electors (and in this capacity chaired the recent Chancellor Search Committee). She is the President-Elect of the UTAA and will begin her Presidency in 2025. Her volunteer experience more broadly includes serving as a Board Member for the UHN Foundation – UHN Impact Collective, the UHN Foundation Estate Giving Committee and previously serving on the Toronto Chinese Business Association. She actively volunteers on a number of investment committees in non-profit organizations. In addition to her understanding of the alumni community, Ms Jay will bring a tri-campus perspective to the Search Committee.