Smoke-Free Policy [effective January 1, 2019]

University of Toronto Governing Council

Smoke-Free Policy

January 1, 2019

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing
Council Room 106, Simcoe Hall 27 King’s College Circle University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1

Phone: (416) 978-6576
Fax: (416) 978-8182

University of Toronto Smoke-Free Policy

The University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and visitors. This Policy is part of that commitment.

  1. General prohibition against smoking: Smoking is not permitted on any University of Toronto property, except pursuant to this Policy.
  2. Application: This Policy applies to all who are present on University of Toronto property at any time and for any purposes, including but not limited to employees, students, contractors, volunteers, and visitors.
  3. Smoking definition: For purposes of this Policy, the word “smoking” includes the following: smoking or holding lighted tobacco or cannabis, and use of an electronic cigarette or other vaping device.
  4. Enforcement: Enforcement will depend on the individual’s relationship with the University, the nature of the infraction, and the place in which it occurred.
  5. Sale of products: Smoking products will not be sold on premises owned or occupied by the University of Toronto.
  6. Indigenous ceremonial activities: Where smoking is a feature of Indigenous ceremonial activities the Policy will accommodate such uses in accordance with applicable law. Divisions of the University should consult with their department head, Property Manager and the appropriate Indigenous Offices to determine whether the activity will be appropriate.
  7. Accommodation: This Policy is subject to the duty to accommodate persons with disabilities in accordance with the Human Rights Code of Ontario.
  8. Signage: Signs will be posted at University buildings, and other appropriate locations, in compliance with provincial law, municipal bylaws, and this Policy.
  9. Education: The University will provide education to inform members of its community about the serious health effects, both direct and indirect, of smoking.
  10. Cessation support: The University will assist students and employees with information about cessation support programs. Employees may contact human resources for details, and students may contact the applicable student health centre.
  11. Transitional arrangements: Each of the three University campuses may implement transitional arrangements pursuant to the attached “Guideline for Transition to Smoke Free”. Such transitional arrangements will be subject to annual review, and will have specified end dates, which may be extended during annual review.

Approved by the Governing Council on December 13, 2018.

Appendix “A” Applicable legislation and bylaws

The following are links to provincial and municipal* legal requirements relating to smoking. Legal requirements will prevail in the event of conflict with the Policy. Legislation, regulation, and the Municipal Code may be amended from time to time.

Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017

Ontario Regulation 268/18

Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 709

*Note that there is no smoking bylaw in the City of Mississauga that impacts University property.

Guideline for Transition to Smoke Free

The purpose of the Smoke-Free Policy is to provide a safe and healthy environment for the University’s faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and visitors. There may in some circumstances be other issues involving safety and health that need to be balanced against the measure of providing a smoke-free environment. Recognizing the differences between the University’s three main campuses including their geographic location and situation in relation to public non- University space, each campus has authority to develop designated smoking areas during a transition period. The purposes of the designated smoking areas will be to provide an opportunity for University property users to adjust to the general prohibition against smoking and/or for the University to identify and address campus-specific impacts on health and safety of the general prohibition against smoking.

Transitional arrangements will be in accordance with the following:

  • Designated smoking areas will be outdoors, and not within 15 metres of University buildings.
  • Designated smoking areas will comply with applicable provincial and municipal requirements.

For clarity the Guideline for Transition to Smoke Free applies to all University Property, including non-campus property owned and operated by the University. The division with jurisdiction over such property has authority to develop designated smoking areas as described in the Guideline.