To listen to the live webcast of the meeting, go to:
- Chair’s Remarks
- Report of the Vice-President & Principal* (for information)
- Budget Report 2023-2024 and Long-Range Budget Guidelines 2023-24 to 2027-28* (for information) (Presentation)
- Operating Plans and Fees: UTM Student Affairs and Services for 2023-24*
- Advice from the Quality Service to Students Committee (QSS)* (for information)
Operating Plans and Fees* (for recommendation) (Presentation)
Be it Resolved,
THAT subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee,
THAT the 2023-24 operating plans and budgets for the UTM Health & Counselling Centre; the UTM Department of Recreation, Athletics & Wellness; and the UTM Student Services under the Student Services Fee, recommended by the Dean of Student Affairs, Mark Overton, and described in the attached proposals, be approved; and
THAT the sessional Health Services Fee for a UTM-registered or UTM-affiliated full-time student be increased from $60.15 per session ($12.03 for a part-time student) to $62.16 ($12.43 for a part-time student) or 3.3% (resulting from a permanent increase of 3.2% and a temporary increase of 0.1%), and
THAT the sessional Recreation & Athletics Fee for a UTM-registered or UTM-affiliated full-time student be increased from $205.88 per session ($41.18 for a part-time student) to $211.68 ($42.34 for a part-time student) or 2.8% (permanent increase), and
THAT the sessional Student Services Fee for a UTM-registered or UTM-affiliated full-time student be increased from $214.67 per session ($42.93 for a part-time student) to $245.96 ($49.19 for a part-time) student or 14.6% (resulting from a permanent increase of 3.2% and a temporary increase of 11.4%).
- Compulsory Non-Academic Incidental Fees: UTM Student Societies - Proposals for Fee Increases for 2023-24* (for recommendation)
Be it Resolved,
THAT subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee,
THAT, subject to confirmation of approval of the following fee change proposals by the University of Toronto Mississauga Association of Graduate Students (UTMAGS) Executive Committee, beginning in the Fall 2023 session, the UTMAGS fee be increased as follows: (a) an increase of up to $14.72 per Fall and Winter sessions (full-time and part-time) in the Mississauga Transit U-Pass portion of the fee, and (b) an increase of up to $8.97 per session (full-time and part-time) in the Mississauga Transit Summer U-Pass portion of the fee.[1]
If approved, the total Fall/Winter UTMAGS fee will be up to $260.58 per session, charged to all UTM-affiliated graduate students.
Be it also Resolved,
THAT subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee,
THAT, beginning in the Fall 2023 session, the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU; legally, Erindale College Students’ Union) fee be modified as follows: (a) an increase of $2.25 per session ($0.07 part-time) in the society portion of the fee, (b) an increase of up to $10.21 per Fall and Winter sessions (full-time only) in the Health Plan portion of the fee, (c) an increase of up to $8.53 per Fall and Winter sessions (full-time only) in the Dental Plan portion of the fee, (d) an increase of $13.03 per Fall and Winter sessions (full-time and part-time) in the Mississauga Transit U-Pass portion of the fee, (e) an increase of $0.07 per session (full-time and part-time) in the Academic Societies portion of the fee, (f) an increase of $0.56 per session (full-time only) in the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) portion of the fee, (g) an increase of $0.07 per session (full-time only) in the Downtown Legal Services portion of the fee, (h) an increase of $0.04 per session (full-time and part-time) in the Food Bank portion of the fee, (i) an increase of $0.04 per session (full-time and part-time) in the On-Campus First Aid Emergency Response portion of the fee, and (j) an increase of $0.12 per Fall and Winter sessions ($0.08 part-time) and $0.05 per Summer session (full-time only) in the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Levy portion of the fee.
If approved, the total Fall/Winter UTMSU fee will be up to $441.76 per session (up to $171.27 part-time), charged to all UTM undergraduate students. The total Fall/Winter UTMSU fee for Mississauga Academy of Medicine (MAM) students will be up to $520.65 per fall session and up to $520.64 per winter session.
- Report on Capital Projects – as at January 31, 2023**
- Reports for Information
Report of the Previous Meeting: Report 57 – January 24, 2023**
- Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
- Date of Next Meeting – Monday, April 24, 2023 at 4:10 p.m.
- Question Period
- Other Business
[1] Further to UTMAGS’ request, Mississauga Transit U-Pass fees will not be charged to Master of Forensic Accounting (MFAcc) and Master of Management and Professional Accounting (MMPA) students.
*Documentation is attached.
**Documentation for consent item included. This item will be given individual consideration by the Campus Council only if a member so requests. Members with questions or who would like the consent item to be discussed by the Campus Council are invited to notify the Secretary, Cindy Ferencz Hammond, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting by telephone at (905) 301-5412 or by email at
***Documentation is to follow
+Confidential documentation is attached for members only.