Retirement of Rafael Eskenazi, Director, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Office

To:          Staff in the Office of the Governing Council
                Simcoe Hall Staff
                Professional Managerial and Confidential Staff

From:      Sheree Drummond, Secretary of the Governing Council

Date:       May 29, 2024

Re:           Retirement of Rafael Eskenazi, Director, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Office

After seventeen years at the helm of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Office (FIPPO), Rafael Eskenazi will be retiring on June 30, 2024. 

Rafael joined the University in June 2006 on a secondment from the Ministry of Government Services as the inaugural Director of the FIPPO and took on the role in a continuing capacity in 2008. Under his leadership, the FIPPO developed and implemented processes and systems designed to enable the University to respond effectively to request for access to records submitted under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). As Director, Rafael and his team have been a reliable and trusted source of advice and guidance for University staff and faculty and to the public on privacy protection, information security and access to information. He developed training for Freedom of Information Liaisons (FOILs) in the divisions, as well as foundational privacy guidelines. He has worked closely and collaboratively across the University, including with the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Internal Audit and the University Archivist, to meet the needs of the evolving information and security landscape. In addition to his many valuable contributions at the University, Rafael has also played an important role in the university sector, sharing best practices with sister institutions and sharing his knowledge as a regular speaker at conferences and other industry events.

Throughout his career at the University of Toronto, Rafael has demonstrated a deep commitment to, and passion for the University’s mission and values. Rafael leaves the role having made an indelible mark on the institution. There will be an opportunity to recognize and celebrate his contributions at an event in June. More details to come.

Please join me in wishing Rafael the very best as he embarks on this new chapter.